How Big Do Ball Pythons Get? The Size & Growth Rate

Ball Pythons are the smallest species of pythons found in Africa. They move slowly and possess a slender body shape. They’re also among the most tranquil species, which makes them extremely popular.

In contrast to many snakes, there’s an enormous distinction in size between females and males.

Females and males are born at the identical size and weight. Females, however, can grow to 1.5 times more quickly! This means that when they are fully grown, female ball pythons could be double the length of males.

Their size is a major factor in their popularity since they’re easier for those who want to keep them.

Learn more about their entire size, their growth rate and tips for maintaining an excellent health condition for your snake…

How Big Can Ball Pythons Have to Get?

Grown ball bython

Ball Pythons are large, sturdy snakes that are relatively short. A mature ball python can be measured between two and 5 inches. Their size makes them a perfect pet for new owners.

Males are generally smaller than females because of sexual dimorphism. They end up developing at the lower portion of the scale. Males can be between 2.5 and 3.5 feet tall at the age of three. A study of wild males discovered that the biggest male was 4.5 feet, but this isn’t typical. The tiniest adult male was two feet in length.

Female Ball Pythons are bigger due to their genetically superior growth rate. Females can range from four and five feet in length and some were measured to be as high at 6.5 feet! They weigh about five kilograms ( compared to three pounds for males) However, the length of their snakes varies. The larger snakes may be as heavy as seven pounds.

The babies hatch at between 10 and 17 inches in length. It may appear small however, these babies burst into the world, ready to feed until they reach the age of adulthood.

Both genders develop almost at the same rate during the first six months, but after that females start to grow about 1.5 times faster.

  • Males between the ages of six months to three years increase by 8 inches per year..
  • Females will increase between 12-16 inches every year.

In comparison to other snakes for pets, the one is classified in the middle-sized.

Ball Pythons have a hefty and slender body due to their weight. Males of adulthood are thinner and weigh between 2 and 3 pounds. Females are heavier and gain the weight. They are more full, rounded body. This is directly connected with their capacity to reproduce offspring.

They are sedentary and have a slower metabolism, making it easier for them to gain weight rapidly. Enhancing their enclosures and eating schedules are crucial to stop their weight gain. Females can gain weight quickly when they are not closely controlled.

Chart of Age and Weight

This is the weight-to- scale for an age-average Ball Python. Ball pythons develop at different rates, based on how often they are fed. The following information is only an average and can vary. If you are concerned, consult a reputable vet.

AgeMale weight in ounces/ poundsFemale weight in ounces/ pounds
Hatchling1.6-2.8 pounds1.76-2.8
1 month2.5-3.52.8-3.7
6 months9.7-12.6910.58-12.69
9 months14.10-15.8715.87ounces -1lb
1 year1.10lbs — 1.76 lbs1.4 lbs-1.76 pounds
1 1/2 years1.32 lbs – 1.98 pounds2.2 3 lbsbetween 3.08 lbs
2 years1.76 lbs-2.42 1 lb-2.422.64lbs-3.96 pounds
3 years old1.98 lbs-2.64 pounds2.64 lbs-4.40 2.64 lbs – 4.40
4plus years1.98 1 lb -2.64 lbs4.40 lbs -6.61 pounds

Ball Python Growth Rate

The Ball Python’s growth rate can help you figure out whether your snake is maintaining an appropriate weight and size. The rate of growth of an animal is determined by calculating the total amount of weight gained in a year. What does this mean for you and your pet?

The rate of growth that is natural for Ball Pythons is different for each species. Ball Python is different for males and females. Females grow at a rate that is nearly 1.5 times higher than the average male.

A woman grows approximately one foot each year during the initial four years. After four years, the growth tends to slow down until it slows to a point at five years old.

However, males grow an average of eight inches each an entire year until they attain sexual maturity at age three.

Researchers have discovered that females hatch with a greater prenatal rate of growth. That means that they begin developing faster than males in the first three months after the hatch. As they get older this becomes clear.

How Much Time Does It Take A Ball Python to Develop?

All ball Pythons hatch between 10 and 17 inches in length. If they are fed consistently females can reach 4 to 5 feet in the span of five years. Males generally only attain 2.5 or 3.5 inches at that time. Once they turn three, their growth is slowed considerably.

Around three years females could be as much as one foot taller than males. At this age, they also weigh up to 50% more females weigh around 1,500 grams , while males are in the middle at between 900 and 1,100 grams.

Ball Python Growth Chart

Juvenile Super Enchi Clown Ball Python

The weight of your pet is crucial particularly in the initial three years. It will allow you to observe their growth and ensure they stay within an appropriate weight range and prevent them from becoming obese. In the event that you find your snake expanding faster than the charts below, be sure your tank’s setup and handling is correct , and that the feeding schedule you have set is appropriate for the snake’s age.

The lower end of the spectrum of weight described in the tables below is usually for males.

Females tend to be more affluent and sometimes even surpass it.

So long as your ball python is in an ideal body condition it’s okay to have them heavier than the average. Be sure to not gain excess weight and end up becoming overweight.

The body’s health is based on looking at the overall size (i.e. the thickness) of the snake. To determine the body’s condition to determine the condition of your snake, lay it down with its tail toward you, and then take a look at the form of the body’s thickest area. body

  • A ball python must be rounded and have an equilateral triangular form from the spine.
  • A snake that is obese has a more rigid round triangle.
  • Obese snakes possess a completely oval or circular form around their spines.

There are numerous factors that affect the size of a ball Python however, the numbers below will allow you to determine the growth rate of their pythons:

Size Based On Age

AgeMale LengthFemale Length
Hatchling10 – 17 in
Six Monthsbetween 20-27 inches
Nine Months25-30 inchesBetween 25 and 35 inches
One year1.5 up to 2 feet2 feet
One and One-Hundred and a Half Years2.25 to 2.5 feet2-to-3 feet
Two yearsBetween 2 and 3 inches2.5 up to 3.5 feet
Three Years2.5 feet to 3.5 feetBetween 3 and 5 feet
Fourplus years2.5 up to 3.5 feetBetween 4 and 6 feet

Weight Based On Age

AgeMale Weight (grams)Female Weight (grams)
One Month70-10080-105
Six MonthsBetween 275 and 360300-360
Nine Months400-450Between 450 and 470
One year500-800Between 650 and 800
One and One-Hundred and a Half Years600-9001000-1400
Two years800-11001200 to 1800
Three YearsBetween 900 and 12001200 to 1200 to
Fourplus yearsFrom 900 to 12002000 to 3000

Feeding Charts by Size

The choice of prey to be based on the size of the ball python is crucial. This is among the most important tasks that a keeper could do. It can help ensure that your snake’s increase in size and help stop obesity.

By following a regular feeding routine and prey that is appropriately sized, based on your snake’s size and age You should be in the health of your body.

Adults and juveniles should be allowed more time between meals. This will allow them to expand without adding excessive weight. In the event that you are feeding your snake at a rapid speed, they’ll increase in size however they are susceptible to becoming overweight. This is known as “Power Feeding” and can reduce the lifespan of your snake.

When your snake’s of an animal that is smaller in size (cute snakes) then you might need be feeding small prey longer. Females who are preparing to breed might require more.

The diet plan below outlines the most appropriate feeding guidelines for your snake that is fed rats or mice.


Snake SizeMice SizeSchedule
Hatchling1 FuzzyEvery week, at least once
150 grams1 HopperEach week, you will have a chance to go on a walk.
150-350 grams1 Medium or SmallEvery week, once
350-600 grams1 AdultEvery 10 days
600-1,000 grams1 JumboEvery 14 days
1,000 – 1,500 grams2 JumboEvery 14 days
1,500 grams3-4 JumboEvery 21 days


Snake SizeRat SizeSchedule
150 grams1 FuzzyEvery week, at least once
150-350 grams1 PupEvery week, once
350-600 grams1 WeanlingEvery 10 days
600-1,000 grams1 SmallEvery 14 days
1000 to 1,500 grams1 MediumEvery 14 days
1,500 grams1 LargeEvery 21 days

Guidelines for feeding can be modified in accordance with the state of the body that your snake is in. To determine this, it is important to be aware of the indicators that indicate being overweight or underweight.

A small-sized Ball Python has an angular body with a an angular spine. They are also active as they search for food. If you follow the guidelines above, it’s difficult to overfeed your snake.

Obesity is a bigger issue in the Ball Pythons of pets.

Many keepers mistake an overweight body type as optimal due to the fact that they are large-bodied snakes. A snake that is overweight will typically exhibit scale wrinkles and folds when moving. Their bodies can also feel more squishy with bulging around the neck and vent.

The snakes with obesity also do less exploring. It creates a revolving circle in which the snake becomes too large to be at ease moving, and which is why it stops exploring, and increases its weight.

Factors that determine their size

Female sub adult Albino Ball Python

A lot of ball pythons that are fully grown have a length of 2 and 5 feet However, this is dependent on four main factors:

  1. Gender
  2. Husbandry
  3. Size of the enclosure
  4. Diet

One of the major factors that affects the size of this species is gender. Males, despite having the same food as a female, grow at slower rates and stop growing earlier. Females in adulthood are often twice the size of males!

The importance of a partner is another aspect in the ball python’s adult size.

A basking space of between 88-92 degF and a suitable temperature gradient is vital to metabolize food. This is not just helping to maintain a constant growing rate but it increases the body’s activity and helps prevent weight gain.

Husbandry is linked to the size of enclosure.

If you don’t have a suitable enclosure it’s nearly impossible to make an ideal temperature gradient and allow an area for your snake to move around. A 20-gallon aquarium is sufficient for young snakes, however adults need at minimum 40-gallons. Certain ball python modifications require a 50-gallon tank.

A schedule for feeding is crucial regardless of whether you start with feeding mice or rats. Feeding mice early could slow your snake’s growth rate, however it will help maintain an appropriate weight. Feeding your rat pups can assist your snake to grow in size quickly and quickly at an early age.

Numerous factors can impact the rate of growth and overall health the snake. It is crucial to weigh your snake on a regular basis and examine their girth to ensure it’s in line with the recommended guidelines.

What is the best way To Find Out The Weight Of A Ball Python

how big do ball pythons get?

The first step in gauging the snake’s weight is to buy a suitable scale. A scale that has a platform that is more than six inches is sufficient to be able to accurately weigh the snake.

You’ll need an instrument in a position to measure accurately the range of 50-6,000 grams. The hatchlings are 60-80 grams and a mature adult can weigh anywhere from 1,000-3,000 pounds ( depending on gender). It is not enough to consider the weight of the snake however, you also need to consider the weight of the container.

Many keepers utilize scales from the kitchen which are very effective. The majority of kitchen scales have bowls that are capable of holding a baby snake, however an adult, specifically females, might be difficult to accommodate into the. A tub made of plastic that measures approximately 12 inches wide by 10 inches is enough to hold the weight of a snake adult.

Before you weigh your snake, put the snake’s vessel on the scale, and reduce the weight to ensure that it does not add on top of the overall weight.

Due to the initial stress of being handled, usually ball pythons become agitated when they are removed from their enclosures. This is the perfect moment to weigh them because they don’t move and are comparatively small.

A snake that is beginning to feel at ease is likely to move quickly and attempt to get out of the container.

If your snake does desire to explore constantly it is possible to make use of the Tupperware that has a lid. In this instance, be sure that you put the lid onto the dish before you have zeroed the scale.

It could seem like it’s a lot of work but once you’ve got your snake to remain still for a short period of time the process of weighing them becomes simple.


Monitoring the size and growth of a ball python’s body is crucial. Making sure your snake is getting bigger and maintaining a healthy body condition, can ensure a lively long-lasting, healthy pet.

How big do ball pythons get?

The hatchlings of both genders can be born from 10 and 17 inches in length.

Males can expect to grow about 8 inches per year. females should grow between 12 and 16 inches per year.

After 3 years, a man will be fully mature and should be able to measure 2.5 up to 3.5 feet. At the same time, females should reach 4.5 feet. At five years old the female could grow to six feet in length and become double the size of males.

The most important factor is gender in the size. Husbandry and enclosure size, as well as power eating and diet can also impact the length and condition of the body.

If you own a small male, slim or tall, slender female, with the proper care, you can have your pet for more than 30 years. Have you ever weighed the weight of your Ball Python regularly? Let us know the size of your snake is by leaving a comment below!

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