Leachie Gecko: A Complete Leachianus Gecko Care Guide

The Leachianus Gecko is the biggest known living gecko with a length ranging between 8 and 17 inches long (depending on the species).

They are native animals that is native to New Caledonia, a group of islands located in the South Pacific.

As their name implies they’re only found in New Caledonia (an island known for its beauty and diversity) and are arboreal. This means that they prefer to dwell in trees.

Leachie Geckos are a favorite among reptile owners because of their distinctive voices and unique coloration.

Since they are night-time creatures They will be up all night, and will make noises, growl, and make a yip. A Leachie’s long legs and an elongated body appear in earthy hues, making it simple to blend in with vegetation and trees.

The wild Leachie Geckos reside in the trees in hollows that are very hot temperatures, therefore they require a similar replica of this habitat to inhabit.

A spry but tough pet that can live around 20 years of age, pets should be well-groomed and properly taken care of. Read on to learn how to take care of them.

What is a Leachie Gecko?

They are a result of New Caledonia, an island in New Caledonia in the South Pacific Ocean.

Leachie Geckos often referred to by the name of New Caledonian Giant Gecko is a huge arboreal gecko which is part of the islands group in the northeast of Australia that have two subspecies distinct:

  • Rhacodactylus leachianus Henkeli (found in the Grande Terre island) Grande Terre)
  • Rhacodactylus leachianus Leachianus (found at Pine Island)

Based on the region in New Caledonia they are native to, they can be found in many colors and patterns. These include: greens, blacks and browns and grays.

The has two major elements to what makes Leachie Geckos distinct than other types of geckos:

  1. Their dimensions is huge – they are popular as the biggest gecko that exists in the world.
  2. The vocal cords owners have shared their stories about how they love to bark or yip at late at night.

Apart from their size and their unique vocalization, Leachie Geckos are distinctive because they can shed and grow their tails. They can remove their tails when they sense that they are being threatened. Don’t worry about it, however! Tails will grow back.

They are not social Geckos are not social They tend to stay in a cave and sleep throughout the day, and need lots of positive experiences with handling. Due to this, they’re not the most suitable reptile to get a pet for the first time or for children.

The Leachianus’ habitat Geckos should include lots of places to hide as well as mimicking the hollows of trees in which they rest in. Also, they must keep warmer temperatures, which range between 70 and 80. This gives your lizard access numerous hiding spots in a humid environment.

Lizard Quick Facts
Common NamesNew Caledonian Giant Gecko, Leachianus Gecko
Scientific NameRhacodactylus Leachianus
Adult Size8-17 inches 200-320 grams
Lifespan15 to 20 years
DietMice, roaches, crickets and even fruit
Tank SizeAt least 18x18x24 inches , and 30 gallons of water with lots of hiding spots and climbing spaces
Humidity and TemperatureA temperature range of 73-80degF is recommended and humidity maintained between 60 and 85%
Popular AlternativesCrested Gecko, Gargoyle Gecko, Mossy Prehensile-Tailed Gecko and Rough-Snouted Giant Gecko

Leachie Gecko Care Guide

Leachianus Geckos are reptiles that live in the forest, originated from the forests in New Caledonia.

They often visit the tops of trees at times of the day, while they sleep and lay in the nooks and crevices of the canopy trees.

It is said that the temperature of New Caledonia is warm and should be kept between the temperatures between 73 and 80 degrees Celsius. There should be plenty of places to hide during the daylight hours.

Leachianus Gecko’s Tank and Enclosure

Habitats which are opaque or ABS plastic can help the gecko feel more secure. The size of your tank will depend on the stage of life of your pet:

  • The hatchlings in their initial few months should be placed in a tank of 5-10 gallons
  • Juveniles can be housed in tanks ranging from 10 to 20 gallons
  • At 12 months old (adults) They should be able to live in the 30 gallon tank

Geckos of all ages can be afraid of enclosures that are too big. Larger, smaller terrariums make them feel more secure. New Caledonian giant Geckos feel at ease in upright enclosures for screens or terrariums featuring foam backgrounds and doors that open in the front.

While they are able to hide in the wilderness, Leachie Geckos do best with lots of hiding spots and climbing places.

Cork bark Paper towel rolls, cork bark, big branches, small boxes bamboo, PVC pipe and strong plants will assist them to climb or hide them.


Leachie Geckos are nocturnal , and are not active during daylight hours. However they will be able to access UVB light.

Canopies with a compact top and T5 are great for terrariums as they ensure that the lighting effect isn’t diminished. Additional lighting isn’t required However, the lights shouldn’t be switched on at late at night, so as not disturb their rhythms of circadian.

Leachianus Gecko Heating and Temperature

Based on the timing of the day, tank temperature must never drop below or over the range 65-85; best the high 70s in daylight, and low 70s in the evening.

If heaters are required for this Red bulbs with low watts (or for an in-place heater) are the best choice. Heating pads that are placed on the sides of the tank can also be used.

The humidity of a Gecko’s home should be maintained between 60% to 75 percent. However, because the species is susceptible to bacterial infections It is advised to reduce the humidity by less than 60 percent on a regular basis to avoid build-up.

Another option to ensure that the habitat is healthy (without allowing for build-up) is to spray mist on the enclosure’s walls but do not mist any vegetation.


A wide range of substrates could be used organic coconut fiber, soil, high-quality mulch and peat-based potting soil or paper towels . All work.

The ideal substrates replicate a natural environment without retaining excessive moisture. The substrate should be replaced regularly enough to ensure it is not able to start growing any pathogenic microorganisms.

The hatchlings should be using towels made of paper so that it’s easy to wash them several times per week.

Tank Tips
Tank TypeScreen, glass or plastic
LightingUVB illumination during the daylight (optional)
The Best SubstrateCoconut fiber, rich soil, paper towels or mulch

Feeding Leachie Geckos

Leachianus Geckos are omnivorous, and live at the beaches of New Caledonia eating crickets, tiny mammals, roaches or fruit, lizards, and a variety of nectars.

They can eat around 4 times per week and aren’t very food-conscious. However, they require an adequate diet because of their eating habits that they have observed when they are in nature.

It is essential that Leachie Geckos receive both their fruit as well as proteins from feeds that are live.

Four times a week, they allows their food to get ripe for a period of time prior to taking it in and they are more likely to eat food that’s had a brief time before eating it.

It is possible to eat it on the floor. However, since they prefer to eat their food the table, placing an elevated food item on the ground in the enclosed space is a great idea.

A lot of owners opt for a balanced diet that is made with human-grade food items (intended to feed the Crested Gecko), as part of the food they provide their lizard.

Leachie Geckos could consume 2 pounds of Crested Gecko food each moment they get fed (which is 3 to 4 times per week). Live prey and fruits like roaches, crickets or mice ought to be fed alongside eating the Crested Gecko diet.

Live feeds should be fed at least 1-2 times each week. The feed should be sprinkled by calcium as well as vitamin D3 supplements:

  • Little ones can begin eating small crickets laced with vitamin D3 and calcium as well as food replacement. It is recommended to feed them four times per week.
  • Adults might be more likely to consume mice than insects , and require feeding 2 or 3 times per week.

The fruit must be given three times per week and allowed to rest for a brief duration if eaten right away. The food should be taken out each week when it has not been fully consumed.

Chlorine-free drinking water should be available every day in a bowl that can withstand tipping. The majority of Leachie Geckos will have no issue drinking from bowls, but some require spraying water at least once per day.

Diet Summary
VegetablesZero percent of the diet
Insects20% of your diet. 2 . 2 crickets and roaches, 1-2 times per week
FruitsThe majority of your diet. Bananas, mangosand pears and grapes, or peaches, 3 times a week of berries
Supplements Are RequiredBaby mouse, 1-2 times per week. Vitamin D3 and calcium. Vitamin D3

How to Keep Them Healthy

Leachie Geckos may be active and defensive. It is essential to manage them in the same way as hatchlings.

Leachie Gecko hatchlings should not be handled right away because they must be used to their tank.

They might be more able to handle around two months old. When they reach this age handling should be handled with care because these animals are often flighty. They might bite or jump however, they must develop tolerance to handling as they get older.

Clean hands should be handling the new Gecko for about 15 minutes at least twice a daily for two weeks. After that, it will feel more at ease in your hands and is much less likely to attack.

Wearing gloves is recommended to secure them initially as well. Handling should remain minimal initially, but could be as frequent as second night, as the tolerance increases.


The Leachianus Gecko shouldn’t suffer from sheds that have been retained, if they are kept at the right humidity levels and similar to other Geckos are famous for eating their sheds.

If the Gecko has an enclosed shed the shed can be put in a pot filled with paper towels that are damp for about half an hour.

The walls must be misted, however the remainder of the enclosure needs to be kept moist but not being too wet.

Tank Cleaning

It is recommended to mist them on a daily basis and the enclosure must be maintained regularly. Once a tank is cleared, it is recommended that the tank’s substrate needs to be cleaned and replaced along with any vegetation that might be contaminated with bacteria growing.

Tanks must be cleaned at least one a month. Food and water bowls shouldn’t be kept for more than two consecutive days with no change.

Feces must be cleaned daily. Because they are a big specie, their excrement may be slightly larger and may be odorous. In an additional defensive mechanism the animals may release liquid waste.

The typical waste should be solid, with white and brown components.

Health Signs That They AreThe symptoms of sickness
Vocals in the late nightFood insecurity for long period of time
Sleeping and hiding during the daytimeThe appearance of skin, or an infection with a bacterium
Food every few daysSkin that is sloppy

Leachie Gecko Lifespan

Healthy Leachianus Gecko can live for at least 20 years when kept in captivity.

The most frequent diseases that affect Leachie Geckos are calcium deficiency internal parasites, and eggs binding. All of these can end in death if not dealt with by a veterinarian immediately.

Leachie Gecko Behavior and Temperament

They come from an area in which it is warm all the time which is why they are not hibernating.

The Leachie Gecko is a reptile that is cautious that is a bit different from other species. However, they can be territorial towards their own species and can jump and bite.

Females are known to be aggressive toward males when they don’t like the male’s attempts to copulate. Because of their territorial nature it is possible that the Leachianus Gecko could be exhibiting aggressive behavior in the cage.

Leachie Geckos like to communicate with people around them and can hear them making broad variety of sounds including yipping, grumbling and whistling, to hissing and grumbling.

Because they are nocturnal and nocturnal, they are most interesting in the evening when they exhibit their normal behaviour when it’s dark and they’re roaming within their tank. In the daytime Leachie Gecko can be seen sleeping in hideouts or up-high at the edge of their enclosure.

Regarding handling, they’re not beginners friendly lizard and must be allowed to adjust to their enclosures over several months before handling.

They are extremely active and often jump. This is why they need to be handled with care to ensure that they don’t hurt themselves. The best method of picking the Leachie is to grab the neck’s back and hold it in place with your bottom.

The more the Leachie Gecko matures into a handler, their handling may become increasingly frequent. They tend to become more accepting of their handlers once they reach six months.

If you want to keep the two Leachie Geckos in the same tank, they should be kept together from an early age. In the absence of this, they’ll grow extremely territorial.

Appearance Of Leachie Geckos

Leachianus Geckos are characterized by their large bodies and short tails. They are capped with a head that is large.

The appearance of this lizard is intriguing because their tails are divided in two parts one thin, short section that is attached by an elongated skin fold to an extensive base. The tails of lizards have the capability to disengage and regenerate. The new tail will always look distinct from the first.

The physical differences that males have from females is discovered at a distance of 3.0″ from their heads.

Female geckos are likely to have pseudo pores or femoral ones which do not have a distinct pit in the dark that males have and are also thinner.

Their pores can appear soft or dimpled. The males have also preanal pores, as well in a post-anal hemipenile bulge.

New Caledonian Giant Gecko Size

The most notable physical feature of Leachianus Gecko is its size, hence their New Caledonian Giant Gecko name.

The size of the animals can differ depending on the stage at which they are their age, gender , and subspecies:

  • Grande Terre Geckos are one of the largest one of both. The hatchlings are about 3.5 up to four inches between head and tail. adults are between 14 and 17 inches tall and weigh between 200g and 320g.
  • Pine Island Geckos are born between 3 and 3.5 inches and, after 12 months, vary between 8-12 inches, weigh between 113g and 250g.


The hues of Leachie Geckos will differ based on the subspecies, too.

Grande Terre Leachies tend to appear less vibrant, showing its grays, browns, and black colors with matching stripes, white side-banding , blotching and black spots.

Pine Island Leachies are more colourful, with colors ranging between brown and green gray. They also come with blend colors like pink, salmon, lavender, or orange band, and white ones that have black spots.

How To Sex Leachie Hatchlings

Since Leachie Geckos can be territorial creatures (especially females) It is important that the pair become familiar with one another prior to breeding. They should be placed in separate cages that are near to one another.

Letting the male out to the enclosure of the female only be done following a guarantee it is guaranteed that she will submit to him.

If the male Leachie is keen on copulating with his female companion and is interested in copulating with his female partner, he’ll likely turn his head in a bob and make clucking sounds.

If breeding succeeds The female is expected to lay 2 eggs with soft shells each clutch. Based on the calcium levels in her reserves, she can lay as many as four clutches during the breeding season. Eggs take between 60 to 90 days for hatching. Eggs should be kept incubated between 60 and 80 days.

If the temperature is greater, the incubation period decreases as well as there’s an increased likelihood that the hatchlings will be male. In the case of lower temperatures, reverse of both of them is true.

Leachianus Gecko Hatchlings

After being incubated in a safe, temperature-appropriate enclosure, hatchlings are well-suited to an enclosure that is 5-10 gallons. Little Leachianus Geckos can be kept in a shoebox to ensure they don’t get overloaded.

Use the same feed plan, and diet type for adults (just not as the amount of food).

The hatchlings are about 3″-4″ inches long. They increase to the size of an adult within 12 months, at when they are able to move from a juvenile to an adult terrarium.

Leachie Gecko Price

On the higher end of reptiles Leachianus Geckos can be purchased for between $500 and $1000 USD. In the past they were so scarce that their prices soared up to as high as $2,000 USD. However they have improved with captive breeding. their number.

They are generally more expensive due to the fact that the hatchlings and juveniles require longer to grow to the point of breeding and also don’t produce a lot of offspring.

The reptile can only be purchased if it was bred in captivity since they’re no longer being shipped out of New Caledonia.

Care Guide Summary

Unique due to their size and their vocalization.They can be very flighty and leap if not properly raised.
Animals that are hardy and can be able to live for up to 20 years.They can become territorial (towards different geckos).
They’re fun to watch while they’re active.They’re expensive.

Leachianus Gecko is an intriguing species that is full of vibrant colors and sounds that transform any space into a paradise.

Although they’re fascinating but Leachianus Geckos aren’t suggested for beginners to keep. Previous experience similar reptiles, such as those of the Gargoyle Gecko or the Crested Gecko will help you prepare to take care of these huge reptiles.

The Crested Gecko is a resemblance species that originated in the same area however, it is more gentle and easy to take care of.

Leachie Gecko can be expensive to maintain. They are not only cost, but their needs are in a larger amount than other geckos.

With the right accommodation and the correct handling, reptiles can be great pets. They are not just beautiful to see however, they can bring joy to your home and company for the next 20 years.

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