Leopard Frog: Care Guide, Species Profile & More

The leopard frog can be found across the globe which includes Canada, Mexico, the United States, and parts of Central America. They are named because of the leopard-like spots that appear on their bodies, which are typically located in their rears. Frogs of this kind come in many shapes and forms “leopard frog” is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of different species and varieties of frogs.

Leopard frogs are popular and intriguing pets. They are simple to maintain as a pet, but just like every other pet, they require regular maintenance and treatment. This guide to leopard frogs will outline the key points to take into consideration before you bring home an animal friend for the first time.

About Leopard Frog

Before you decide to bring home the leopard frog begin by studying some of the basics about them.

Common Name:Leopard Frog varieties (for example, Northern Leopard Frog)
Scientific Name:Lithobates Genus, based on the specific species (Lithobates Pipiens, for the Northern Leopard Frog, for example, while other leopard frogs also have identical scientific designations)
Natural HabitatPonds, marshes areas, as well as other wet areas close to water.
Adult Size:3-5 inches long
Average Lifespan:2- 5 Years (depending on species)
Diet:Invertebrates and insects
Housing:10-20 gallon tank, complete with an aquatic area
Experience level:Beginning

Leopard frogs are among the most simple Frogs to keep. They can also be an excellent introduction to frog keeping.

Other Frog Species Profile: Pacman Frog, Pixie Frog, White’s Tree Frog


Leopard frogs (Lithobates Genus) is located across Mexico, Central America, Canada as well as in the United States. Leopard frogs are common and can be found in many different habitats. They are found in a variety of habitat. Northern Leopard frog, for instance, can be found in swamps, slow-moving rivers as well as ponds and marshes. Southern leopard frogs can be found in similar settings, preferring moist, wet, and marshy burrows.

Although they are widespread, their numbers have decreased in recent years. This is because of habitat destruction and introduction of new species of animals and fish in the habitat of the leopard frog and the human influence.

Appearance & Behavior

Since leopard frogs are of various species and sizes, their appearance may vary. The most distinct marks on the leopard frog are the dark circular “leopard” spots.

The most well-known pets is the northern leopard frog. It has dark brown marks and bright green colors. They can also be well-known pets, but they aren’t as well-known than northern leopard frogs. Their color is either olive-green or light brown colour and has noticeable dark spots. Southern leopard frogs tend to be shy and more likely to be secluded.

The size, color, and shape of the spots will vary from leopard frogs. But, the spots that are distinctive remain.

There are differences between leopard frogs that are female and male. It can be different based on the kind of the frog. In the northern leopard frogs males are smaller than females, and also have two vocal sacs to make mating calls.

The size and life span

The typical adult leopard frog reaches approximately 3 to 5 inches of length. The life span for a leopard frog may differ, based on species. A northern leopard frog could be around 12 years old in captivity, if properly taken care of and regular maintenance.


They are soft and non-aggressive pets. They are shy and are easily scared. While they’re not hostile or territorial leopard frogs can try to eat whatever they can fit into their mouths. They will also eat other frogs that are smaller which is why you shouldn’t keep the leopard frog in a room with any other animal that’s small enough to devour.

Leopard frogs are safe to handle in a manner that requires attention. But, the majority of types that are leopard frogs (northern and southern leopard frogs, too) do not like being handled. Their desire for attention from humans will be contingent on the frog’s personality and if the frog is comfortable with handling. Be wary of the ferocious leopard frog’s hind legs. They are known to leap up and down three feet when they sense that they are being threatened.

The majority of kinds of leopard frogs are able to be kept in a single enclosure without aggression or territorial behavior. However, you must ensure that the enclosure is spacious enough to accommodate the number of frogs that you’re looking to keep.

Housing Leopard Frogs

Leopard frogs are found in nature and are found in various habitats, including marshy, wet forests, woodlands and slow-moving streams. They are semi-aquatic which means that they’ll require an area of water within their enclosure, as well as dry habitat.

Frogs can be housed in vivariums or terrariums. It is recommended that you purchase an enclosure suitable for reptiles as well as semi-aquatic animals. Your enclosure must be built to withstand adequate heating, water and substrate.

Dimensions of Enclosure

For one leopard frog with a tank of 10-20 gallons is sufficient. If you are planning to add more frogs you should add 10 gallons per new frog.

The space for floor is far more crucial for frogs that the height. Small, tall tanks aren’t suitable for leopard frogs since they don’t have much of a climbing habit. Leopard frogs require a land area as well as a water area and therefore, you’ll have to make two distinct parts of your tank.


Leopard frogs are night-time animals and therefore UV lighting or any type of lamps aren’t required. But some owners decide to add lighting to their tanks to provide their animals a regular day/night cycle..

If you are adding an electric lamp to the enclosure of your leopard frog be sure the frogs don’t leap on the lamp and end up burning.

Frogs are known to hide if the lighting inside the enclosure is too bright. If you find that your frogs often hiding, it is time to review the lighting of the enclosure.

temperature and humidity

At daytime, maintain the temperature of the tank between 70 to 75 degrees. You can make different temperatures by creating zones of cooler temperatures within the tank, and also by creating a basking zone of 80 degrees.

Utilize heaters, heating emitters or heat lamps for creating warm spots within the tank. The bigger your tank the easier you will find it to build diverse areas of temperature.

Wild leopard frogs struggle with temperature fluctuations over the course of the night. To simulate this, you could lower the temperature of your tank to around 60 degrees. Leopard frogs have cold blood, and a cooler evening can help frogs maintain its internal temperatures.

Humidity is another factor to consider for a happy, healthy leopard frog. The humidity inside the enclosure should be between 50 and 70 percent. It is possible to use an automated fogger or spray bottle to spray the tank’s interior with warm water every now and then. If your frogs require additional humidity, they can move into the water. Hydrometers can be a great way to determine the humidity in a tank.

Decoration and Substrate

For decoration and substrate It is recommended to replicate your leopard frog’s habitat as close as you can. Organic pots and soils are an extremely popular choice for substrate.

It is possible to include reptile bark or peat moss to make different textures on the substrate. Leopard frogs are known to burrow so make sure that you have at least 3 inches of soil.

Beware of gravel and any other kind of scrubbing substrate that has tiny pebbles. Your leopard frog might be tempted to eat tiny pebbles and pieces of stones, and gravel is rough and is likely to cause injury and scratches. You can however use gravel to make the lowest layer of the enclosure and then add a few inches of substrate over it.

To add decoration, you can use items of wooden, caverns as well as live plants for terrariums. Plants that are non-toxic and low-lying create shelter and cover for your frogs. They also add additional oxygen in the air. Wood pieces that are smooth are a great way to create accessible points of entry from the water zone to the area of earth.

Be sure that the decorations are smoothand have no splinters or jagged points so that they do not hurt your frogs.


Frogs are messy creatures They require continuous cleaning to maintain the cleanliness of their tanks. The cleaning of a leopard frog’s tank could be broken down into two parts: water and the ground.

Clean the water portion of the enclosure with half-dayly water changes as well as using an old-fashioned toothbrush clean off any dirt or algae accumulation along the edges of the water space. A water siphon is utilized to draw dirt from the bottom of the water and then siphon off the polluted water.

It is recommended to perform spot cleaning every week for your Earth area, and a complete cleaning each two weeks. You’ll have to wash more often if you have many Frogs.

Begin by removing your frogs and placing them in a secure area. It is possible to put them in a smaller enclosure in the event that you have one or place them in tiny plastic, or styrofoam cup. Be sure that the frogs won’t spill their cups on them and escape. To conduct a spot-check or water changes it is possible to place your frogs back in their tank.

Verify that live plants are not decaying and fallen leaves or rot, and then remove dead leaves. Check the substrate on a spot and scoop up dirty areas such as food that has not been eaten dead insects, dead plants or the skin of a frog.

For a complete clean, you should take and replace the majority part of the substrate. If there’s no illness or sort of mold or fungus within the aquarium, it’s acceptable to leave some of the substrate in place. If the gravel near the bottom of the tank is covered in algae or appears filthy, take it up and wash it with colanders, using a toothbrush that has been used in order to clean it.

Cleanse the tank’s walls using a reptile-safe spray warm water. Do not make use of bleach, baking soda or any other commercial cleaning products to clean your tank for frogs. These products are laced with chemicals and could cause harm or even death to your pets.

There are special tank cleaning products specifically designed for frogs as well as reptiles. However, if you are you’re unsure, try using warm water, and clean soft cloth.

Removing the gravel and then put a thick layer of substrate over it. Replace the decorations. They must also be washed and scrubbed with warm water.

See more: 300+ Frog Names: Pet Frogs For You

Leopard Frog Care

Leopard frogs do not require a lot of maintenance. A few frog owners have claimed that they require just two hours of attention per week. Once you know how to take care of the leopard frog the amphibians are an excellent introduction to the world of frogkeeping.

Food and Water

Leopard frogs feed on various insects, but they prefer crickets. It is possible to feed the larvae of them as well as earthworms and moths and insects like roaches. Feed young frogs daily a three to four crickets for a meal. After frogs have reached maturity they should be fed every other every day. Make sure to feed your pet diverse meals with various kinds of insects that are suitable for them.

Northern leopard frog finds refuge under logs

Frogs are considered to be opportunistic eaters. That means they’ll devour prey whenever they see it. This is fine outdoors, since prey is extremely scarce. However, a frog which consumes any food it can find is likely to be overfed by an anxious owner in the confinement facility. If your frogs are becoming bigger and rounder they should be reducing their intake of food.

Leopard frogs drink their water from the bathing waters they swim in. If you are using a container as your water container and you want to change the water, it should be easy. Take the container off and then put fresh water in. Then, you should perform a 50-75% water change before replacing the container. Maintain the freshness of the water as stagnant water can lead to illness.


Leopard frogs are able to be handled and frogs become comfortable with it in a short time. However, they don’t enjoy being handled and your frog might hide or attempt to run away.

Be cautious when you open the lid of the enclosure. Leopard frogs are great jumpers and famous escape performers. Make sure you pick your frog up with care. The bodies of frogs are very delicate and our instinctual response is to squeeze more tightly when we sense the frog trying to escape.

Limit handling time to a minimum and limit them to once per week. This will allow the frogs get used to being handled without becoming stressed.

Cleanse your hands thoroughly prior to and after handling the leopard Frog. Although they aren’t able to release harmful toxins to humans via their skins, diseases and infections could still be transmitted between the hands of a person as well as the skin of a frog.

Don’t allow children to handle the frogs. It’s not just an issue with hygiene as well, but kids can be noisy exuberant, irritable, and rude in their interactions with pets. This can seriously strain the pet frog.

If you handle your pet too often or with excessive force or being carried around in a way that is too heavy can make a leopard frog stressed.

Common Health Issues

Leopard frogs are susceptible to two common frog diseases.

Fungal Infections

Fungal diseases can be caused by polluted water, decaying insects or pressure or handling. Fungal infections usually manifest as a swollen, sticky matter on skin, or as a clearly inflamed or irritated area.

Fungal illnesses can be treated, however they must be treated by a vet who is certified. In the event that one of your frogs is suffering from an infection caused by fungal bacteria then you must thoroughly cleanse your tank, from bottom to top taking out all substrates and conducting an entire water change. It is recommended to quarantine the frog until it heals.

“Red-Leg” Disease

If your leopard frog suffers from red-leg disease, you’ll see the legs of your frog appear red and inflamed. the frog may be irritable. Red-leg disease is treatable by a trained professional. If you observe any alarming signs, you should take your frog to a certified vet right away.


The breeding of leopard frogs is a simple procedure. Frogs attain sexual maturity at the age of two The males begin with “sing,” making a mating call to attract females. The frogs can be able to mate without instructions or conditions, in the event that they’re healthy and comfortable within their enclosure.

If breeding succeeds If the breeding is successful, you’ll see eggs in the water of the tank. They will develop into Tadpoles. If there are aquatic plants in your tank, eggs will be attached to the plants. Tadpoles feed on algae and rotting vegetables when they grow, but they may not all grow to the point of maturity. This is not unusual, since frogs generally produce hundreds of eggs and there are hundreds of Tadpoles.

How to choose and purchase the Leopard Frog

Leopard frogs are very popular pets. It is possible to purchase a species of leopard frog at the most exotic pet stores with prices ranging from $10 to $25, based what species it is rare. Always purchase your pets from a well-established reliable breeder.

When selecting a leopard frog, search for a frog that has clear eyes and skin. Be assured that the frog does not appear to be active, because it is normal for Frog.

Leopard frogs are fascinating and simple to take care of. Leopard frogs are a great pet even though you may not be able to manage them as well as other animals, they provide fun and character your home.

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