Care Instructions & Species Profile: Florida King Snake

You guessed it—this is a subset of the kingsnake species that is exclusive to Florida. They primarily reside in southern Florida. The peninsula, which is dispersed throughout but is most densely populated in its northern half, is the most frequent location.

People who prefer snakes as pets frequently choose Florida king snake. Due to its kinder demeanor and ease of care, it’s also a great option if you’re searching for your first snake.

Even though the Florida king snake requires less maintenance, it is still essential to its well-being.

Short Facts

Common names include chain snake, king snake, and snake of Florida.

Lampropeltis getula floridana, scientific name

adult sizes 36″ to 48″

12-20+ years to live

Mice, tiny reptiles, eggs, amphibians, birds, and small mammals make up the diet.

60 gallon tank size

Climate & humidity70-80% humidity, 78-85 degrees Fahrenheit

popular substitutesMilk snake, corn snake

Understanding Florida King Snakes

The head will be the same width as the remainder of the body, as with other kingsnakes. However, the colour of this breed sets it apart from other varieties of kingsnakes.

The hue of the Florida King Snake ranges from light yellow to dark brown. It will probably be monochrome if the color is lighter, and patterned if the color is darker, giving the appearance of leopard print frequently. Their color schemes may also contain tones of red-orange.

They have a wide variety of favored habitats, although they strongly like moist, secluded locations like marshes and drainage canals.


Florida King Snake care guide

The breeding season for this species of snake occurs in the months of March and April. In between May and June, the eggs will hatch after a roughly 60-day incubation period. The number of eggs in the clutch might be as few as two or as many as thirty.

Do Florida King Snakes Make Good Pets?

For a number of reasons, this breed is among the most popular ones to keep.

They are among the least aggressive snake species, only biting when they feel threatened.

Non-venomous. It won’t immediately endanger your life if you get bitten.

A Florida king snake can live for almost twenty years with the right treatment.

simple maintenance.Some snake breeds are easily harmed and need intensive treatment. If you have a Florida King Snake, you won’t need to be concerned about that.

See more: The Prairie Kingsnake: Care Guide and Species Profile

Exist Any Specific Conditions to Own a Florida Kingsnake?

Guidelines for king snake safety

Depending on the sort of snake you’re interested in, the criteria change. The Venomous Reptile Possession Permit is the most popular. You probably won’t need such a license since that is unimportant to the Florida King Snake.

It is always best to check with your local authorities if you ever have any doubts regarding your eligibility to possess an animal.


Premature pet ownership is the biggest mistake you can make, especially with something as unique as a snake. We’ll go over the whole list of supplies you’ll need to furnish the ideal home for your new pet.

Embedded Size

The Florida King Snake can reach lengths of up to 48 inches (four feet), so the snake cage must be large enough to hold it. To be happy with its living conditions, the animal must be able to spread out to its full length and have enough space to wander around.

Being confined in a small space will agitate this species because it is also one of the more active ones. The optimal container would be at least 60 gallons given its size and activity levels.


To ensure the comfort of animals kept in captivity, you must attempt to replicate their natural habitat as precisely as possible. When designing the living environment for your new pet, keep the Southern Florida temperature and landscaping in mind.

For them to climb, you’ll need a lot of branches. Never let them go alone without a dish of clean water to soak in; this is essential for their relaxation. An optimal environment should also have a mulch ground, according to experts.


Florida King Snake care guide

Compared to many other snake breeds, this species has less stringent lighting requirements, but you still need to keep them in natural lighting. Like with any reptiles, you need get a UVB light to aid in their nutrition. Just keep in mind to switch it off at night.

See more: Mexican Black Kingsnake: Care Sheet & Husbandry Tips


The cage must never be entirely shut off for the snake to remain alive. However, you must also check to make sure that your pet cannot escape through these vents.

Thermodynamics and Humidity

A minimum of 78 degrees and a maximum of 85 degrees Fahrenheit should be maintained. It is necessary to maintain humidity levels between 70% and 80%.

The snake cage will require several daily sprayings. You can purchase certain mists, but room-temperature water will also work.


Florida King Snake care guide

You must thoroughly clean the cage once a week, paying particular attention to the pebbles and branches because this is where excrement frequently collects. To remove accumulation, clean the cage’s interior with hot water and soap.

You’ll need to take your pet out of its confinement before cleaning. Extreme caution must be used in doing this. For the safety of both the children and the snake, children should never be in the room when the snake is not enclosed.

The snake needs to be closely watched while the aquarium is being cleaned. It’s ideal to have two people work on this.


Buying frozen mice and thawing them out before feeding your pet are the finest ways to feed a snake.

Pinkie mice are the only prey that young kingsnakes can eat. They will be capable of handling adult mice once they reach adulthood. You must be very careful to make sure that the animals you feed your pet snake are either smaller than its breadth or the same size as that animal.

Give or take a few days, most snakes require feeding about once every two weeks. A younger snake will require treatment more frequently, once every week for hatchlings and once every ten days for juveniles.

See more: California Kingsnake: Are These Gorgeous Snakes Is It Right For You?


Prior to handling this pet, refrain from eating. It might bite if you smell like food. This is why it’s advised to thoroughly wash your hands before beginning.

The good news is that this species often accepts being taken up without complaint. To earn their trust, you must, however, be gentle and take things slowly at first. At first, try not to touch them at all. In particular, avoid placing your hands near their head, which could be regarded as a threat.

Tip for Personal Safety

Florida King Snake
Florida King Snake

When this snake species is terrified, their primary instinct is to flee. However, if you see their tail jerkily rocking back and forth or quivering, they are about to bite.

Going to the doctor needs to be your top priority if you are bitten. Even if this kingsnake is not poisonous, you should still go to the doctor if an animal bites you because there is a chance of infection.

Can Two Florida Kingsnakes Be Kept Together in One Enclosure?

Because they have a history of eating other snakes, you should never keep kingsnakes in the same enclosure as another snake. They are solitary and possessive animals!

How to Recognize a Sick Snake

Knowing the warning indications that a pet requires medical attention is essential for providing efficient care. Here are the most frequent and obvious indications that a Florida kingsnake is ill:

  • Lethargy
  • burying or concealing
  • reduced or absent appetite
  • Loss of weight
  • inert saliva
  • An apparent spine
  • Red or pink underbelly
  • lying limp when touched

It’s imperative to take quick action if your pet displays any of these signs. Research snake-savvy veterinary hospitals in your area before bringing your pet home as few vets have the training or certification necessary to care for a snake.

How Much Does a King Snake in Florida Cost?

You might cost anywhere from $100 and $150, depending on where you buy. Don’t visit any breeder, though. This is done for your safety as well as ethical considerations.

Responsible breeders put the welfare of the animals last and prioritize profit over anything else. You might end up with a seriously ill pet as a result of this, which would be emotionally upsetting and financially disastrous.

Responsible breeders are happy to answer any inquiries, so you can tell who they are. They’ll be willing to show you where the animals are housed and informed about the species. Cut cease communication with a breeder right away if they start acting defensive or secretive at any time throughout your conversation.

A kind and lovely pet, the Florida King Snake

Florida kingsnakes are among the most popular snakes kept as pets because of their striking patterning, calm demeanor, and very simple maintenance requirements. Before taking your new snake companion home, it’s still crucial to conduct thorough research, set up the right tank habitat, and make sure you’re working with a trustworthy breeder.

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