Tokay Gecko Care guide: Tank Set-Up and Habitat and feeding & Handling)

The volatile Tokay Gecko is one of the most strong but vibrant reptile which has brought color to the homes of many reptile lovers.

They are native to the humid and hot forest that are found in Southeast Asia, and are named after their distinctive sound due to their “to-kay” sound they make when mating.

These reptiles are usually blue, with prominent black or red spots and range between 8 and sixteen inches long. The novice herpetologist should be cautious with this Gecko as they carry the potential for a serious bite!

Tokay Geckos are relatively easy to keep happy while they are kept in their tanks. Their diet is comprised of insects. They are nocturnal, don’t require additional lighting.

Despite their ease of care however, they can be extremely aggressive, which is why they require some patience and understanding to deal with. If you’re an animal lover looking for your next challenge, read on to find out how to take care of the reptiles.

Are Tokay Geckos Good Pets?

The Tokay Gecko can be found from the northeastern region of India up to Indo-Australian Archipelago. The lands are comprised of tropical and deciduous forest.

Tokays are content to live in the woods or in artificial habitats, like in the larger cities and cities where insects are plentiful. A lot of them are found in the residential areas of the southern part of Florida in Florida and Hawaii. It is most likely because of ship accidents during the pet trade, which brought the animals to these regions. However, they are thriving there and are even used as pest control!

They have a distinct appearance when compared to other geckos. They’re usually blue-gray and feature vibrant black or red spots. They sport big, bright eyes with thin pupils with slits.

Reptile owner’s love them due to this distinctive appearance, as well as the “to-kay” sound that they produce during mating season.

Although their appearance is unique, as distinctive as it may be, they are recognized for their robust bite! The behavior of the gecko is instinctively aggressive. The geckos have territorial tendencies and don’t want to be handled.

They’re not ideal pets for those who are just beginning to keep reptiles or for anyone seeking an pet that is friendly. They do not like other reptiles and prefer to remain in their own space.

Quick Facts
Common NamesGekko
Scientific NameGekko Gecko
Adult SizeBetween 8 and 16 inches 140-200 grams
Lifespan10 years
DietCrickets, mealworms , and cockroaches
Tank SizeA 30 gallon tank of glass that has heating
Temperature and Humidity80-87 and 60%-80 80-87 and 60%-80
Popular AlternativesCommon House Gecko, Forest Gecko

Tokay Gecko Care

The Tokay Gecko has a wide range of habitats they inhabit. He is found within India, Indochina, and the Indo-Oceanic zones. Certain areas are mountains, and plains cover the majority of it. The climate is predominantly subtropical and tropical with high humidity and high temperatures.

A few were also transported in Hawaii as well as southern Florida through an illegal trade in pets. The forests in these regions are a mix of tropical and deciduous (trees which shed its leaves). This is why they thrive in both natural and artificial habitats.

Their habitat may range from the forests to the exterior of man-made structures. They prefer to remain where there is the greatest amount of food.

Tokay Gecko Habitat as well as Tank

The lizard is a natural in a glass 30 gallon tank. Glass gives them plenty of opportunities to climb your enclosure’s walls.

Newborn hatchlings may be kept together in a smaller gallon tank, however they must be moved to adult enclosures when they begin to grow or show signs of aggression towards one another (which could happen within 6 months).

Since this reptile is very territorial and sole reptile. They will be able to survive when they have hiding spots like bushes or logs.

Heating and Lighting

Because Tokays are night creatures, they do not require a basking stone. Tokays can do fine in daylight, so long that his Circadian rhythm isn’t interrupted by artificial lighting at night.

He doesn’t require UVB light, if the calcium supplement and Vitamin D3 Supplement.

Even though he’s not the biggest lover of lighting, the tank must be warmer than the room temperature. The geckos prefer temperatures between 80 and 87 degrees Celsius. Due to this, ceramic heaters and under-the-tank heating are very effective to increase the temperature of the tank by around 10, while also keeping out unnecessary lighting.

A thermometer must be kept in the tank to determine the temperature of the heater turned on. A hooded lamp isn’t needed since you don’t require a source of light.

The tank’s moisture should be kept between 60 to 80%, which is achieved by misting daily. Following misting the glass’s walls need to be cleaned so that your pet can climb up them. Geckos have a harder time climbing on wet surfaces, but the right humidity-to-temperature ratio also helps their climbing ability.


Tokay Geckos do not care regarding the substrate used in their tank since they thrive in human-made habitats. Soil can help any living plants within the enclosure, however, these Geckos will be equally content with paper towels or Wood shavings.

Substrates that hold moisture can assist in keeping the humidity levels at the level they need to be.

The substrate needs to be regularly changed to stop any bacterial growth from building up and creating a toxic environment for your pet.

Tank Tips
Tank TypeGlass tank
HeatingCeramic heater
The Best SubstrateWood shavings made of soft wood

The Feeding of a Tokay Gecko

A tokay Gecko mid shed

Wild, they are carnivores. They eat mostly smaller reptiles and insects such as grasshoppers, moths crickets and beetles. They do not care what they eat and will generally eat anything they can grab.

They are an animal that is a wait-and-see predator that is, they wait for food to pass through instead of actively searching for it. Since Tokays are night-time predators They usually come out in the evenings to eat. In the evening there are plenty of insects.

In their habitats of origin, Tokay Geckos may dwell in areas of habitation or the forest. In both environments they do not care about the kind of bug that might be spotted. The bugs wait until prey pass close, then they attack. They do this because the food they eat usually does not have enough energy to hunt actively.

Like any pet having a balanced diet, the right diet is crucial. In captivity, they’ll enjoy eating bugs purchased from the pet stores. They can be crickets, cockroachesand beetles mealworms or grubs. They must eat a variety of insects each day.

Calcium supplements can help reduce the risk of developing metabolic bone disease and ensure your gecko is healthy as well as a Vitamin D3 supplements is recommended because Geckos are nocturnal , and struggle to synthesize it by themselves. Both of the supplements can be sprinkled onto food items.

Also, a bowl of water that is fresh should be available for your pet geckos to drink.

Diet Summary
InsectsA few mealworms or crickets per day
Supplements are requiredCalcium as well as Vitamin D3

How To Maintain Their Health

As with the majority of Lizards This pet is also a source of the bacteria that live in their waste, particularly enterobacteria. This group of bacteria is comprised of the ones that are commonly responsible for the occurrence of food poisoning and infections including E. Coli. The Tokays bacteria have been found to be resistant to a variety of antibiotics.

It is vital for your own health and your pet’s health, to cleanse your hands prior to or after you handle.

Tokay Geckos are very aggressive and have the potential to bite, which is why wearing gloves that are thick can safeguard your hands should you have to handle them. Yet, they should only be handled in the event of a need.

They don’t enjoy being handled and shed themselves in general washing them in baths is not advised. If they’re healthy and are following a healthy diet, they shed frequently.

The majority of Geckos originate from humid environments and this lizard is not an exception. You must mist their enclosure on a regular basis.

Their urine should look normal, a solid brown color with a white portion that is mostly the urine is solidified. It’s fine to have occasional runs however if it’s always running, it could be a health issue that is underlying.

They contain bacteria in their feces which could cause pathogens therefore it is essential to clean the waste out of the tank each once or twice a week to avoid infections.

Tokay Gecko Lifespan

The lizard can live for about 10 years in the wild. The majority of reptiles are healthy that are cared of in a proper manner. A diet that is not balanced with calcium could lead to health issues such as metabolic bone diseases that can reduce their longevity.

The Signs of HealthThe symptoms of sickness
The ability to hide or appear less frequently during the day.It doesn’t change during the course of two days
Vocals, bright and alert at night.Stops defecating
Defecating regularlyThere is no resistance to being taken up

Are Tokay Geckos Aggressive?

Tokay gecko cuddles – Photo by Corie Buddenhagen.

Wild, the Tokay is species that is very lonely and prefers being alone. They are territorial and will protect themselves, their home and their food. They’re quick and have a sharp bite and can strike at anything that could harm them.

If they are the threat is real, Geckos can emit loud hissing or croaking sound and then flee. They might even lose their tail in the event of a need. An indication of fear could appear like a quick and brief bark.

They may, and do fight with others of the same gender, and will only be in contact with people of the opposite sex when breeding.

Unfortunately, Tokay Geckos are likely to behave very similar in the wild. They can be extremely violent and a lot of herpetologists struggle to manage them. If they are scared by their owners they can bite and are among the most difficult reptiles to manage..

Because they’re nocturnal, it is unlikely that you will encounter lizards during daylight time. They might begin to appear in the evening, but they will sleep when the sunrise comes around.


Tokay Geckos like to stay away from people.

They are only handled when required, and only with extreme care. They should not be kept in a room together with other reptiles. They are territorial and would prefer their particular area.

Because they originate from tropical regions Tokays are not hibernating However, they do experience an optimum breeding time between the months of April and May.


Tokay Geckos are large cylindrical bodies, as well as tails that split off when they’re threatened. The tails develop again in around two weeks. However, they will not be longer than the original.

Tokays possess incredibly strong grips due to hair-like projections known as “setae” on their toes, which help them adhere to almost every surface.

The most distinctive feature of this well-known species of gecko is the third eye. The eye is not visible and is connected to the pineal gland of the brain. It does not capture images however it is highly sensitive to the light.

Tokay Gecko Size

Baby Tokay gecko

The most noticeable difference between females and males is the size:

  • Adult males could be 8-12 inches tall.
  • Adult females can reach 13-16 inches

On average , both sexes weigh between 140-200 grams. When a baby is born, it is about two to three inches tall and will increase to adult size in 18 months.


Tokay Geckos have distinct colors that compliment their patterns of spotted spots, and they have two distinct forms:

  1. The Black-spotted Tokays are smaller and darker than the red-spotted tokays. They are darker in color, and are located throughout Southern Yunnan and northern Vietnam.
  2. Tokays with red spots are common in the southeast of Asia They are bigger, with a light blue-gray color and feature bright, striking red spots.

Tokay Geckos Hatchlings

The male’s mating call Tokay Gecko is the reason he got his name. At night, males may be heard calling females using their “To-Kay”. They usually begin vocalizing in April, and then stop in June. The two months between April and June mark the duration of breeding season for Tokays.

During this time Tokays release fluids through their femoral veins to draw their mates. During the breeding phase both females and males can breed several times. The eggs will be laid two times for each clutch.

After eggs are laid they are monitored by both parent until the eggs hatch. The eggs be born after 3-4 months and the hatchlings will measure around 2-3 inches in length. When they are born, they eat the outer layer of their skin. They’re self-sufficient.

Why is a Tokay Gecko Costly?

However, they are utilized as medicine within Chinese culture, which makes them very popular in the illegal trade of pets. They generally cost between $15 and $100 , which makes them an cheap reptile. There are numerous breeders, but be sure to conduct your own research.

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Care Guide Summary

Famous for their unique voice and colorsIt can be extremely solitary and can be very aggressive
Simple diet to keep (insects which can be purchased from a pet store)Quick and quick, they also have an incredibly strong bite
Cost-effective to take onInfect yourself with antibiotic-resistant bacteria

A Tokay Gecko is a distinctive reptile that is able to add the color of reptiles to your home. But, they’re not for everyone.

Tokays are very agresive and territorial and they can bite! They’re therefore ideal for someone with a lot of experience in handling difficult lizards. They are definitely not suitable for novices. A Gecko that is less defensive will be one called the Crested Gecko, which accepts handling after learning how to trust the owner.

While the Tokay’s temperament is one to be taken into consideration, they also have the most basic requirements for a good husband:

  • They mostly eat any kind of insect or bug that you can find at the local pet or bait retailer
  • They don’t care about their location (in terms of vegetation)
  • They will require some heat however this can be handled with a quality thermometer and heater

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