Gargoyle Gecko Care guide, Husbandry, Food and Tank Setup

Gargoyle Geckos (also known as New Caledonian Bumpy Geckos) can be found deep on the island of New Caledonia.

Their natural habitat is very humid and tropical. This semi-arboreal breed is primarily a feeder on nectars, fruits, and insects.

Gargoyle is a term that refers to the bumps on the heads of these lizards.

These reptiles, like most geckos come in earthy colors with many distinct patterns and morphs.

Gargoyle Geckos are medium-sized lizards that make a great first reptile. They are easy to care for, and they quickly adapt to human handling.

Although these lizards can regenerate their tails they are not able to drop their tails if tugged on. This myth is simply false. They will autotomize only if they feel fear.

If you want to know more about this lizard, and how to care for it, continue reading.

About Gargoyle Gecko

In 1869, the Gargoyle Geck was discovered for the first time.

Like many other Geckos, New Caledonian Gargoyle Geckos can be found on the island of New Caledonia. They live in tree-dwelling habitats that are usually moist and rich in maquis (i.e. dense vegetation) .

The reptile is available in many colors, including brown, white, and red. You may find distinct spots or stripes on them (e.g. They can also have distinguishing spots and stripes (e.g., orange and yellow). These Geckos are large and round with a triangular-shaped head, stocky bodies and big eyes.

The cranial bumps that appear to be Gargoyle-like on their heads are their most distinctive feature.

Other features include small, regenerative tails that are thin and tiny toe pads. Despite their small toe pads, they are semi-arboreal.

Rhacodactylus Auriculatus is the scientific name for this lizard. All Geckos in the Rhacodactylus Family are from New Caledonia. They can be medium- or large in stature.

These geckos are loved by their owners for being docile and fun to watch. They are active at night because they are nocturnal and can make low growls or squeaks.

Gargoyle Geckos have become very popular due to their availability and ease of care. Gargoyle Gecko – The perfect reptiles for beginners:

  • These geckos don’t have a lot of preferences about their housing. The most important thing is to meet their temperature and humidity requirements (see the housing section below).
  • They are omnivores, and can live happily on a diet of meal replacement and insects.
  • As long as your Gecko has the right nutrient and humidity requirements, maintaining a healthy Gecko can be done easily.
  • Geckos have a friendly, docile temperament. They are nocturnal, meaning they won’t be awake until the morning.
Lizard Quick Facts
Common NamesNew Caledonian Bumpy Geecko
Scientific NameRhacodactylus Auriculatus
Adult Size8-10 inches, 60-60 grams
Lifespan15-20 years
DietSmall rodents, fruits, and insects
Tank SizeMinimum 12x12x18 inches, or 20 gallons Because they are semi-arboreal, the tank should be higher than it is wider
Humidity and TemperatureThe temperature range is 77-84degF, and the humidity should be maintained between 50-70%
Alternatives PopularLeachie Gecko Crested Gecko

Gargoyle Geckos Care Manual

Their natural habitat is in danger due to deforestation. This reptile’s natural habitat is tropical, humid and warm. They prefer low-growing shrubs and canopies.

It is important for these reptiles to live in humid, warm environments, as it is the case with most Rhacodactylus species. They need to have plenty of space for climbing and they will do better living in pairs or individually.

Gargoyle Gecko’s Tank & Enclosure

These Geckos prefer enclosures made of glass or plastic. If you’re responsible for maintaining the humidity levels of your reptile so it doesn’t become dehydrated, screen tanks may work.

  • Gargoyle hatchlings need a tank that is no smaller than 5 gallons.
  • Juveniles should be kept in 10-gallon tanks
  • After they reach 18 months old, Geckos can be moved to larger tanks of at least 20 gallons.

The best tanks will have hiding spots and jumping opportunities (they’ll also enjoy a basking spot).

You can achieve this by incorporating plants, tubes, and branches. To keep your reptiles environment enriched, it is important to create a stimulating environment.


Gargoyle Geckos should have no light at night to maintain their natural rhythm.

To create a temperature gradient, a low-wattage incandescent bulb may be used to bask. UVB light can also be used to synthesize vitamin D3, but it is not necessary if your lizard is being fed a nutrient rich diet.

Gargoyle Geckos need to be able to regulate their temperature. It is therefore important to make a temperature gradient so that they can regulate their temperature.

Heating and Temperature

The main heat source should be either ceramic heat emitters or basking lamps. For low-wattage basking bulbs, screen tops are the best way to expose them.

Gargoyle Geckos can thrive in temperatures between 77 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit. You will need to provide adequate lighting (e.g. UVB or heat emitters (e.g. ceramic) to accomplish this.

Your lizard will be stressed if they exceed 84 degrees Fahrenheit. They may become more aggressive, jumpier and often gape at you.

Keep humidity levels between 50-70%. Tanks should be misted at least once a day. These levels can be monitored by thermometers or hygrometers.

You can increase humidity by misting the tank frequently and keeping a clean water bowl nearby. To prevent mildew from growing, wait until the humidity drops below 50%. A humidifier or spray bottle can be used to mist the cage.

Gargoyle Gecko Substrate

Because it maintains high humidity, peat moss makes the best substrate for Gargoyles.

It should be cleaned at least once per month and spot cleaned. Although bioactive substrate is more cost-effective than peat, it can be very effective in maintaining a clean environment.

Tank Tips
Types of tanksPlastic or glass
LightingBasking light (low-wattage incandescent bulb).
Best SubstrateThe most loved is peat moss

Gargoyle Gecko Feeding

These reptiles live in the wild off nectars, fruits, insects, and occasionally pinky mice. However, are omnivores and get the majority of their nutrients from fruit.

Your Gecko only needs to consume a fruit-mix to maintain a healthy diet. To meet their nutritional needs, supplements should be added to foods like insects. They should be coated in calcium and vitamin D3 supplement.

Many commercial feeds are available that will keep your reptile happy. These lizards will also love Crested Gecko food. A human baby food made from fruits can be fed to lizards, provided that you include calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation.

These Geckos may eat live insects but it is not a requirement and they might not always take it. The diet of hatchlings is the same as that of adults and juveniles, but it is recommended to give them some insects to stimulate their growth. They should consume insects twice per week and be fed regular fruit-mix every four days.

Adult Gargoyle geckos do not require insects, but they should consume their fruit mix 2-3x a week. They should eat tropical fruits high in calcium, such as papayas and figs.

Your Gecko’s diet will vary depending on their individual needs, but they should consume enough food to maintain a healthy weight between 60 and 80 grams.

Although they might not drink from it all the time, a water dish should be kept in their tank to maintain humidity levels. To prevent the growth of bacteria, it is important to clean out the water bowl at least once a week.

Gargoyle Geckos will lick the water droplets from decorations, so mist your enclosure often and when they are awake.

Diet Summary
Vegetables0% of diet
Insects0% of diet
Fruits100% of diet
Supplements are requiredThey are given calcium and vitamin D3 every time they eat baby food or insects.

How to Keep Yours Healthy

Gargoyle Geckos have a reputation for being a friendly and docile lizard . They must learn to trust you, just like all other animals before they feel comfortable.

Your reptile should only be handled for a few minutes each day. Gradually increase the frequency of handling until your reptile is fully settled-in.

If you have a young hatchling or juvenile, make sure that your surroundings are well cushioned to prevent them from jumping. If they get scared, they may bite so it is important to wash your hands after touching them.


Gargoyle Geckos shouldn’t be washed if they are dirty, or they will have difficulty shedding their skin.

This is done by getting a small container. Next, punch small holes in its lid. This will allow some humidity to escape during bathing.

You should fill the container with warm water to just cover your lizard’s feet. Warm or hot water will not be accepted as it could cause injury. Cover your Gecko with the lid. Allow them to bathe for 10 to 15 minutes.

You can remove retained skin from your lizard with a Q-tip, or tweezers.

Tank Cleaning

It is important to remove feces, skin and hair daily in order to keep their housing clean. You should change your water and food dishes every day, and spot clean the substrate.

You should clean the tank’s interior once a week with suitable disinfectant at a 1:10 ratio. Every 3-4 months, you will need to perform a deeper clean. You will need to clean the entire enclosure, as well as change the substrate (or peat moss)

Before you begin cleaning, make sure that your Gargoyle Gecko has been removed from his cage and that the tank is free of any fumes.

Every day should be spent cleaning feces. Healthy waste is dark brown and well formed.

Health SignsSickness Symptoms
Clear eyesSudden weight loss
StockyFewer droppings
Eats regularlyLethargy
AlertSunken eyes

Gargoyle Gecko lifespan

In captivity, a Rhacodactylus auriculatus can survive for as long as 20 years. Common issues include difficulty with shedding, metabolic bones disease and parasites. These health problems can be avoided if you eat a healthy diet, and you follow our humidity guidelines.

Gargoyle Gecko Temperament and Behavior

They will fight for food or territory regardless if they’re male or female.

They will be most likely to be found undergrowth or trees in their natural habitat.

These solitary creatures are aggressive towards other. This is why it is important to keep these lizards in their own homes. Males may be paired up with females if they are kept under close supervision.

These lizards are not compatible with other types of lizards so it is safer to keep them separate. They are territorial by nature and will fight for their food.

Gargoyle Geckos communicate by squeaking or low growls. They might also have different tail movements.

These guys love to climb and hide in various areas of the tank. Because they require higher temperatures, they will be more comfortable spending time in a sunken spot.

This reptile is known for its passive disposition. They will tolerate frequent handling once they trust their owners. They may bite if they’re still not used to human interaction. They are quick to bite, but can draw blood from their sharp teeth.

Gargoyle Geckos are tropical creatures that do not hibernate or brumate because they come from a tropical environment.


It can be difficult to determine the gender of your lizard because males and females might have a bulge at their tail base.

It is much easier to determine sex when geckos have reached sexual maturity (around 18 months). You can then look for femoral porous tissue near their vent. These pores indicate that your Gecko may be a male.

Gargoyle Gecko Size

The average size of a hatchling is a few inches in length and weighs between 2 and 3 grams at birth. The average age at sexual maturity is 18months. They will grow to be approximately 8-10 inches tall and weigh between 60-80g.

Slow growth rates often indicate that your Gecko isn’t getting enough calcium or other vital nutrients (e.g. vitamin D3).


Gargoyle Geckos come in many colors, such as:

  • Green
  • Brown
  • Yellow

Different geckos may have different patterns, spots or stripes. Breeders are creating exciting Gargoyle Gecko colors such as red, orange, and white.

How to Sex a Gecko

You must confirm that your Gargoyle Geckos have reached sexual maturity before you breed them. This will make sexing easier and safer.

To prevent them from feeling hostile, you can place them in an enclosed enclosure with a screen. If they show interest (e.g., by their body language), you can place a glass screen around them. If you want to communicate and get closer to one another, it is best to remove the screen from your eyes and allow nature to take its course.

Usually, eggs will appear within 2-3 weeks of mating. The female will typically lay two eggs per week for 4-6 weeks. She may also have up to 10 lays . The hatching period for hatchlings is between 70 and 90 days.

75 degrees Fahrenheit is the best temperature for eggs, while higher temperatures will result in more males.


Baby hatchlings need the same basic needs as adults. They require the right diet, and should be misted often. They can eat the same food as adults but they will need to be fed dusted insects to grow. After hatching, they will weigh only 3 grams.

What Does a Gargoyle Gecko cost?

These reptiles are very popular and readily available. Before purchasing one, make sure you find a reliable breeder and ensure that the Gecko is in good health.

A Gargoyle Gecko’s price will vary depending on where they are purchased and the color patterns. However, most typically retail for $200-$500 USD.

Care Guide Summary

They don’t eat any insects, making it easy to feed them.They have sharp teeth.
They are calm and entertaining to observe.They do not like to be with cage mates and require their own tank.
You are easily socialized and enjoy handling.Many amateurs buy hatchlings to get sex.

The Gargoyle Gecko has been compared to Crested, Leachianus Geckos. Although Gargoyles and Crested are most closely related, Leachies are more complex.

These lizards are loved by their owners for their easy-to-care-for needs.

They are also very popular because of their temperament. They can be handled quickly and are a great reptile for beginners.

These reptiles are easy to observe, docile and come in many colors. It’s not surprising that so many people love them.

These lizards may be misunderstood by the name Gargoyle. Their ability to seize the hearts of hundreds upon hundreds of reptile lovers is what makes them scary!

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