Care Instructions & Species Profile: Angolan Python

A medium-sized constrictor that is native to southern Africa is the angolan python.

Due to its huge eyes, bead-like head scales, and cream-colored bands or patches, this endangered species of python can be easily identified.

Angolan pythons require a regular, simple routine, making them rather easy to care for.

They are considerably less bashful than other varieties and have a quite distinctive personality for pythons.

The Angolan python is an excellent choice if you want to take care of a fascinating and unusual breed of snake. Everything you need to know about taking care of this species of snake is provided here.

Overview of the Angolan Python

Common nameAngolan python, Anchieta’s dwarf python
Scientific namePython anchietae
Natural habitatEndemic to Southern Africa
Adult size3 to 6 feet
Average lifespan30 years or more
DietCarnivores pray on small mammals, birds, and amphibians.
HousingTerrarium at least 2 feet by 2 feet by 22 feet for a single python


In particular regions of southern Africa, especially southern Angola and northern Namibia, the Angolan python (Python anchietae) can be found.

These snakes are typically found in the Angolan region of Catumbella, close to Lobito. However, it’s uncommon to come across an Angolan python in the wild.

Angolan pythons can be found in their natural habitat in rocky outcrops, rocky deserts, or broad regions of grassland or bush that are covered in rocks.

Small caverns, cracks, and overhangs are all good hiding places for these snakes.

The Angolan python is not venomous, like all snakes. These snakes are highly prized and frequently contrasted with ball pythons.

This is because the personalities and maintenance needs of the two reptiles are quite similar.

These pythons were extremely difficult to find in captivity due to the protracted civil strife in Angola.

Even after the war is over, few people will brave venturing outside to catch these snakes due to the landmine-filled fields and woodlands that make up their natural habitat.

This led to some of these snakes being captured and reared decades after the battle.

The arid and inhospitable natural habitat of this python also frequently makes it difficult to find it, which adds to its rarity.

Manifestation and conduct

These pythons can be identified by their rust, brown, or almost black coloration. This snake has bands and dots that are cream and white all over its body.

Black outlines are frequently used to denote these bands or patches. The underbelly of the snake is yellow.

The head scales of an Angolan python, which resemble beads, are another distinguishing characteristic. Only this particular kind of python has these distinguishing scales.

Smooth dorsal scales, typically organized in rows of 57 to 61, are seen on these snakes.

The Angolan python is unlike most other snakes in that it has rough skin to the touch because of its arid habitat.

Reptiles that live in arid regions frequently have this adaptation because it allows them to capture and store more moisture from condensation and rain.

These snakes resemble ball pythons in appearance and have huge, black eyes on the sides of their heads. On each side of the skull, the Angolan python possesses five heat-sensing pits, compared to the ball python’s four.

Males can be distinguished from females by their bigger, heavier tails, as well as by a little bulge that appears after the cloaca.

Size and Duration

The pythons of Angola are medium-sized snakes. They will reach adult lengths of roughly 5 or 6 feet. For a python, this is rather a small object. But despite their small stature, these snakes are powerful.

These pythons have a 30-year lifespan if properly cared for. Under the correct conditions and with the proper care, they have been proven to live longer.


Compared to ball pythons, angolan pythons are bolder, more talkative, and like to spend time exploring. This is why having a sizable enclosure is crucial.

They like to explore their surroundings and spend time outside of their enclosures.

These pythons typically go out in search of food at night to avoid the heat of their habitat. So, after nightfall, you can anticipate more activity from these snakes.

Their big eyes let them see better at night, which is one of the reasons why!

One angolan python should live in each enclosure since they should be kept apart from one another.

Although there are tales of these snakes coexisting peacefully in a single enclosure, they favor solitude.

Males and females can live together after they are adults. This reduces the possibility of these snakes breeding at an early age.

This type of python is not poisonous and is manageable. However, use caution when handling them.

They are not gregarious creatures by nature, and too much handling might make them anxious.

Related reading: Ball Python Feeding Chart, Tips, Schedule n Diet


Angolan pythons are nevertheless substantial despite being smaller than other pythons. They therefore need big enclosures.

Due to their reputation for being more active than other python species, ensure that they have enough room and stimulation in tthem. habitat.

These pythons can be kept in a sturdy terrarium. As this more closely resembles their native habitat, it is advisable to keep their home on the modest side. It also enables you to monitor them more closely.

Since the snake’s natural environment consists of deserts and arid conditions, you should limit the amount of foliage and plants you use.

It might feel more natural by adding flat slate rocks and sparingly decorating th enclosure.

Embedded Size

Angolan pythons must live in a sizable enclosure.

Juveniles can be kept in terrariums that measure about 18 by 12 inches. Hwever, you’ll need to transfer them to bigger tanks that are appropriate for adults when they outgrow their enclosures. These terrariums shouldefeet byabou3feet byfeet feety 1.5efeet byt feet by.5 feeteet or 2 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet.

However, becausbetter,ethough,s prefer space, the bigger the better.


Try to mimic the warm, dry climate thatclimates, pythons are native to in your snake’s enclosure.

Most enclosures don’t need additional healampss to maintain a comfortable climate. But that depends on the temperature in the area.

In general, household lights work just fine to heat and illuminate a python’s enclosure. The applightingate level of ambient lighting is.

Whatever illumination you decide on, make sure you switch it on during the day and off at night.

This cyc-and- day and night is crucial for simulating your python’s natural surroundings.

Make sure the temperature within the container is appropriate. You can put a basking lamp if it requires more heat. Many Python ownerPythont utilize this, though.

Since they often reside in caves and rocky crevices in their native habitat, this species does not require special UVB lights.

However, it won’t hurt your python if you add UVB lighting to its container. A UVB lamp could be helpful if you keep your snake in a dimly lit area.

Heat Index and Humidity

These pythons are accustomed to warmer days and cooler nights because they are endemic to desert and dry settings.

As a result, the enclosure for your Angolan python needs to feature both a hot region and a cold spot. The thermoregulation process is aided by this temperature difference.

The hot point and cool spot of your pyth90°F,hould each be around 90 and 75 degrees, respectively. The use of a heat source, such assnakes,amic lamp or an under-tank heating mat, will help you create the right thermal gradient for these snakes.

Regardless of the heat source you choose, place all heating elements on one side of the enclosure.

For your python to be able to control its temperature based on the heat disparities, this is important.

Always keep track of the areas of the enclosure where your python spends the most time because you might need to modify the heat settings there.

To keep track of the enclosure’s temperature, make sure your heat sources are coupled with a trustworthy thermostat.

For an enclosure for an Angolan python, 50% humidity is advised. Simply put a source of water in the enclosure to accomplish this.

To gauge the enclosure’s humidity levels, use a hygrometer.

Make sure there is adequate airflow in the enclosure. If you reside in a location that is very humid, this is very crucial.

You might need to dehumidify the cage in this situation. If the humidity is too high, a dehumidifier can help.

Although these snakes originate from regions with low levels of humidity, they frequently spend their time hiding in caves or rock crevices, which have higher humidity levels.

In order to replicate its natural hiding places, it is crucial to have a humid hide inside your reptile’s cage.

The Basis and Decoration

It’s critical to select a relatively straightforward substrate to most accurately replicate the Angolan python’s natural habitat.

These snakes don’t require settings with a lot of fine detail. They will be content with a simpler substrate that is also simpler to clean.

Use a very simplesubstrate,e, such as newspaper or paper towels. Simply replclean, them makes this simple to clean.

A more natural substrate, such as Eco Earth, coco fiber, cork bark, or aspen bedding, isaspenher option. This aids in giving the enclosure a more natural appearance. Simply spot-clean the bedding.

For your snake, be sure to include a moist hide. Each side of the cage should have one. Some moist moss can be added to a hide for added humidity.

If you’re utilizing a glass cage, it’s extremely crucial to have a reptile hide.

You don’t need to add a lot of decorations for these pythons. It might be a nice idea to add some rocks, but the cage doesn’t require any vegetation.

These snakes can live happily in relatheirely basic enclosures with the exception of a sizable bowl of water and the hides.

For these snakes, you can make a more intriguing setting, though. It might be effective to incorporate rocky shelves and dry vegetation.

Make certain that all of the rocks and decorations in the enclosure are firmly planted. Because they are powerful, these snakes might easily destroy a terrarium. Be careful since this could hurt your snake!


Every time your python urinates, spot-clean the substrate in your enclosure. Spot checks must be performed often.

The substrate must be changed at least once a month after thiaPrior to installing the new substrate, take sure to clean the entire enclosure area.

To do this, hot, hot, soapy water. Regular dish soap works great, but try to stay away from any soaps or detergents with strong fragrances.

You could also just use hot, clean water and a lot of labor. To keep the enclosure clean, be sure to frequently change the water source within.

Pick up the python and relocate it to its “backup home” or another enclosure while you change the substrate.

Care for Angolan Python

Angolan pythons are quite easy to care for in captivity, reliable, and uncomplicated, which makes this kind of snake simple to keep.

Angolan pythons are a good snake for novice reptile keepers because of this as well.

These snakes are simple to handle as long as they are fed regularly, have enough room to move around, and are kept at the proper temperature in their habitat.

Waterandd Food

Small animals, birds, and amphibians are all prey items for angolan pythons. Rodents are typically fed to these snakes by their keepers.

You can give this python one “appropriately sized” rodent per week as a young snake. This means that the rodent’s size shouldn’t be greater than your snake’s widest point.

Since snake mice are easiermice,digest, start by feeding them.

Continue feeding your python one rodent per week as it gets older. Make sure to enlarge the rodent in size as your snake grows.

Every 10 to 14 days, some python owners give their snakes a larger meal, which can be effective. However, as it more closely resembles the snake’s eatingmeals,ernsthisn the wild, we advise feeding your python more frequently.

When these pythons are big enough, it’s a good idea to switch from feeding them mice to rat pups. These are more suitable for the diet of pythons.

If you feed the python mice, you might need to give them a little more food.

There is no need to provide a sizable water source because Angolan pythons hardly ever meet standing water in their natural habitat.

Since these pythons obtain the majority of their moisturehumidity,e prey they ingest, the bowl of water you give to the enclosure is primarily for humidity.


Since they are constrictors, pythons rarely bite. You can handle these snakes because they are not venomous.them. ndle them cautiously and with caution. When holding your snake, always support its weight.

It’s crucial to handle your snake frequently to keep them from perceiving you as a threat. They are more inclined to act aggressively if they perceive you as a threat.

Never handle these snakes after they have eaten for at least 24 hours. Otherwise, the snake could get easily upset and respond poorly to handling.

Typical healthy issues

Any snake can experience parasite issues. A lack of appetite brought on by mites or ticks might weaken your snake, so keep an eye out for them.

Your python may lie in the water to try to get rid of any parastos it may have. You should use anthelmintics or dewormers to get rid of any parasites your snake may have.

Before bringing new snakes home, have them tested for parasites. Quarantining fresh snakes when you initially obtain them is also a smart idea.

If your python isn’t getting enough to eat, it can be due to stress, bad enclosure conditions, or an unsuitable food.


Only breed Angolan pythons when they are the right size, it is crucial to remember. This weighs about 1500 grams for men and about 1800 grams for women.

Around October is when these snakes’ peak mating season occurs.

Reduce the enclosure’s temperature for two weeks to encourage mating. During this time, daytime highs should range from 78 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

When pregnant, female pythons will begin nesting, so be sure to give them a cozy place to hide. An area with moist moss is great.

How to Select and Purchase an Angolan Python

Always purchase angolan pythons from a reliable breeder. Due to their rarity, these snakes are very pricey. A fully bred Angolan python should cost around $1000.

Before bringing your python home, make cautious to inspect it for parasites. With a stool sample, this is the easiest to determine.

Anyone who loves snakes and wants a pet should consider an Angolan python. These exotic snakes are exquisite to look at and interesting to have in the house.

You may expect these pythons to live a long time if you take care of your home and feed the snake properly.

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