Blue Beauty Snake Species Profile & Care Guide

A subspecies of the beauty rat snake, the blue beauty snake is often referred to as the Vietnam Blue Beauty.

They frequently receive accolades from collectors for their stunning dark blue, steel blue, and sky blue coloring.

A blue beauty snake should be available from a pet store or reptile dealer, despite the fact that you won’t find them natively anywhere besides eastern Asia.

If properly cared for, they make excellent pets for novice snake keepers due to their relatively lengthy lives.

Overview of Blue Beauty Snake

Common nameBlue Beauty, Cave Racer, Vietnam Blue Beauty, Beauty Rat Snake
Scientific nameOrthriophis taeniura callicyanous
natural settingEast and Southeast Asian jungles. Semi-arboreal.
Adult size6 – 7 feet
Average lifespan15 – 25 years
Dieta ground rodent, such as a mouse or rat
HousingVivarium (48” x 36”)


Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia are the original home countries of the blue beauty snake (Orthriophis taeniura callicyanous). They may be easily located in a variety of environments, including dense jungles and agricultural areas.

Since it is a quick climber and a semi-arboreal snake, any snake collector should make sure the top of their vivarium is kept covered.

The number of blue beauty snakes is currently unknown, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN still lists the species as Vulnerable in spite of this.

Manifestation and conduct

Blue Beauty Snake

Thanks to its unusual colour, a blue beauty is rather simple to identify.

They come in shades of dark blue, metallic blue, or even sky blue. Some can also take pride in a striking band running the length of the spinal column. From the midsection of the body to the tail, this band runs.

The head of the blue beauty is long. Along the eyes are horizontal lines that are either dark or black. The blue beauty is prized by professional collectors due to these characteristics.

The blue beauty rat snake is nocturnal and diurnal, in contrast to other snakes. They are therefore active both during the day and at night, as implied.

Size and Duration

The blue beauty needs a sizable vivarium because it often grows between 6 and 7 feet tall. According to some records, the blue beauty can reach lengths of up to 8 or 9 feet.

The blue beauty is a long-living snake, thus owners can anticipate them to live for 25 to 30 years.


The temperament of the blue beauty differs from snake to snake.

Although some blue beauty snakes might be aggressive, the majority are usually calm. But keep in mind that even a calm snake can turn hostile very fast. Avoid catching the blue beauty off guard or making it feel threatened.

A blue beauty will shake its tail as a warning if it senses danger or is cornered. The blue beauty may bite, which is usually very painful even though it doesn’t have venom.

The Blue Beauty Snake’s residence

Blue Beauty Snake

The blue beauty prefers warm, humid vivariums because it is a native of the jungles of East and Southeast Asia.

A wooden vivarium is required for the blue beauty. Because of its superior insulation qualities, wood makes it simpler to regulate the habitat’s Heat Index and Humidity.

While you can keep your blue beauty in a glass vivarium, it will be challenging to keep the temperature steady.

Additionally, the container requires superior air ventilation. The vivarium should have an opening for air to enter and exit.

Embedded Size

A blue beauty snake’s enclosure needs to be at least 48″ long and 36″ high. This kind of snake can grow to be rather enormous, thus it requires a lot of space, hence the necessity for such a vast size.


Like the majority of reptiles, the blue beauty loves warm climates. Install a basking light at one end of the vivarium to aid the animals in controlling their body temperature.

Put multiple heat pads underneath the light, and use a hide to heat the enclosure’s other side. Only the side of the enclosure where the basking light will be installed should have heat pads.

Never stop using the heating pads.

A high-quality dome with heat-resistant ceramic casing should contain the basking light. Make sure the light is simple to turn on and off. Over 12 hours per day shouldn’t be spent using the basking light.

Temperature And Humidity

The blue beauty enjoys a steady temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit that is warm and comfortable. It should be between 85 and 88°F on the vivarium’s warm, basking side. 75 to 80°F should be the temperature on the chilly side.

The cooler side of your enclosure can get down to about 72°F at night.

Choose a ceramic night bulb to maintain the enclosure’s temperature at night.

Even though the ceramic bulb won’t provide any light, it will keep the temperature at 80 degrees.

Make sure the night bulb is connected to a reliable thermostat and is shielded by a bulb protector. Together, the thermostat and night light will maintain an indoor temperature of 80 degrees.

Keep the humidity between 70% and 80%. Depending on your preference, you can utilize a hand mister or an automatic one.

The Basis And Decoration

A somewhat dry substrate, such as beech wood chips, is preferred by the blue beauty. You’ll discover that Cleaning it is not too difficult, and the blue beauty will appreciate the dampness that the beech wood chips preserve.

The blue beauty likes to climb on things since it is semi-arboreal. Create climbing surfaces out of wood to decorate the vivarium. For a natural habitat, include additional ornaments like fake plants.


Monthly vivarium cleaning is required for the blue beauty’s pet owners. Usually, once a month is plenty.

Be cautious to sterilize the enclosure after cleaning it and replace the bedding. To thoroughly clean the enclosure, you can use vinegar and water or a cleaning solution safe for reptiles.

Care for Blue Beauty Snake

The blue beauty is a robust snake that requires little maintenance. You can anticipate your blue beauty to survive up to 30 years if you take good care of it.

Water And Food

If you have a hatchling of the blue beauty, you should only feed it once each week. Feed the hatchling a pinky mouse that has been defrosted.

You should progressively increase the size of your snake’s meal as it gets older and develops larger.

A blue beauty adult only consumes food every two weeks. If you don’t follow this, they could gain weight quickly.

A water bowl must be included in your vivarium. It should be possible for the snake to enter the water bowl.

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To keep your blue beauty under control, you should handle it frequently. The blue beauty is a lively, inquisitive snake that likes to try new things. Regular interaction will keep it content and sociable.

Wrap the tail of your blue beauty around your wrist or arm to allow it to anchor itself. They can remain calm and certain with the aid of this anchor.

Keep a strong but careful grip on your blue beauty when handling it. When you take it out of or put it back in its cage, this hold will also be helpful.

Typical Health Problems

Your blue beauty may suffer from a number of common diseases, such as:

  • Abscesses. Abscesses are lumps under the snake’s skin brought on by bacteria. You must take your snake to a veterinarian for treatment of an abscess. They will drain the abscess and perhaps suggest taking antibiotics.
  • blister illness. Your snake develops fluid-filled blisters on its underside as a result of the soiled surroundings. It can be fatal if there are too many blisters. It’s essential to speak with a veterinarian on how to handle the blisters. You must confine your snake and treat the afflicted areas with antibiotic ointment.
  • parasites living inside. Food-borne parasites might make your snake feel ill, impair its appetite, or cause it to regurgitate food. A veterinarian for reptiles could advise worm medicine or a prescription drug to treat parasites.
  • respiratory conditions. Your snake may have a respiratory infection if you hear it wheezing or otherwise producing noises while breathing. Usually, this is brought on by an unsuitable confinement setting.
  • IBD, or inclusion body disease. Blue beauty snakes are susceptible to IBD, a virus that can cause very significant illness. Isolate your snake right away and call a reptile veterinarian if you see regurgitation or neurological symptoms like head shaking, asymmetrical pupil dilation, or stargazing.


Blue Beauty Snake breeding
Blue Beauty Snake breeding

A male and female blue beauty can coexist in the same vivarium with an eager pet owner. They might begin reproducing if they receive no encouragement. The health of the vivarium conditions will be your main worry.

A nesting box should be available to a blue beauty female in gestation. Make sure the female can turn around in the nesting box. To maintain a moist, humid environment within the nesting box, add some moss.

You should incubate the eggs at 84 degrees once the female has laid them. After 60 days, the eggs should start to hatch. The remaining eggs will start to hatch as soon as the initial hatchlings emerge from their nests.

How To Select And Purchase A Blue Beauty Snake

The blue beauty is a simple pet animal to care for. They are entertaining to handle because to their beautiful colors and curious, docile temperament.

Make sure you pick a reliable breeder when you purchase a blue beauty snake. The typical price of a blue beauty is between $450 and $500. They could be more expensive depending on the pet store or importer.

Watch out for the following while purchasing a blue beauty:

  • Its eyes ought to be perfectly clear.
  • No discharge should be coming from the mouth or nose.
  • Its body need to be big and rounded.
  • The snake needs to be awake and engaged.

You can be more confident that you are purchasing a healthy blue beauty if your snake demonstrates all of the warning indications listed above.

Visit our list of 20 amiable pet snakes for a list of other snakes suitable for beginners.

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