Tomato Frog: What To Beware of before purchasing

The tomato frog is a huge red amphibian that is found on Madagascar. Madagascar.

Madagascar’s tropical climate makes it the ideal habitat for a variety of Frogs. The island is home to species like the Golden Mantella, the Madagascan and the blue-legged mantella.

They are adored due to their bright colors, speckled appearance , and their gentle personality.

Females have bright with orange and red. Males have bright yellow-orange.

In this guide , we will detail everything you should know prior to buying this particular frog…

Tomato Frog Overview

The tomato frog first discovered in the latter part of the 1800s on the island called Madagascar.

Following their discovery, another two species were discovered in the five years between 1872 and 1877. All three species originate found in forests of Madagascar.

It is known that there are three varieties of tomato frogs:

  1. Dycophus Antongili ( Tomato Frog)
  2. Dyscophus guineti (Sambava Frog)
  3. Dyscophus insularis ( Antsouhy Frog)

The most sought-after pet species is Dycophus Antongili. The tomato species was not an beloved family Frog (17 popular pet frogs) before they became designated as endangered in the year 1990.

To preserve the species, researchers began breeding in the captive. At this point, they became popular among reptile lovers.

Many keepers are enthralled by the vibrant and bright color of this frog.

Tomato frogs can be found in warm hues of orange, red and yellow. They often have brown stripes and black speckles along their bodies.

Keepers also love their relaxed lifestyle and gentle nature.

The frog is not active often and is nocturnal. In the day, they dig underground, and at the night, they hunt.

Are Tomato Frogs Good Pets?

Tomato Frogs are great companions. They are very gentle and don’t require the space of a large enclosure. They are therefore well-suited for beginners.

The majority of the day buried in the substrate. Additionally, they have basic schedule of care and husbandry.

In the evening, your frog will be seen moving around their terrarium. employ ambush hunting techniques and even vocalize.


  • Bright shades of red orange, yellow and red.
  • Can keep multiple individuals in a single tank.
  • The calm and gentle nature.


  • Not to be handled.
  • Mucus secretion is toxic when you are stressed or in danger.
  • It is not a suitable pet to keep in a household with other species of frogs..

Species Appearance

There are three kinds of tomato frogs, all members of the Dyscophinae family:

  1. Dycophus antiongili ( Tomato Frog)
  2. Dyscophus guineti (Sambava Frog)
  3. Dyscophus insularis ( Antsouhy Frog)

Each species comes taken from Madagascar however each has a unique appearance.

It is the Dycophus antongilii subspecies is popularly referred to as the Tomato Frog. This is considered to be the most loved breed of pet and is vibrant red. They can be located in the northeast region in Madagascar which can reach 4 inches in height.

Females can be easily recognized by their vibrant red and orange shades. Males sport a yellow-orange hue.

Both genders have a dark brown stripe that runs from the eye area up to the back leg of each.

Sometimes, they’ll be spotted with black spots on their backs. Even though their backs are vibrantly colored, their bottoms are an off-white muted color.

The subspecies Dyscophus guineti is often referred to for its Sambava False Tomato Frog.

Sambava frogs have a dark orange hue. They aren’t as vividly colored and are more of a soft appearance. They are typically found in tropical lowland forests with moist conditions or in marshes on the eastern part of Madagascar.

The last species is Dyscophus insularis. They are often referred to in the Antsouhy species. They share similar characteristics similar to Sambava’s species.

This species is located in tropical dry forests as well as savannas along the west side of Madagascar.

Common NameAppearanceSizeLocation
Tomato FrogBright orange and red colors4 inchesThe Northeast region of Madagascar
Sambava FalseA burnt orange color.3.5 inchesThe East Side of Madagascar
AntsouhyBurnt orange3.5 inchesThe West Side of Madagascar

See more: 300+ Frog Names: Pet Frogs For You

Tomato Frog Size

Males have a height of 2.5 up to 3.5 inches when fully mature. Females are larger in terms of size and weigh four inches.

Females are also heavier , and can weigh as much as half one pound.

Tomato frogs emerge from eggs and become Tadpoles. After 2 months, the tadpoles undergo metamorphosis into adults:

  • Tadpole (0-2 months): 1/4 inch.
  • Judicial (2-24 month): 1 to 1.5 inches.
  • Adult (24 monthsor more): 2.5 to 4 inches.

Tomato Frog Care Sheet

Tomato Frog Diet

In the wild , tomato Frogs are carnivores.

It is typical that they hunt for a assortment of insects like snails, worms or burrowing insect.

They are night-time ambush hunters So they tend to do most of their eating during the night. They wait for prey to come across their hideout before attacking.

Even for the frog they are big eaters.

In captivity, they must be fed mealworms, crickets superworms, waxworms, and crickets. Adults may be fed a tiny pinkie mouse

  • Adults should eat up to 10 prey items every second day.
  • Children are required to eat up to five daily with prey items.

It is important to provide an assortment of insects, and not only one. Also, you should make sure to dust prey using the vitamin C supplement for reptiles ( once a week for adults, and three times per week for young children).

There is no way to make the Tomato Frog drinking water. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t need water.

Frogs just like amphibians in general take in water through their skin.

It is recommended to fill an shallow dish with dechlorinated, water that is at an acid pH.

How Long Do Tomato Frogs Live?

a baby Tomato Frog

Tomato frogs live at least eighteen years when in the wild.

To be able to attain eight years old , they need to be fed a healthy nutrition ( including supplements) and be able to maintain a routine and not over-exert themselves.

To maintain healthy health tomato frogs require calcium-rich supplements.

Calcium supplements ensure that your frog gets the nutrients that their diet might not provide.

Another method to ensure that your frog is healthy is to lessen the stress he experiences. This species may suffer from stress from predators when it is housed alongside other frogs. It is ideal to confine them to a single space or in a group with the same species that has similar in dimension and age.

Also, do avoid handling this frog.

Since amphibians are amphibians, they take in chemicals and other substances via their skin. When you handle your frog, you could expose them to the toxins that are found on the skin.

Here are the signs they’re healthy

  • Bright and vibrant color.
  • The mucus is not toxic.
  • Clear eyes that aren’t cloudy.

Tomato Frog Habitat

The species is usually found in the forests, swamps as well as marshes in Madagascar. They require the island’s subtropical climate and tropical ecosystem.

A tomato frog set-up is incredibly simple. This is among the reasons they’re great for beginning users.

They can be kept in a tank that holds 10 gallons, but it is best to make use of the 20-gallon long tank. It is important to ensure that there is ample horizontal space, and not vertical space.

For a species that does not swim, you could complete the tank by filling it with 3 inches of substratum.

The most suitable substrate is coconut fiber. It’s soft and can enable you to burrow with ease for your frog. Include hollow logs and branches to add some decoration.

If you’re looking to have a planted tank, it is possible to include live plants due to coconut fibre substrate. But, the burrowing habits of this frog could cause the plants to die. It is better to choose fake plants!

Set-Up Tips

  • Tank type Glass.
  • Tank Size: 20-gallon long tank.
  • Lighting Low power 2.0 ultraviolet light.
  • Substrate Three inches of coconut fiber.

They are nocturnal , and like to hide beneath leaves and mud during the day.

Due to their nighttime lifestyle, they don’t require any particular lighting.

If you want to grow plants in your tank, utilize an energy-efficient 2.0 ultraviolet bulb.

The temperature of the tank should be maintained between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

The humidity should be moderately high, and it should be maintained between 65-80 percent. This is among the main reasons to choose a substrate such as coconut fiber. It can help maintain the humidity at a high level.

Make sure to spray the enclosure with mist every day and don’t forget to utilize an thermometer.


The frog’s body will expand in size in order to scare off the predator.

Tomato frogs are gentle and peaceful personality. They also aren’t very territorial. It is possible to accommodate multiple individuals within the same tank.

They are also recognized to consume juveniles and smaller frogs.

Therefore, it is best to only accommodate people with the identical age and size.

If this frog feels threatened, they are able to react with two distinct behaviors:

  1. They may release a white toxin that resembles mucous by way of their skin.
  2. They may also expand themselves, making them appear bigger. This is common (bearded dragon beahaviors) for many animals.

Males in the wild are extremely vocal during evening. They make loud noises to draw their mates.

The frogs of the tomato that are kept as pets are mostly inactive during the daytime. It is common to see them scurrying around and taking a nap.

In captivity, it’s not unusual to watch them remain hidden for long durations of time before capturing their prey.

They are the most active during night when they hunt and sing.

Are Tomato Frogs Poisonous?

Tomato frogs produce an sticky, white, poisonous substance when threatened or stressed. It is common to see them release the toxic substance after being handled.

This characteristic is, however, not exclusive to tomato Frogs. Many amphibians in Madagascar also have the same defense system.

Owners are not to manage this frog.

Frogs that eat tomatoes are not to be handled unless essential to handle them (e.g. cleaning their enclosures or health checks).

If you must handle them, clean your hands before touching them. Repeat this after each time you’ve touched them.

If you take care of this kind of animal for too long they’ll become anxious and irritable. This is when they begin to release a white toxin on their skin.

Buying A Tomato Frog Pet

Baby Tomato Frog

It is typical for novices to buy this species following the tadpole stage.

The majority of them are purchased around two months old.

Frogs with tomatoes can be purchased for $20 to $50. Private breeders can charge up to $50.

Juveniles and adults are easily to locate. They are a popular amphibian, and are available in numerous pet shops.

If you are buying a frog, make sure that you examine his health.

It is easy to determine the healthiness of a frog from their physical appearance. Healthy tomato frogs are exceptionally bright and vivid in color, exhibit the full range of motion and have a hefty body.

When you purchase them, you’ll be required to budget for their habitat set-up. It could cost from $100-$500 for tanks decoration as well as heating lamp, substrate and diet.

The Tomato Frog Facts

Common NameTomato Frog
Scientific NameDycophus Antongilii Dyscophus guineti Dyscophus insularis
PriceFrom $20 to $50
Size2.4 or 4 inches
Lifespan6-8 years old
DietInsects (crickets, mealworms, etc)
Humidity and TemperatureDaytime temperatures: 65-85 degrees
Temperature at night 70 to 75
Humidity 70 to 70% to
Popular AlternativesWhite’s Tree Frog, Bumble Bee Frog, Burmese Chubby Frog


A tomato frog the third species of the Dyscophinae Family. They first came to be discovered during the late 19th century within the forests of Madagascar.

This species is stunning. bright red-orange with black spots on their backs.

They are calm, docile and easy to care for. The provision of a large tank that is filled with substrate is quite simple.

If you’re a new time keeperand would like to take home a vibrant Frog, then take a look.

They’re a fantastic beginner frog, particularly for people who aren’t keen on handling.

If you’ve had the pleasure of keeping this vibrant amphibian before, make sure you submit your advice in the comments section.

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