17 Popular Frog Pets for Beginners

Frogs and Toads are great pets for anyone looking for to have a more challenging pet than fish.

Pet Frogs are a fantastic opportunity to learn for new keepers. They are simple to take care of, come in bright colors and are typically less expensive than other reptiles that are used for pet.

Every frog is distinct and requires different skills in husbandry and diets.

It is crucial that novices select a suitable species! Some frogs are easy to care for than others, while others are more costly to keep.

Below is a selection of the top 17 Frogs for beginners.

Best Pet Frogs

#of Frogs. of FrogAppearanceHusbandryLifespan (years)
1African BullfrogOlive green with yellow or creamy throats.Easy20 – 30
2Burmese ChubbyBrown with cream bands that measure 2 to 3 inches in length.Easy~10
3Bumblebee DartBlack and vibrant yellow measuring 1.5 inches in length.It is difficult~10
4African DwarfFrom dark to olive green, and black spots.Easy~20
5Green Black Dart Black DartBlack and vivid green that measures 1.5 inches in length.Very difficult~10
6AmericanShort legs with dark brown skin, as well as bumpy warts.Easy15 – 20
7Bumble BeeBlack legs and body, and yellow band.Easy~10
8Gray TreeGray with a warty skin.Medium7 – 9
9American Green TreeSmall green frogs that measure from 1 to 2.5 inches.Easy2 – 6
10Oriental Fire BelliedA bright red belly with black spots on their bodies.Medium~30
11PacmanFrom lime green to orange-brown, it can reach seven inches in length.Medium10 – 12
12Amazon MilkBrown bands and spots appear on an emerald-green body.Medium5 – 10
13Red Eyed TreeLarge eyes with bright red eyes. green bodies with feet of orangeMedium4
14TomatoCherry red that is 2.5 up to four inches in length.Easy~10
15Waxy MonkeyBright green waxy color that is between 2 and 3 inches in length.Medium6 – 8
16White’s TreeBellies of white with blue-green body color.Easy12 – 16
17White LippedGreen and white with lips that measure 4.3 up to 5.5 inches wide.Very difficult10 – 15

17. White Lipped Tree Frog

The bright green frogs are named for the stripe of white that extends between their lower lips down to their hind legs.

The species is native to Australia in both New Guinea and are larger than the majority of species on this list, measuring 4.3 or 5.5 inches in length. This is the longest tree frogs on Earth.

This frog requires a tank of around 23 inches3 and a variety of things to climb!

The White Lipped Tree Frogs are appreciated by novices due to their distinctive appearance in addition to their exotic appearance. They make excellent pets but aren’t so popular as the other species because they’re not as robust as other frogs.

They can also thrive when they are under the guidance of a novice that provides regular care.

  • Price: $30
  • Size: 4.3 – 5.5 inches long
  • Lifespan between 10 and 15 years
  • The Family: Pelodryadidae

16. White’s Tree Frog

White’s Tree Frogs are smaller than their White-Lipped counterparts. The species is stunning in silver-green hue and can be found anywhere from 3-to 4.5 inches in length.

This Frog is ideal for children as well as beginners..

They are tough and easy to take care of and affectionate. They are also known to reside in artificial environments (e.g. toilets and tanks for water). The White’s Tree Frogs can be extremely tame, which makes them an excellent choice for those who would like to take care of their pet.

The tiny animals are interesting to observe. The experts are of the opinion that they have the ability to manage their temperature as well as the amount of moisture that evaporates off their skin.

  • Price: $40 – $80
  • Size: 3 – 4.5 inches long
  • Lifespan from 12 to 16 years
  • Familie: Pelodryadinae

15. Waxy Monkey Frog

This species is usually bright green with a white belly and white stripe.

Waxy Monkey Frog Waxy Monkey Frog is similar in appearance to the White-Lipped but they are different from the globe:

  • This species comes originated from South American.
  • They are Australian.

The species is often referred to as”leaf frog, “leaf frog” due to their vibrant green color, their waxy appearance and habit of resting in leaves. Their waxy coat shields your skin from dryness.

It is known as the Waxy Monkey Frog comes from The Amazon Rainforest and likes a humid and humid environment. They enjoy climbing on glass walls and therefore a 20 gallon aquarium is ideal for them.

They don’t like being handled, so they are great pet frogs for children who want to observe and not touch They can be very amusing!

  • Price: $60 – $80
  • Size: 2 – 3 inches long
  • Lifespan 6 – 8 years
  • Family: Phyllomedusidae

14. Tomato Frog

This pet in orange (types of bearded dragon) may be reminiscent of a small cherry tomato!

Tomato Frogs are abundant in the northern region of Madagascar in a range of habitats (e.g. forests and coasts that are wooded). They are able to thrive in various habitats , and are therefore extremely hardy and can adapt to captivity life.

They are among the smaller pets Frogs with 2.5 or 4 inches in length. They also exhibit interesting behavior such as burrowing in aquariums.

Tomato Frogs are becoming very popular within the trade of pets because of their appealing bright colors and tiny size.

This frog is expected to live at least 10 years when kept in captivity.

  • Price: $20 – $50
  • Size: 2.5 – 4 inches long
  • Lifespan 10 years
  • Family Microhylid

13. Red Eyed Tree Frog

Agalychnis callidryas (pictured above) is one of two Red Eyed species.

The two varieties of Red Eyed and both have large eyes with bright red eyes. green bodies, with orange feet. The species that is found in Central America’s rainforests. Central America and the other Australian rainforests:

  • The Australian has horizontal pupils as well as orange-colored eyes.
  • Central America has a spherical shape. Central America has vertical pupils and deep red eyes.

First-time keepers are drawn to both species due to their distinctive shades.

Central American Red Eyed Tree Frogs could be housed in tanks. They are ideal for novices seeking a large collection of Frogs.

They have special maintenance requirements, however anyone who has careful care can take care of them.

  • Price: $25 – $75
  • Size: 2 – 3 inches long
  • Lifespan 4 years
  • Family: Phyllomedusidae Agalychnis callidryas, Pelodryadidae Litoria chloris

12. Amazon Milk Frog

Amazon Milk Frog Amazon Milk Frog is one of the most recently discovered Frogs that has been discovered in recent times..

The species in the rainforest is distinctive colour and design. The brown spots and bands are starkly different from their mint-green bodies.

They are surprisingly named for the white secretions they release when in danger.

They are able to live together and are relatively simple to take care of however, like other species of frogs on this list, they don’t like being handled regularly.

  • Price: $40 – $100
  • Size: 3 – 5 inches long
  • Lifespan 5-10 years
  • Familie: Hylidae

11. Pacman Frog

This species is sometimes known as Horned Frogs.

Pacman Frogs are a different species that is found throughout the Amazonian Basin of South America. This species comes in many shades ranging from lime-brown to orange green.

Their name is because of their big mouths that cover 50% of their heads!

They are larger than other frogs and can attain seven inches in length. They make use of their massive size to fiercely defend their habitat within the natural world.

Since they are abrasive and possess sharp teeth, users must wear gloves that protect them when handling.

Pacman Frogs thrive in captivity when given the right treatment. The ease of living in captivity is why they are ideal for anyone who is learning to take care of the pet frog.

  • Price: $15 – $50
  • Size: ~7 inches long
  • Lifespan between 10 and 12 years
  • The Family: Ceratophryidae

10. Oriental Fire Bellied Toad

It is the Oriental Fire Bellied Toad is a tiny, colorful pet frog that feeds on insects.

The name of this toad is bright with a red belly. The tops of their limbs the back and head have a solid, green color, with dark spots, blotches and black spots across their bodies.

These toads can be found throughout Eastern Asia but they are often kept in captivity and breed.

They are simple to handle, but novices should be cautious when with them because they are extremely territorial. They can also be venomous, however, washing your hands right after handling it , it shouldn’t harm you.

They are great for those who are interested in learning about the care and feeding of the frog.

  • Price: $15 – $25
  • Size: 2 inches long
  • Lifespan 30 years
  • Family: Bombinatoridae

9. American Green Tree Frog

This species is commonly found in small marshes, streams and ponds.

Americans Green Tree Frogs originate from the the central and the southeastern United States.

The small green frogs vary in size between 1 and 2.5 inches. They are perfect for those who are new to the hobby and do not require a huge tank. American Green Trees thrive in tanks that are 10 gals or more in width than height.

They are not a fan of be handled but are easy to look after.

What’s great about taking care of this frog is that they can be kept in room temperatures and they don’t require any special heating, unless the the temperature of the room drops (top 10 pet) to below 70.

They are ideal for anyone who is just starting out and wants an easy-to maintain frog with no 15-year commitment.

  • Price: $10
  • Size: 1 – 2.5 inches long
  • Lifespan 2 – 6 years
  • Familie: Hylidae

8. Gray Tree Frog

The Gray Tree Frog is another North American native species. They are found everywhere all the way from Maine up to Texas in addition to Florida. Similar to they are similar to the American Green Tree they have important ecological benefits and can help to rid the environment of insect insects and pests.

Two distinct kinds of lizards exist of the US:

  1. Dryophytes versicolor
  2. Dryophytes Chrysoscelis

The frog is best bought from breeders since this can help to protect populations. They’re not costly and can be purchased for around $8 to $20.

Gray Tree Frogs can be described as tiny pets which are more wary than other pets on this list.

Like the majority of frogs listed here, they thrive in a 20 or 10-gallon tank with plenty of height to climb.

  • Price: $8 – $20
  • Size: 1.25 – 2 inches long
  • Lifespan 7-9 years
  • Familie: Hylidae

7. Bumble Bee Walking Toad

This toad is found in small freshwater ponds and grasslands.

Its Bumble Bee Walking Toad can be often mistaken as the Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. But, this toad does not have green in their bodies. They also come from a different region of the world from that of the Fire Belly. They’re indigenous of Argentina and Paraguay and not Asia.

They are sometimes referred to as “Bumble Bees” because of their yellow and black legs and back.

This is among the best options for learning about husbandry and caring.

The toads are smaller pet frogs. They cannot grow more than 1.5 inches. They don’t need much space and can be kept in tanks of 5 gallon. They can be housed in up to four in one single 10-gallon tank!

They are simple to keep in captivity, and they can be around for more than 10 years if properly cared for.

  • Price: $60 – $90
  • Size: 1.5 inches long
  • Lifespan 10plus years
  • Family: Bufonidae

6. American Toad

American Toads are widespread throughout North America. They spend the majority of their time in ponds or in forests that are wet.

The toad can be identified due to their short legs and their thick brown skin, with bumpy warts. If stressed, their skin color can change from brown to green and then yellow.

They’re not as vibrant as reptiles (Ball Python Morphs) however they make excellent pets.

American Toads are robust and live between 15 and 20 years.

It is best not to handle them regularly as it can cause harm to the two of you. Toads contain a chemical known as bufotoxin, which can cause irritation to your eyes. Also, the oils that your hands absorb could cause skin damage.

American Toads require 10 gallon tanks with room-temperature temperatures and 50 percent humidity.

  • Price: $10
  • Size: 3 inches long
  • Lifespan 15 – 20 years
  • Family: Bufonidae

5. Green & Black Dart Frog

The Green and Black Dart Frog is a member of the the Poison Dart family..

The species is found throughout Central as well as South America and thrives on the floor of the rainforest.

These frogs usually have in black and green colors. Their bright colors that alert that predators of their poisonous glands.

Their name is often a barrier to people from taking them on. They are however excellent beginner frogs.

The frogs are tiny active, fun and entertaining. They typically search for food, and are hopping around. One of their favourite food sources is the ant.

A dedicated beginner can take care of a pet if that they know the potential dangers of working with one.

  • Price: $40 – $80
  • Size: 1.5 inches long
  • Lifespan 10 years
  • Family: Dendrobatidae

4. African Dwarf Frog

The frogs that live there belong to the southern part of Africa and are found in streams and ponds that are grassland. They only leave the water when they are required to move.

African Dwarf Frogs make among the ideal pet frog for anyone who wishes to house fish and Frogs!

They can be found in an aquarium of 5 gallon size with plenty of water. They are fantastic swimmers. They only swim up to the surface for breath.

African Dwarf Frogs can also be often referred to as “Dwarf Underwater” because of their behavior of water dwelling. They are also known as “African Clawed” because of their claws with webbed feet.

They are very affordable and are available for purchase for just $4.

They are extremely tough animals that can live up to 20 years captivity.

  • Price: $4
  • Size: 2.5 – 4 inches long
  • Lifespan 20 years or less
  • The Family: Pipidae

3. Bumblebee Dart Frog

This species is also known as a Yellow-Banded Dart.

Bumblebee Dart Frogs live all over South America. They are insectivores. They eat small fruit flies as well as pinhead crickets.

These distinctive pets are decorated with yellow and black.

The newbies love them due to their vibrant hues.

In contrast to the previously discussed Bumblebee toad this pet is an animal species called Poison Dart Frog not toad.

They share the same care needs to their black and green relatives and are easy to maintain – assuming you don’t treat them regularly.

Bumblebee Darts live well in tanks of 10 gals that has temperatures of 75-85 degrees with high humidity. It’s difficult to ensure they are well if you don’t maintain the humidity at 90 percent.

These frogs, which are yellow, cost around $45-$80 and last for at least 10 years.

  • Price: $45 – $80
  • Size: 1.5 inches long
  • Lifespan 10plus years
  • Family: Dendrobatidae

2. Burmese Chubby Frog

This pet is sometimes known as an Asian Painted Bullfrog.

The Burmese Chubby is a huge frog species from Asia.

Their cute appearance makes them an excellent option for people who are new to keeping pets and would like an adorable pet.

They also do not require large amounts of space and can be content in a 10-gallon aquarium. If you’re seeking for a simple pet that doesn’t need any space, then this is the pet you need.

This species is an excellent first option!

A well-maintained Burmese Chubby can last for up to 10 years, and can adapt to changing environments quickly.

  • Price: $10 – $30
  • Size: 2 – 3 inches long
  • Lifespan 10 years
  • Family Microhylidae

1. African Bullfrog

It is believed that the African Bullfrog is one of the amphibians with the most unique characteristics around the globe. They are adored because of their distinct size and behaviours and most of the year beneath the ground.

They are also known as Pixie Frogs due to their scientific name Pyxicephalus adspersus.

The pet frog that we have is bigger than the majority! Males are bigger than females and can reach to 10 inches in length. In addition to the fact that they require a tank of 20 gallon in order to survive, the African Bullfrog doesn’t have any difficult requirements for care.

They’re easy to get along with and will tolerate handling every now and then.

The pet could live for 35 years if he is properly cared for and will cost between $25 and $75.

  • Price: $25 – $75
  • Size: 10 inches long
  • Lifespan 20 to 35 years
  • Familie: Pyxicephalidae

Which Frogs Are the Best For Beginners?

Certain frogs are more resilient than others and can adapt to the life in captivity quickly. If you’ve never been interested for reptiles before, the frogs listed below are the most suitable to pick from:

  • White’s Tree Frog – perfect to handle
  • Tomato Frog
  • Red-Belly Toad
  • American Green Tree Frog
  • Burmese Chubby Frog
  • African Bullfrog

Toads and frogs make wonderful pets and can provide excellent learning opportunities. Before you decide to get one, investigate which species is right for you. There are more than 3000 species of Frogs and all have distinct preferences and requirements for care. Some are perfect for novices and others aren’t!

In the end, it’s your choice.

Are you a fan of a favourite species of toad or frog? Tell us about it by leaving a comment.

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