Crested Gecko Care Sheet, Habitat, Tank Set Up and Diet

The Crested Gecko is a vibrant creature that is famous for its crests which extend from the head to the tail. They have tiny spines over their eyes that resemble eyelashes..

The species is famous for their eyes being licked and their expressive faces, and can only be seen in the island of New Caledonia.

Crested Geckos are extremely loved by beginners because of their ease of maintenance, easy diet and quick tank setup.

Are you interested in learning more about this fantastic beginner Gecko? Read on to learn more about how to take care of the animals…

What is a Crested Gecko?

Crested Geckos are reptiles that migrate at night that are found in the forests that are part of New Caledonia – a group of islands located near Australia.

These were found in the year 1866 and then believed to be extinct until return in 1994.

The Crested Gecko lives in the daytime at the foot of the earth, and at night, they hunt and hunt within the trees’ canopy.

The scientifically-based type that is part of Gecko is called the Rhacodactylus ciliatusthough it was previously known as correlophus ciliatus and you might be able to identify it as correlophus ciliatus or.

They are available in a range of patterns and colors. They are unique due to their crests, which extend from head to tail. The “eyelashes” form part of this crest , and are the only one in reptiles!

Are Crested Geckos Good For Beginners?

Yes. The exotic reptiles are renowned for their ease of maintain and have a unique appearance. They are generally healthy reptiles, and if they are properly handled are extremely welcoming.

They are able to live in small 20-gallon tanks that are full of leaves and branches.

Crested geckos consume a variety fruits at least once during the week. They also eat the occasional tiny insects.

They are also excellent reptiles for community use because they interact with other reptiles that they have been raised with.

What We Love About Crested Geckos


  • They have a unique appearance thanks to their crests as well as “eyelashes”.
  • There is no additional lighting or heating is needed to recreate their natural environment.
  • They are extremely simple to take care of for those who are just beginning. for.


  • They often hide in captivity (as they would do in the wild to be safe from predators).
  • It is extremely uncommon to see them in daylight as they are night-time creatures.


The most noticeable characteristic of Crested Geckos is their eyelashes.

A Crested Gecko’s eyelashes make them easily identifiable however they are also an integral part of their crest which runs from the eye and ends at the tail. They don’t have eyes which is why these spiny projections shield their eyes from the smudges and canopies that they hide within. They also use a lick to maintain their health.

Their eyes are sensitive and are slit-like when they have bright and dilates pupils in the evening during hunts.

The species is characterized by a huge triangular head that has two holes, and four legs that are finished with four fingers. The fingers are each equipped with specially designed toe pads, with hair-like projections ( called a seta) which lets them climb on smooth surfaces!

Also, there is a long prehensile tail which assists them in gripping objects.

Crested Gecko Size

Adults who are fully grown expand between 8 and 10 inches and weigh anywhere from 30g to 35g within the first twelve months.

Females mature sexually at 12 months while males reach fully mature after nine months.

Females and males are the same in weight, size and appearance. But males are equipped with Hemipenes which are reproductive organs that are paired which can be observed externally, by observing the bulges to the opposite side of their tail.

The hatchlings are born between 2/5 and 1” in height.


Usually, an Crested Gecko’s rear is characterized by large dark stripes that run along its laterals. They may come in a variety of shades:

  • Light tan
  • Peach
  • Reddish-brown

Three color morphs can be found: three color variations which can be identified:

  1. The bellies of tigers are patterned and dark stripes on skin with lighter shades.
  2. Patternless morphs are void of pattern and are solid in color.
  3. White-fringed morphs are yellow or white coloring on their crests

Crested Geckos can modify their colors to conceal them or communicate with other reptiles.

Crested Gecko Care Sheet

Crested Gecko Diet

A healthy diet is essential to your Gecko. It is essential to feed your pet both insects as well as fruits. This will help prevent an imbalance in nutrients and the deficiency of calcium which can result in issues such as metabolic bone disease.

This kind that is Gecko can be described as an all-omnivore that is omnivorous and eats many insects and fruits.

They will come out of their hideout every during the week for a meal.

There are several companies that offer balanced diets and feeds, however this isn’t necessary. Their diet is simple easy that it is possible to feed the well-balanced diet with out any commercial pellet.

What do Crested Geckos eat?

This reptile mainly feeds mostly on tiny insects as well as overripe fruit..

In the wild, they occasionally come out to eat and mainly consume fruits that at least a day older.

Prey insects that they prefer to eat are small crickets and roaches. Feed one insect several times a week. Sprinkle by calcium as well as vitamin D3.

Every meal, offer small pieces of banana passion fruit, peach, or the apricot. It is also possible to give them mashed fruits.

Youngsters and hatchlings need the same food, but in smaller quantities. They will not eat during the initial couple of days in their lives due to the fact that they rely on yolks stored to eat for sustenance.

Crested Geckos are not fond of fresh or ripe fruit and food that has been eaten must be removed once per week.

The ideal time to feed your pet is in the late in the evening. Don’t be surprised by the absence of eating during daylight times.

They should have access drinking water that is clean throughout the day. A shallower bowl is the best.

Crested Gecko’s Lifespan and Health

In captivity, they can live for up twenty years and sometimes even more in certain circumstances, provided they are properly cared for and are fed a balanced diet, and are provided with regular husbandry.

Similar to many other well-known reptiles This species is as healthy as their surroundings and diet

  • The overfeeding of children can lead to obesity
  • The deficiency of calcium could result in metabolic bone disease

The reptiles are equipped with endolymphatic sacs that sit on the mouths’ roofs for storing calcium.

Insufficient calcium levels or uncareful breeding could result in abnormally egg shapes ( post-ovulatory dystocia) since a substantial calcium reserve is needed to make eggs.

The feces of the animals should be of a brown color (from foods waste) and also liquid urine that has been solidified. It’s okay for fluid to be slightly swollen. However, if it’s bloody or swollen for several days, then you should consult a doctor.

If they’re hydrated and fit and hydrated, they shouldn’t have any difficulty in shedding their skin. They frequently, they are eating it.

To ensure the health of this reptile the humidity should be in the range of 60-70 percent The tank must be misted every day by spray bottles.

After the misting has finished, wait between 5 and 10 minutes before wiping the glass’s walls clean.

Health Signs

  • In the daylight hours.
  • They are known to regularly lick their eyes.
  • At night, I’m often out for dinner.

Sickness Signs

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Darker skin color than the norm.
  • Atypical or bloody Feces.

Crested Gecko Habitat

The Gecko was born in the forests that are found in New Caledonia – specifically the Isle of Pines and Grand Terre.

Two islands are located near Australia which have tropical rainforests that are tropically warm with dense vegetation.

In the evening, they sleep under low canopy of trees at least nine feet from the floor of the forest. In the day, they’re only a few feet from the ground.

Crested Geckos Tan

Glass tanks are the best choice for Crested Geckos as they prefer to climb up smooth surfaces. Tanks that measure up to six feet tall and have a capacity of 20-gallons are the best:

  • Tank Type: glass tank.
  • Tank Size 20-gallon.
  • Lighting: none.
  • Substrate: soil.

The hatchlings and juveniles may be kept in smaller 10-gallon tanks, however they must be transferred to larger tanks before they reach one year old year old.

Since Crested Geckos are night-time creatures, they are naturally secluded in the daytime. They’ll have plenty of places and things to hide, like vegetation, plants branches, logs, egg cartons, and leaves.

So long that your Gecko feels secure within their home, they’ll be content.

Tank Setup

Since they’re nocturnal, the cage or lighting hoods are required.

It is important to not interfere with your pet’s cycle of circadian activity. The lights near the tank of your gecko must be turned off when the sun isn’t up. Try to replicate the natural patterns that the sun makes.

It is possible to make use of a UV light in the daytime if your tank is not near natural light sources, however, it’s not required.

Contrary to other geckos, their tank doesn’t need to be at or above the temperature of the room and is recommended to keep it at a temperature of 75°F..

The humidity must be maintained between 60 and 70% and is maintained by daily misting using spray bottles. After misting, you should wait up to five minutes before wiping the glass’s walls clean.

The humidity indicator can assist you to ensure that your environment is in good order.


The species is not well-known for its sensitivity to its substrate. It can be used with dirt or even paper towels.

Soil is the most natural way to replicate their surroundings and also supports living plants in the tank. Coconut fibers and cypress mulch are fantastic alternative to the soil.

Paper towels are disposable and wash much faster when spot cleaning.

Check that the substrate doesn’t increase the humidity and can be cleaned easily.

Tank Cleaning

The excess food items is best removed once a week. The remaining tank should be cleaned when needed.

Ideally your aquarium should be cleaned at least once a month and by a complete substrate change. Regular cleaning can help ensure that your reptile is well-maintained!

If there is a growth of bacterial, take your reptile out of their tank, clean all the substrate and thoroughly clean the tank.

Common behavior

Crested Geckos can be found hiding in the lower parts of the brush during the day to stay away from sunlight and potential predators.

In the evening, they are found in the trees’ canopy climbing up and down branches searching for insects and scavenging fruit. They are arboreal reptiles.

When they hunt and are afraid, they might sit upon their hind legs, and then hiss. In the case of extreme anxiety, they could shed the tail!

They have been known to communicate with tankmates by making a loud chirping sound and also make this sound when they sense they are in the vicinity of a predator.

Crested Geckos exhibit natural behavior in captivity. This includes:

  • In the tank, secluded in the daylight hours.
  • Looking for food in the late at night.

Males can be aggressive toward each other, particularly if there are less females in the. Females exhibit indications of aggression if they are not willing to share their space with a advancing male.

Do Crested Geckos Like To Be Held?

Yes. They are a gentle species of lizard and can be handled. They aren’t very hostile towards their handlers, and aren’t often seen to bite.

When in captivity they are unable to hibernate.

They do experience some time (four months in a year) in which they don’t breed in cooler months.

See more : What human Foods May Leopard Geckos eat?

Baby Crested Geckos

The babies of Crested Geckos are completely independent from the time they hatch. Both parents are not involved in raising them. participates in the raising of young or hatchlings.

After hatching, they won’t consume food for the initial few days, as they use the stored yolks as food.

When you shed your skin, for the first time, they are able to take a healthy adult diet in smaller portions. Because they’re completely in control after birth, they are able to regulate their diet.

What is the cost of a Crested Gecko Cost?

They are a popular species and there are numerous responsible breeders. They typically cost between $50 and $150.

It’s been illegal to export an Crested Gecko to New Caledonia since their rediscovery in 1994.

If he is mating, a male will be erratic as approaching the female. If she agrees the male’s advances, he will sit on her back and take a gentle bite of her neck.

Once the process of copulation has ended, the female can produce two eggs 30 to 40 days after. Female geckos store sperm and can be fertilized once more without mating.

The eggs hatch between 60 and 70 days after the eggs are laid. It is interesting to note that the temperature of the tank can affect the sex of a hatchling. Temperatures that are warmer increase the chance that males are more likely to hatch and the reverse is the case for colder temperatures.

A higher temperature for incubation can result in more rapid egg development.

Crested Gecko Facts
Common NamesNew Caledonian Crested Gecko
Scientific NameRhacodactylus ciliatus
Adult Size8-10 inches
Lifespan15 to 20 years old
DietOverripe or ripe fruit, and crickets
Tank Size20-gallon tank
Temperature and HumidityThe temperature should be 75°F and the humidity maintained between 60 and 70 percent
Popular AlternativesLeachie Gecko, Gargoyle Gecko, Mossy Prehensile-tailed Gecko

Care Sheet Summary

There are a variety of kinds of Geckos found in New Caledonia – most of which belong to the Rhacodactylus family.

Crested Geckos are among the most loved and affectionate species of New Caledonia. They are also known as the Leachie Gecko is very similar but it is more tolerant to handling.

Crested Geckos are more social than other species of geckos, and are easy to maintain. They are ideal for the first time owner.

The colorful reptile could be an attractive feature for any home owner’s. Their distinctive appearance and expressive expressions are sure to entertain you too.

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