Savannah Monitor Care Advice, Diet Information & Enclosure

Savannah Monitor Savannah Monitor is one of the smallest, but most sought-after species of the monitor Genus.

They are popular due to the fact that they are extremely friendly and are much easier to manage than bigger monitors.

However, this does not mean that they’re suitable for novices however they require expert medical attention.

They are known to be fond of small mammals and insects They are a quiet pet who spends the majority of their time soaking in the sun or laying within their cage.

The African reptiles require to be kept in large enclosures and high temperatures. If you’re interested in them then read the following article to learn more about the best ways to take care of the animals…

Savannah Monitor Overview

Savannah Monitors can be located in sub-Saharan Africa. Like their name suggests ( savannah terrain) they prefer to dwell in the woodlands and deserts that are rocky.

This species is adapted to the scorching temperatures of sub-Saharan African. They are known to soak themselves in water pools to cool themselves.

Reptile owners are enthralled by them as they possess a gentle nature in comparison to larger species of monitor.

In appearance, they appear grayish-tan. They sport spots across their bodies as well as rings on their tails.

They eat a variety invertebrates and small rodents. When they are in nature, they hunt with their tongues to detect chemical signals from the surroundings they are living in.

They are solitary lizards and only interact with their species during breeding seasons. If you plan for keeping this species it must be the only one that you own in your enclosure.

They are sadly thought to be in danger by certain groups due to hunters seeking the animals for their skin.

What we like about Savannah Monitors


  • One of the most friendly monitors, they make an ideal first monitor.
  • Very few health issues, and are extremely tough.
  • Can thrive in humid conditions and has low requirements for husbandry.
  • They can reach 3 feet in length and weigh as high as 11 pounds. They are grayish-tan in appearance. have dorsal spots as well as rings on their tails.


  • This species needs to be kept by itself. It is not possible to have more than one animal in the enclosure at the same time.
  • They will require a large enclosure and their housing setup can be expensive.
  • Savannah Monitors are carnivores; they eat insects, as well as rodents on occasion.
  • They need extremely high temperatures in their sun-bathing spot.

Species Appearance

The five species are subspecies within the Varanus exanthematicus. Their size and appearance will vary according to the species you choose to purchase.

But the majority of Monitors are equipped with deep articulated tongues. This allows them to pick up chemical signals that are present in their environment.

Their appearance is tall and bulky with a broad head.

They have a neck that is short and tail.

You might have to trust a vet or a specialist herpetologist to determine the sexuality of your lizard because there is no real sexual dimorphism. This makes it extremely difficult to distinguish males from females from one another.

How big can the Savannah Monitor Get?

Full mature Savannah Monitor lizards are between two and four feet long by the age of four. They can weigh up to 13 pounds.

When they first arrive, infants are just a couple of inches tall, yet they develop incredibly fast.

Colour Variations, Markings and Colors

The species is gray-brown in base color and streaks of dark yellow with a darker edge on their rear. They also have a Blue-colored tongue as well as brown and yellow rings on their tails.

See more blue-tongued skink

Savannah Monitor Enclosure

The lizard is the natural habitat of forests and deserts that are rocky in Africa’s wild Savannah.

They are largely inactive when they are in the wild. They spend a lot of their time relaxing and soaking themselves . They are likely to show similar behavior within their enclosures.

Because they enjoy spending lots of time soaking in the woods the cage must have some branches, logs or rocks. You could even have the cork bark of slabs.

Each of them will perform so long as they are easily removed or cleaned.

Savannah Monitor Cage & Set Up

While they are considered as a medium-sized monitoring species Savannahs remain a huge reptile.

They require a huge enclosure that has an area of around 5 feet x 4 feet x 4 feet or more.

Their tank will probably require customizing and ready the moment you take your Lizard home.

Enclosures should be constructed out of plexiglass or plastic.

The top of the enclosure should be fitted with an opening airflow while being secured to avoid escapes. The monitors are extremely durable and intelligent.

Baby Savannah Monitors need to be kept in 50 gallon tanks. The tank should be large enough to last for the initial six-month period.

They are fast growing, so many reptile owners decide to move them in their adult enclosures:

  • Tank type is made of plastic or plexiglas cage.
  • Tank Size: 5ft x 4ft x 4ft minimum.
  • Lighting UVB and high-wattage basking bulbs are required.
  • Substrate: newspaper.

Inactive during their day time, children need the use of a UVB light for vital vitamin production, and especially for infants! The lighting should be turned on for around twelve hours of illumination and 12 hours of darkness throughout the day. Also, you should make use of an incandescent light source to create a super warm and inviting basking area. Make sure that the light is away from your computer.

Regarding temperatures, the gradient during daylight in the enclosure ought to be between 80 and 95 degrees.

A spot to relax is ideal, but up to 120 degrees is the ideal temperature.

As a desert-based lizard Savannah Monitors aren’t as particular regarding their humidity levels like many reptiles..

In their natural habitat the environment is extremely dry and dry. This is why the basking zone is best kept at low levels of humidity. The remainder of the tank must be kept between 50 and 60% moisture.

The water pool within the Savannah Monitor’s enclosure must be big enough for you to soak into as well.

Additionally, as monitors are dirty, a good substrate should be one which is easily cleaned! It must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly cleaned every week at least.

Because they are in large enclosures, newspaper is likely to be the most easy to clean. Be sure to avoid using any kind of gravel or sand as this could cause obstruction in the bowels, especially in Juveniles.

It is also recommended to stay clear of reptile carpets since they can cause tangles and even tear their claws.

Cleaning and Misting

As as a species, monitors are extremely messy and often defecate. They are known to urinate in their water, therefore make sure you watch it closely and clean it when it gets filthy.

The water pool is supposed to help keep the tank at a moderate humidity. You shouldn’t be required any mist in the tank. The best method to monitor this is to set up a gauge of humidity on the cooler portion of the tank. It should only mist the tank if the humidity drops below 40 percent.

Their enclosures need to be regularly cleaned .

Feces should have a solid brown portion and an uncolored white portion as well. If it appears abnormally colored or textured, it could be an indication of a health issue.

Feces need to be removed every daily from their enclosures particularly if it’s in the water.

The entire tank must be cleaned thoroughly every week or so.

This might require the removal of any logs or substrates, as well as branches. You can also temporarily move your monitor to another location.

Savannah Monitor Care

Savannah Monitor Diet

This Lizard consumes a variety of small mammals and invertebrates found on the wild. They don’t have a preference for the food they consume and could consume mealworms, insects as well as small mice or snails. There are occasions when you can feed mice. They might also eat fully cooked meat however, they should stay away from invertebrates and rodents.

Carnivores hunt and perceive their surroundings through their tongues, which detect chemical signals.

Foods must be sprayed with calcium and a multivitamin must be taken if you’re in no way feeding your mice on the monitor.

When feeding your monitor, put the food in the cage so that they are able to hunt for it. This helps them stay active:

  • Adults must be fed a variety of insects every week 1-2 times (larger monitors could be less likely to eat).
  • Juveniles should be fed 3 times a week.
  • Babies should be fed at least every each day.

Baby Savannah Monitors eat the same food as their parents that includes everything from crickets to waxworm larvae, to pre-weaning mice.

All live food items, whether for children or adults must be removed at the at the end of the day, in the event that it has not been eaten.

Monitors must also have access to water that is clean.

The water bowl they use should be large enough to soak in. Built-in pots or containers made from plastic work well.

Savannah Monitor Lifespan & Health

Savannah Monitors are estimated to live 12 years as captives, but can live as long as 20 years if they are kept in a good environment.

They typically have a few health problems in captivity. This is especially true when they are captive-bred.

Two different issues can arise when a diet is poor:

  1. The metabolic bone disorder may result from the deficiency of calcium, and could cause your lizard feel slow.
  2. Obesity could result from the overfeeding of your computer. If your Lizard increases weight abnormally You may have limit the amount of food they’re eating for a short period of time.

Wild-caught Monitors can be susceptible to parasites. This is a major reason why you should get the species from breeders.

They like to soak themselves, and therefore you shouldn’t be required to bathe them.

Health Signs

  • The process of soaking and bathing is normal.
  • Are you hungry to eat.
  • Eyes that are clear and bright.

Sickness symptoms

  • Sluggish and lethargic.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • The tails and limbs are dragged around.

The Typical Behaviour

If not in captivity Savannah Monitors are not kept in captivity. Savannah Monitor is a solitary reptile, and only interacts with other species during the breeding season.

The most well-known trait of territorial men is that they males can fight when they come in contact with each other.

They aren’t very active animals and are more likely to spend their the time lounging around or in of their basking spots.

The majority of their time is in a state of relaxation and sometimes foraging in search of food. They accomplish this by flicking their tongues. Tongue flicking in captivity can suggest you monitors are hungry, or simply curious.

They communicate with each by pheromones as well as other chemical signals they sense with their tongues.

Fighting and mating can show the different ways of communicating.

To deter predators They might yell loudly and chase their tails to ward off predators, or be dead in the last option.

They must be kept by themselves due to their territorial nature toward other Lizards.

Are Savannah Monitors Friendly?

Albino savannah monitor

Absolutely, particularly as the monitors are concerned. They are an extremely friendly species that can be trained to be tolerant of handling over some time.

They are usually one of the more relaxed species of monitors, and therefore they are very friendly with their handlers.

They are however, robust lizards and require a sturdy grip.

Once they are tame, they won’t be aggressive towards you.

An adult who is wild can deliver an intense bite or a nasty scratch if they are not socialized appropriately.

Handling Tips and Advice

Savannah Monitor Savannah Monitor is one of the most gentle species in the monitor Genus. But, that doesn’t mean that they are easy to handle.

Monitors require a lot patience and dedication with their keepers be socially well-integrated.

For safe handling, it is important to spend a lot of face time as well as repetitive handling.

It is a well-known fact that the majority of reptiles have Salmonella bacteria. Hand washing before as well after you handle them is beneficial in terms of your general health. It helps keep you safe from infections.

Another issue that owners might encounter in handling are scratches that result from their lizard’s claws.

The best method to handle the screen is put an firmly grip on the reptile’s head, and place one hand close to the hind legs.

Baby Savannah Monitor

The breeding season begins in the wet season (i.e. May). Males will follow a female and will occasionally scratch and bite her neck till she consents to copulation.

Females require a nest box in which to lay eggs. In the wild, she’d normally construct her own or put eggs in the form of a termite mound. If you want to monitor them the best nest box is made of plastic and that is filled with soil.

Once she has laid her eggs, they need to be kept in groups in an aquarium that is ten-gallon in size, filled with vermiculite as well as water.

There is a 5- 6 month period of incubation and the container needs to be opened periodically to let oxygen into. The incubation temperature should be temperatures of 82 degrees, and temperatures and humidity must be closely monitored.

There are typically 20-50 eggs in each clutch.

The hatchlings measure a few inches tall at birth.

They’ll start feeding on insects as well as other invertebrates one month after the hatching. They’ll need to fed nearly every day from beginning and less frequently as they grow older ( see diet guide earlier).

Buyer’s Guide

Savannah Monitors are among the more accessible monitors. They cost between $50 and $100 USD.

It is highly advised that you purchase the Lizard from a reputable breeder rather than from a place that they are caught wild.

Monitors caught in wild are highly susceptible to being infected by parasites, and are often stressed when having to adapt to a captivity life style. The breeding process in captivity may be difficult, and while the search for a captive-bred monitor could prove to be an issue, it’s worthwhile for the enjoyment and for the protection of the species.

Savannah Monitor Facts

Important Facts
Common NameSavannah Monitor
Scientific NameVaranus exanthematicus
Size2.5 or 4 feet in length
LifespanBetween 12 and 20 years old
DietInsects and other insects
Tank SizeMinimum 5ft x 4ft x 4 ft
Humidity and TemperatureTemperatures in the daytime range is between 80 and 95 degrees.
Basking Spot 100degF-120degF
Humidity: 60%
Popular Alternatives White or Black Monitors with Throated, Ackie Monitor


Savannah Monitors are among the more gentle monitors in reptile keeping.

They need temperatures that are high in a large area However, they also have a simple food routine and are very tame.

If you’re looking for a less expensive breed of Monitor that isn’t too big, you can choose the Ackies is a well-liked option and is easy for beginners to use. If you’re looking for a greater test The Black or White-Throated Monitor is an excellent option.

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