The Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Care Sheet

Are you looking to add a distinctive and intriguing snake into your collection? This Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python is sure to be a fantastic option.

The blue-eyed lucy is an example of one the most rare Ball Python morphs and is a sought-after reptile.

Also known as the BEL ball python, this is a stunning white snake that has blue irises that are icy surrounding black pupils. There are some that even have stripes of beige across the spine.

This morph is tolerant of handling well and is able to adapt well to the environment of captivity. They are ideal for any herpetologist looking to get an original reptile.

Keep reading to find out everything you can about the blue eyed snake.

What Is A Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python?

The dark pupil as well as some pigmentation in the eyes’ iris seems to make the snakes less sensitive to changes in light, in comparison to albino breeds.

Bel Ball is also known as a Python, it’s a white Ball Python form.

They are white snakes with blue eyes with icy blue with black eyes. Due to their eyes they’re not considered albino snakes however their body is deficient in pigmentation.

These gentle snakes can become as long as five feet and are perfect for the first time owner.

Their roots are deep into common ball pythons that came from Africa.

Ball pythons originate from the forests and grasslands in West as well as Central Africa and first became famous among herpetologists during the 1980s.

In 1992, in 1992, the very first recessive genetic gene was identified from professional snake breeders, and the first morphosis was born.

Breeders have discovered thousands of morphs as well as one of them is the Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python is among the most popular. They can be costly and hard to locate – breeders generally charge $700 per snake.

What Makes A Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python?

The snake is difficult in breeding and breeds using two of five varieties: Mojave, Lesser, Butter, Het Russo and Phantom. The most popular gene types include Mojave, Lesser and Butter.

They need the genes of two different types of morphs that have been bred for three generations.

Some examples of breeding pair comprise:

  • Mojave and Lesser
  • Butter and Mojave
  • Phantom and Butter

These morphs are difficult to make and are referred to as designer pythons since it is thought to be nearly impossible to make them naturally be found in the wild.

What We Like About BEL Ball Pythons


  • Ball pythons are an established and well-loved pet.
  • They are gentle and are used to being handled well.
  • This is a morph that is unusual and rare.


  • They are often fussy eaters in the colder months.
  • It is very expensive to purchase this morph $400-$600.
  • The species is shy and get stressed easily.

Species Appearance

Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python’s dark pupils make them less sensitive to light changes when compared with albino breeds.

The bel ball python, also known as a python of light white snake without scale patterning or any pigmentation at all. The only pigmentation they have is in their eyes..

Their eyes are cool blue, and they are distinctive!

Certain species are white or off-white in hue and are pale yellow with a beige bands across their spines. This isn’t as prevalent and is thought to be undesirable, however they’re almost the same in look and appearance as well as genetics.

There are tiny spurs on the vent’s edges which may be remnants of their ancestral legs.

How Big Does A Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Get?

Males are typically able to reach three feet in the initial one or two years. Females are slightly bigger and can grow to six feet, however they’re typically five feet tall.

Despite their white body and distinct appearance the growth rate that this form of morph has is identical to that of their wild-type relatives.

The hatchlings are born 10 inches in length and take 3 years to grow into adults..

Females are more likely to experience a longer period of growth because of the size differences.

Ball Pythons have large bodies and are susceptible to being overweight due to their habit of sitting. Adults should not weigh more than 1,500 g for males or 1,750 grams for women. Females who are healthy can weigh up to 1,900 grams.

A regular weight-monitoring program is recommended to ensure that your snake is maintaining an appropriate size.

Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Care Sheet

The bel ball python one of the snakes that is ideal for beginners to keep.

If this gorgeous snake for beginners has caught your eye and you want to know how you can bring it home to live a blissful living…

Ball Python Diet

In the wild, ball Pythons are carnivores, and they feed on rodents, small mammals as well as birds.

It is believed that the Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python’s food habits are simple . The hatchlings are fed fuzzy or pinky mice, and adults should be fed rats. In addition to what you give your snake to eat, you must be aware of when you should feed them and in what amount. This is different as your snake grows older:

  • The hatchlings must consume pinky or fuzzy rodents every five or seven days.
  • Children ( six months to three years old) are recommended to eat rodents each seven to ten days , and are not larger than the largest portion of their bodies.
  • Adults should be fed rats of medium size every 10 days.

Mice that are fuzzy or pink are suitable foods for young hatchlings, but the transition to ratsmust be made when they develop into juveniles, as rats have higher fat content and permit feeding an adult with a better single-item meals.

We strongly recommend for you use a frozen, thawed and frozen diet.

Live prey can scratch or bite your snake and cause permanent eye damage or infection.

To get rid of rodents, you must:

  • Place the rodent in a fridge overnight prior to eating.
  • The next day, place the rodent in an animal bag, then place it in warm water for a few hours.
  • If it reaches 97 – 100degF you are allowed to feed.

Prey is a thrilling variation for snakes and also provides them with an enrichment.

You might want to consider offering a chick every now and then.

In the end, it is essential to have a water bowl sufficient for your snake to dunk in. It can help them shed their excess water and keep them hydrated. It is recommended to clean it once every two days in order to avoid the growth of mildew.

Known Health Issues

Ball Pythons are believed to have extremely long lives of 20-30 years. the oldest that is in captive is 48 years old! Blue Eyed leucistic ball Pythons are the same life span.

They are among numerous designer Pythons which rarely exhibit genetic issues, such as head wobbles.

However they are susceptible to health risks associated to living in captivity

  • Anorexia
  • Inclusion Body Disease
  • Internal Parasites
  • Mites
  • Scale or mouth The mouth or scale
  • Infections of the respiratory tract

After you have purchased the snake you may decide to be able to quarantine them to ensure they are healthy. It is recommended to quarantine them at least 90 days.

It is also possible to contact your vet to inquire about tests like fecal examinations or blood panels as well as scans to see whether there are any health issues.

While in quarantine, you must keep track of how often they’re in the process of soaking.

If you’ve got an unwater-based snake who is constantly soaking, it may mean that they are infested with mites and wants to kill them. Mites can be spread easily during transit and must therefore be removed prior to introducing any new snakes to your collection.

Signs They Are Healthy

  • Sheds fall off in complete pieces, complete with eye caps.
  • Exploring in the dark.
  • Timely eating.
  • Dominant behavior.

Sickness Symptoms

  • The increase in the amount of basking.
  • Sounds of clicking or wheezing.
  • Refusal to take prey.
  • Over-soaking.

Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python Enclosure

Wild ball pythons originate found in those of the African grasslands.

The bel-ball python morph has the similar primitive instincts with their wild-type cousins and requires similar enclosures.

There are a few important things to take into consideration before we discuss the sizes of tanks and set-ups:

  • Don’t place the tank to a sunny window because it might overheat.
  • The tank needs to be equipped with a sun-bathing area as well as heating.
  • The species is shy, so it is essential to offer plenty of places to hide and shelters.

enclosures for bel ball Pythons should be exactly identical to any enclosures for ball pythons.

It must be constructed of either PVC or plastic or glass, and must have a secured top. It is recommended to use PVC is preferred because it provides your snake with more security. It also helps retain humidity and ensures the temperature constant.

Glass terrariums are a good option, however they require more fake plants and hides in order to make your snake feel secure. They are also not efficient in keeping the humidity and require frequent misting.

Tank Size

  • Hatchlings are a great fit in a 10 gallon enclosure.
  • Juveniles thrive in the 20-gallon.
  • Adults should have an 40-gallon tank.

The addition of hatchlings or juveniles to an adult-sized 40-gallon tank could result in stress.

In their tank, you’ll need at least two hides – one at each side. The more hides, the more. Put in plants, sticks bark as well as moss items to help your children feel at ease when out.

Tank Set Up

  • Tank type PVC or plastic.
  • Tank Size: 40-gallon.
  • Lighting: basking lamp.
  • Substrate Cypress the mulch, or topsoil made of organic material.

Your snake must have a basking zone between 88-92degF in the daytime.

This is done by purchasing a heater that is connected to the thermostat. It is possible to use the basking lamp to maintain the light cycle in order to allow them to stay in the internal rhythm.

The basking area should be placed at the far end of the tank , is not located in the middle..

The cooler part of their enclosure ought to be in the range of 76-80degF with temperatures of 82-83degF in Between the two. A ceramic heat source is ideal and will supply an unstoppable heat source regardless of whether the light source is switched off.

They are able to enjoy the constant humidity range of 50 and 60%..

If the humidity is greater than 80percent ( or more) over a prolonged time, it may cause respiratory illness. A hygrometer can be used to measure humidity, and selecting an appropriate substrate will assist to keep it.

The most suitable soils to support Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Pythons are the earthy, water-holding ones. This includes the mulch of cypress, or any other organic topsoil that is free of perlite. Both options hold water and can help in controlling humidity.

Cleaning & Misting

Clean your snake’s enclosure at least every six weeks.

A daily spot-cleaning of sheds and feces can help to keep the enclosure clean in between deep cleanings.

Spot cleaning can also be an excellent opportunity to look at the feces of your pet for the correct proportion of the urates in the feces.

If you have the right humidity, you should be in a position to spray your ball Python with mist just once or less every day.

If you notice that the humidity falling to below 40%, you will see you will notice more mist.

There is a possibility that you can spray too often and then oversaturate the substrate. This could lead to mildew and mold, which will force you to clean your enclosure more frequently. If you have this issue then you might want to add an irrigation layer to ensure that the soil stays damp but not completely wet.

Typical Behavior

Ball pythons remain sedentary in the daytime ( hiding away from the heat and sun) and come out in the evening to search, investigate, and search for mates.

The snakes stay clear of one another when they are in nature and only interacted with one another only when breeding.

It is not advised to live with this species.

Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Pythons are active hunter and employ constriction to control their prey.

They hit, coil fast and closely around their prey before they wait for it to be conscious or even dead.

In the cooler months, they usually stop eating for a few months, and then reduce their metabolism.

In captivity, even the smallest change in temperature or humidity could trigger your python bel-ball into feeding strike. The majority of morphs will begin feeding on their own when conditions are restored to normal.

Do Ball Pythons Like Being Handled?

Their calm temperament and sensitivity to handling makes this snake ideal for novices.

After you have returned home with you Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python they’ll require an adjustment period of a few days. To prevent stressing your snake, avoid interactions during the initial two weeks.

After touching any reptile, you must cleanse your hands thoroughly to stop the spread of diseases such as salmonella.

Begin with 10 minute session of handling for several weeks. only increase the amount of time the snake you are handling is comfortable.

Here are some tips to get started with your brand new Python:

  1. Rub gently the back of your snake using your fingers.
  2. Look for symptoms of anxiety or stress or anxiety i.e. shaking its head or trying to make a ball.
  3. Take the snake with the broad part of the body.
  4. Help support all of the snake’s mass as you lift it up.

The species is similar to any snake, and it is in the position of being able to bite. However, they are not a biting species and are gentle and calm.

These constrictors that aren’t venomous aren’t capable of giving a serious bite.

If you find that the snake is in a shed or has eaten in the last 24hrs, do not handle it.

To avoid conflict, do not try to force a negative confrontation.

How Much Is A Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python?

Most bel ball pythons can be offered for sale for between $400 and $600.

If a snake is striping on the dorsal side that is beige, they will cost less. In contrast, Stark-white snakes can cost more than 600 dollars.

The average size of this species at birth is approximately 10 inches tall and appears to be like a transparent pinkish-white. Then they turn to white.

Blue-eyed Leucistic Ball Pythons can be difficult to come across because it’s extremely hard to raise them.

Finding reputable breeders is more difficult.

If you are picking a Blue-Eyed Leucistic Ball Python be sure to examine the body for any marks or mouth rot, injuries or scale-rot. If their ribs are sloping downwards at a steep angle they’re malnourished.

Blue Eyed Lucy Facts
Common NameBlue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python
Scientific NamePython Regius
Price$700 to $1,000
Size2 – 5 feet long
Lifespan20-30 years
Tank Size40 – 60-gallon tank
Humidity & TemperatureTemperature: 76 – 93degF
Humidity: 50 – 60%
Popular AlternativesCorn Snake and Brazilian Rainbow Boa.


The Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python is an incredible and well-known Morph.

They’re gentle, accept being held and can are slow to move – a soothing combination for a lot of newbies.

If you are looking for an elongated snake that has more personality , consider corn snakes. Another option that is popular can be that of the Brazilian Rainbow Boa.

They are perfect addition for any collection of reptiles.

Are you sure you’ve been convinced? Write us a note below to inform us…

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