Pacman Frog Health Sheet All You Have to Know

Pacman Frog Pacman Frog is a colorful amphibian that is native to several nations in South America.

This species is dubbed Pac-Man due to its huge triangle-shaped mouth as well as its round shape. They look like Pac-Man. Pac-Man game character!

Because of this and their large mouth, they’re a non-hands pet due to their tendency to bite at anything that moves.

If you’re looking for a pet frog that is appealing and easy to care for, then this species of amphibian could be ideal for you.

Read on to find out everything you must be aware of when caring for the Pacman Frog…

Pacman Frog Overview

Pacman Frogs can be found only in the tropical and coastal forest of South America. It is typical to see Pacman frogs within Brazil, Ecuador, Columbia and Peru.

It’s difficult to distinguish the pac-man frog with another amphibian.

They sport famously wide mouths as well as hairs above each eyes. The horns give them their popular name”horned frog”.

See more: 300+ Frog Names: Pet Frogs For You

Specifications of Pac-Man Frogs

There exist eight varieties of the pacman found in wild life, and all have a similar appearance.

The eight species belong to the Genus Ceratophrys and are sometimes referred to by the name of South American horned frogs.

Brazilian Horned Frog

The first species that was discovered was the Brazilian Horned Frog in 1823. The eighth and newest species was discovered in 1986. In spite of the huge amount of rainforest that is not explored in Brazil it is likely that there are additional species found.

Which species of Pac-Man Frog Make the Best Pet?

Surinam horned frogs Argentine the horned frogs (aka Ornate horned frogs) and Cranwell’s horned Frogs are the most sought-after pet. They are known for their elaborate designs and a ferocious appetite. They are able to devour animals as large as them (e.g. fish, mice, locusts and even other Frogs).

Contrary to North American frogs, this species is terrestrial, not aquatic. Their life style is similar than toads.

Pacman Frogs spend the majority of their time in leaf litter, waiting for prey.

They are active most of the time at evening and during the wet season, when breeding takes place. In the dry season, they enter an inactive period (i.e. estivate).

Are Pacman Frogs a Good Pet?

Pac-mans are an excellent toy frog. These Surinam Horned Argentine one-horned as well as the Cranwell’s frogs are the ideal choice for novice.

They are well-behaved in captivity, and they settle quickly to their enclosures.

If you take your frog home , let the frog adjust for 3 days with no interruptions.

We suggest that you don’t take care of this species. However, you can benefit from observing.

In the initial few weeks, you’ll be able to see him looking for the ideal place to dig his burrow. When he has found his preferred location, it is probable that it will stay for a while.

Pros And Cons


  • Massive dimensions and rapid growth with females growing to seven inches.
  • Many interesting morphs and shades to pick from.
  • Simple and simple diet since they can eat everything.
  • A more sedentary lifestyle means they do not require an extensive enclosure.


  • The species is aggressive towards each other, so need to be housed in separate areas.
  • It is not suitable for handling and susceptible to bite.
  • It is not active in the daytime and spends the majority of its time in a slumber.

Species Appearance

As they age , they frequently change their appearance and color.

Don’t be shocked by the fact that an adult may appear slightly different from the child you adopted.

There are a few apparent variations between the three well-known pets:

  • The Surinam Horned ( Ceratophrys cornuta) is larger and more pointed hairs, with a solid head of brown or green. They also have eyes of light color that have a vertical stripe running through the pupils.
  • The horned genus of Cranwell ( Ceratophrys cranwelli) is much smaller and has round Horns. They sport a snout with a round shape and are decorated with red or brown ovals and spots.
  • The Argentine Horned ( Ceratophrys ornata) features pointed horns as well as an oval head. They are dark green with brown stripes as well as streaks of blotches.

Captive breeding has resulted in the development of numerous Pacman Frog forms. The most popular morphs are the albino and strawberry.

The most commonly breed morph is the albino.

Albinos sport yellow and pink pigmentation instead of the standard brown and green. Albino frogs is distinguished from the similar strawberry morph because of its pale pink eyes and greener shade.

Pacman Frog Size

They have strong legs and strong skulls that take most part of the body. They are known as large frogs.

The full-grown Pacman Frogs can weigh more than one pound. It is however more typical in them to be weighing around half one pound.

Females are significantly bigger than males, and can grow to seven inches in length. Males typically average between three and four inches of body length.

In the process of metamorphosis (i.e. from a tadpole, to a the stage of froglet) Pacmans grow amazingly fast. They grow to adult size within just one year!

Pacman Frog Care

Pacman Frog Diet


Pacman Frogs are carnivores who are open to the possibility of being. This means Pacman Frogs will eat any animal that fits inside their mouths.

When in the wild these reptiles prefer to sit in a secluded area and sit and wait for other animals to pass through – rather than actively seeking out prey. Their dark brown and green stripes allow them to blend into the the forest floor.

They eat a variety of smaller prey like mites and ants but additionally consume bigger vertebrates such as snakes, mice and other Frogs.

If they are kept in captivity must receive insects and earthworms like crickets, the dubia Cockroaches .

Waxworms and mealworms are served as a treat on occasion. However, they are high in amounts of fiber and fat and should not constitute a significant portion of your diet.

How Often Do You Feed a Pacman Frog?

Frogs in the growing stage must be fed 5 crickets, or even roaches each day..

Make sure to dust them with a calcium powder prior to eating. This will ensure that the frog is getting enough of vitamin D3.

The best way to go is to feed your pet as many meals as your body can take in just 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, you can take away all food items that are not eaten.

As your pet grows , its appetite will decrease gradually.

Adults are only required to be fed once a day. Adults may be given one mouse per two weeks.

Pacman frogs are avid eaters and possess a strong bite. To prevent painful bites, you might prefer feeding them using tongs.

Health and Lifespan


They live for a total of which is about 10 years.

Pacman Frogs live from between one and 5 to five living in nature.

In captivity, if they receive proper treatment and a good animal husbandry They can last for as long as 10 years.

Keeping Your Pacman Frog Healthy

Health indicators are:

  • An intense appetite.
  • A soft, moist skin.
  • Eyes clear.
  • Round body.

The majority of health issues (e.g. vitamin A deficiency metabolic bone disease and bacteria-related infections) result from an unhealthy diet or poor management.

  • Vitamin A deficiencies can manifest as bumpy skin, swelling of the eyelids and the accumulation of liquid around your hind legs. This problem can be treated by feeding crickets digested.
  • Metabolic bone disease is caused by the vitamin D3 deficiency.
  • Reptiles with metabolic bone diseases do not produce enough calcium for the creation of strong bones. In the end, they’ll develop sagging arms and legs, warped mandibles, and a curving spine. If caught early, it can be treated using injections of vitamin D3 under the skin.

Pacman Frogs are also vulnerable to infections caused by bacteria. This is due to their skin’s thinness and the humid conditions.

Flavobacteriosis and red leg syndrome are two common infections caused by bacteria in this frog.

Both of these conditions result from a dirty water or substrate, as well as stress.

Pacman Frog Setup

They are prone to living near to the tree’s rootsand low branches and other types of cover. They use these cover types to protect themselves from predators and also to ambush prey. It is also commonplace to spot them near smaller small pools that are temporary.

When designing an Pacman enclosure for a frog, the two main aspects to take into consideration are the humidity and the substrate.

The amphibians love to burrow.

The substrate must be between three and four inches thick and smooth so that they can sink into the ground.

Coconut fiber makes the ideal option because it is soft holds moisture, is a good insulator, and is inexpensive to buy in huge quantities. Keep the coconut fiber moist but not damp. By squeezing the substrate, you should get only a few droplets of liquid.

Humidity is a key aspect in maintaining the health of a frog.

A lack of moisture can trigger dormancy. In excess, it can cause skin infection.

Ideal humidity levels for the Pacman frog is between 70 and 80percent.

Tips for Setting Up

  • Tank type Plastic or glass.
  • Tank Size: 20-gallon long tank.
  • Lighting: heat bulb.
  • Substrate Coconut Fiber.


In this species, the width of the tank is more important than the height.

Adults can be housed in a 20-gallon glass tank that is 30″x 12″x 12″.

Plastic tanks or glass tanks are inherently resistant to warping caused by high humidity, and permit an easy view.

Keep a daytime temperature between 77 and 83degF, and an evening temperature of 70-75degF. If you keep them in a warm area Pacman Frogs will be fine with a heater throughout the day. Do not use under-tank heat mats. Under-tank heaters can be dangerous to the frog that burrows.

Make sure you Include live plant life and litter in the tank as well. Both of them are excellent to provide the Pacman with hiding places.

Then, you can provide your frog with an ample as well as a shallow dish for water.

The dish must be large enough for your frog get soaked without getting completely submerged. Pacman Frogs aren’t good swimmers, and they could drown if the water bowl isn’t deep enough.

Make sure to clean the bowl regularly and fill it up with water that is chlorine-free.


They are not afraid in biting other Frogs who come close to their burrow. For this reason, it is recommended to only keep one frog inside an enclosure in order to prevent the risk of injury or death.

In the course of the day, your Pacman will be being buried into its substrate.

He’ll either be submerged or have some of his hair sticking out. This is when they feel the most happy and spend the majority of their time there.

Due to their sit-and-wait hunter-gathering techniques Pacmans don’t require an expansive space.

The frog at night may be seen emerging from its burrow to relax in the water, stretch out or investigate. Don’t anticipate a lot or movement.

Don’t be worried in the event that your frog is seen to have not changed its position in just a few days. If they’re not showing any other symptoms of illness or stress, there’s no reason to fret.

The frogs are typically only active when they are chasing prey.

Can you touch Pacman Frogs?

Pacman Frogs should not be touched if absolutely required.

Their delicate skin can absorb toxins and tend to bite.

In fact, big species have bite forces that is 500 Newtons. It’s the same as the weight of 112 pounds at the tip of your finger.

If you have to play Pacman make sure you cleanse your hands well and ensure they’re free of any lotions or perfumes prior to touching your Pacman.

Take a firm, but gentle grip on your frog between the legs that are in front of it. If the frog is too big to be held by one hand, grasp it using both hands, just as you would with a hamburger.

The Cost of Buying A Pacman Frog

Pacman Frogs are typically sold as young ones. The four most sought-after species of Pacman frogs are:

  1. Surinam horned.
  2. Argentine horned.
  3. Cranwell’s horned.
  4. Fantasy horned.

Each of these species is readily available through the pet trade reptile shows as well as from private breeders.

Find a frog who has all fingers and toes intact with clear, clear eyes and smooth skin.

Frogs damaged by an frog could be prone to developing an infection due to being stressed by moving into an unfamiliar home.

If you’re able, ask to watch the frog consume. One of the most distinctive traits of Pacman frogs is their intense appetite. Choose a frog who devours food with enthusiasm.

What’s the Price of A Pacman Frog cost?

Normal Pacmans are available for sale at prices ranging from $15-$30.

The most well-known Surinam kind is more costly and ranges from $45 to $60.

Common morphs like albino can be purchased for about $35. More rare morphs such as the pastel and teal species are priced at around $80.

Pacman Frog Facts

Common NamePac-man South American horned frog
Scientific NameCeratophrys sp.
PriceFrom $15 to $30
SizeA length of 3-7 inches
Lifespan10 years
DietCrickets, dubia and roaches superworms, mealworms, mice and waxworms
Humidity and TemperatureTemperatures in the day: 77 – Daytime temperature: 77 to
Temperature at night 70-75 degrees
Humidity 70 – Humidity: 70% to
Popular AlternativesPixie Frog, American Toad


Pacman Frogs Pacman frogs are great pets for novices. They are available in numerous stunning color variations and are renowned for their appearance reminiscent of Pacman.

With regular husbandry and a properly set-up the frogs are very easy to take care of and could survive for a decade.

Their eating habits are easy and enjoyable to observe.

This is not an ideal choice for people who wish to manage their pet. Their jaws are strong and sharp teeth can cause an unpleasant bite!

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