Albino Corn Snakes to beginner (Care Sheet & Advice)

It is the Albino Corn Snake is a extremely popular medium-sized snake that is available in a variety of colors and morphs that can be purchased for about $40 USD.

An excellent pet for any pet owner, regardless of their experiences. corn snakes possess a friendly nature and are happy to be handled when they are tamed, and then used in keep in captivity.

With no special nutritional-requirements, this snake’s diet is as simple as it gets and can live in a 40 gallon glass vivarium.

If you are interested in learning the steps to welcoming the albino Corn Snake to your home, continue reading to find out more about their habitat, their feeding behaviors, health requirements, and more.

Are Albino Corn Snakes Good Pets?

They are found throughout the central and southeast parts within the United States. Their name comes from:

  • Their presence on farms that grow corn and grain helps to trap rodents that are searching for food sources.
  • The corn-like pattern that appears on their underbellies

The first generation of them was bred from an Amelanistic Corn Snake taken from its natural habitat in 1953. these are the current most popular morph found in corn snakes that are kept in captivity.

Eyes with distinctive red eyes and striking patterns of red and orange along with their gentle nature, makes them popular pet among reptile owners; particularly novices.

The snake’s size is medium, and it grows from 15 inches when it’s the hatchling, and can grow to anywhere from 36 and 60 inches when an adult.

Adult snakes can be safely kept in a vivarium of 30-40 gallons equipped with heater pads (or tape) to keep warm underneath the tank. They, unlike the snakes that are beginners do not require special lighting, making easy to take care of!

Albino Corn Snakes must be kept in separate cages as well as fed freeze-thawed rodents once every few days in order to supply them with all the nutrients they require.

Summary Table
Common NamesAmelanistic corn snake as well as Amel corn snake
Scientific NamePantherophis guttatus guttatus
Adult SizeFive to three feet, and 250-800 grams
Lifespan15 to 20 years
DietMice of all sizes from small to large (dead and frozen)
Tank SizeMinimum of 40 gallon Viarium
Humidity and TemperatureHumid hide box, an optimum mossCool wet temperature of 70-77degF and a warm temperature of between 80 and 85degF
Popular AlternativesKingsnake, Milk Snake

Care & Husbandry Guide

Wild corn snakes are found in forests and grasslands throughout The United States. These snakes are terrestreal ( not arboreal) but sometimes they may travel over lower tree branches or even plants.

All year round, breeders will find that they’re less active in the winter months when temperatures are colder and can be found in burrows, tree holes, or even structures constructed by humans, like barns or abandoned structures.

Making an enclosure that mimics the natural surroundings is easy and straightforward to maintain. Size, temperature, and specifications for the substrate are described below.

Housing An Albino Corn Snake

If you want to hatch an albino snake, begin by using an empty shoebox-sized plastic container. Add small pieces of wood, a cork tube to hide in as well as some other fauna. As your snake gets bigger in size, their tank will need to expand in size as well.

A glass enclosure of 10 gals is suitable for children who is between the ages of six months and one year.

If your pet is growing in size, you can buy an additional glass enclosure. Twenty gallons are the ideal size, however, based on how large your snake grows, typically 30-40 gallons is the ideal size.

Cover the vivarium by putting a screen on top to ensure optimal ventilation . Also, ensure that there are no cracks as the search for a snake that has escaped isn’t easy!

To provide your snake with an area that allows for climbing vertically, add some driftwood or slanted branches and other faux animals and rocks. This will stimulate exploration. They must have at minimum two hide boxes as well as one designed specifically for the shed. Cork bark hide boxes work great!

Make sure to keep an area of your tank that is cooler, and the other one on more warm side. Placing moist moss inside the shed hide will help create a more humid atmosphere and will make sheds more easy. Your snake will move to the hide box when it is time for shed.

Along with a bowl for water Also, you should provide a large, shallow bowl designed specifically to soak in ( more on this below).

Heating and Lighting

There aren’t any specific lighting requirements for albino-colored corn snake. Light patterns that are natural and organic can be appropriate, however enclosures should not be placed directly next to windows because you are unable to determine the position of the sun or intensity.

Snakes prefer to receive warmth from their bottoms, thus the most efficient method of heating is the use of a heating pad or tape (make sure that you don’t overheat all of the enclosure):

  • There is likely to be cool temperatures within the 70-77degF temperature range.
  • There is likely to be a warmer side, ranging between 80 and 85degF.
  • (Optional) an optional lighting fixture for basking can be used however the light bulb must not be in the enclosure. It should be able to heat a small area up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.


The best substrate for the albino snake would be shavings of aspen. The material is non-abrasive and soft, which allows the snakes to burrow without fear of breathing in the substance. Newspapers and paper towels are also useful since they’re inexpensive and can absorb additional moisture effectively.

Do not use sand or wooden chips. Sand is a risk because small particles can be easy for pets to breathe in and wood chips could be too rough for their skin.

You must replace any areas on the bedding that have become wet or have feces on them and clean the bedding every month about once.

Tank Tips
Tank Type40 gallon glass living room
HeatingHeating pad/tape in the bottom of enclosure
The Best SubstrateAspen bedding

What Food Should You Feed an Albino Corn Snake?

Captive Albino-Corn Snakes generally consume rodents frozen but not live. It is advised feeding frozen rodents as it is risky for your snake if they’re fed live mice or rats. Live prey will attempt to defend themselves, and may cause bites or scratches on your snake.

Most of the time, mice appear to be more suitable for size because the food you ate is likely to be only a bit wider than the width of the snake’s body.

Corn snakes are constrictors and can strike their prey before wrapping their bodies and then squeeze them tight. Wild, they consume a variety of live prey, such as:

If feeding frozen prey allow the food to melt and then warm up to room temperature prior to you serve it. This gives the prey a greater taste, aroma and feel and provide a more pleasant dinner. Use tongs or dangle the animal by its tail to stimulate the corn snake to hit.

Be aware when feeding with your hands prey. They can be very fast and could cause injury when they bite your fingers or hands instead of prey.

Feeding Guidelines

  • The hatchlings are able to be fed live pinky mice since they adjust to freezing-thawed. They will be fed every 5-7 days.
  • Juveniles may be fed a pinky mouse or a small adult mouse (depending on the size of the mouse) every week
  • Adult corn snakes may be fed a large to medium size mouse every 7 to 10 days

Different corn snakes have distinct needs for food that are based on their size. Therefore, ensure that you adjust to their specific needs.

Water that is clean should always be readily available to your pet. A water bowl that is shallow is ideal as it’s not high enough for them and isn’t easy to tip over. Change the water regularly or when it becomes dirty.

Diet Summary
FruitsZero percent of the diet
InsectsThe diet is 0%.
Meat100% of diet – small/medium sized rodents
Supplements Are RequiredN/A

Common Health Problems

It is believed that the Albino Corn Snake is known for its toughness and does not suffer from many health issues when kept in the wild. A well-managed, neat, well-heated enclosure is crucial in preventing any illness.

A filthy enclosure could result in undesirable bacteria or fungus to spread and can cause respiratory illness or mouth decay. Both problems can cause your snake be discomforted and avoid eating, which could result in further complications.

Sometimes, snakes refuse to eat due to various reasons. It’s not necessarily an issue by itself however, you must be aware of the amount of food your pet consumes and the number of meals that are not eaten. In the event that more than one meal is not eaten within a row, consult an animal vet to determine if there is an issue with your pet’s health or a problem with your enclosure.

Another health issue to look to look for could be a shedding related complication. This could occur when a portion of the shed from your snake remain within their own body. Maintaining a humid hidebox is recommended to prevent this issue. You can offer your snake a bath in lukewarm water to ease the process.

How Do Corn Snakes Live as Pets?

Although this form can be found on the open, Albino Snake’s vivid coloration puts them at an advantage, since they’re not able to hide well in the natural environment they live in.

Wild corn snakes live an average life span of 3 or seven years in wild. In captivity, as there isn’t any risk of predation and color is no longer an issue in life, the average lifespan for the albino corn snake is 15 to 20 years.

Tank Cleaning

Cleaning your enclosure regularly is crucial to keep your pet in good health.

Be sure to spot-clean each day and clean any substrate that is wet or soaked. The enclosure should be thoroughly cleaned every 2 months. This involves completely replacing the substrate material to ensure proper husbandry.

The snake’s excrement must comprise in solid brown excrement with an urate cap of white and a small amount urine.

Albino corn snakes are not require additional misting in their enclosure, however, they must have an arid, humid shelter in their homes.

Health Signs That They AreThe symptoms of sickness
Eyes clearThe breathing is labored.
Tongue flickeringRefusing to eat meals
Active, explorativeStaying hidden for long durations of time
Slim Full bodyComplete shedding

Are Corn Snakes to be trusted?

They are pets that are solely their own and are not socialized with in the off-season when males battle for females. Albino Corn Snake Albino Corn Snake is docile and spends the majority of his time in the grassland until night falls, when he comes out to capture rodents, birds and other prey species.

Albino Corn Snakes make use of gestures to express what they feel to other snakes as well as to humans:

  • Tongue flicking is an everyday act that is simply the snake’s method of detecting its surroundings
  • Hissing and tail shaking are defense behaviors that indicate that the snake is taking something as a threat , and telling the snake, “stay away”

They are naturally curious snakes therefore it is not uncommon to see the snakes exploring their surroundings within their enclosure. Since they are nocturnal, they’ll be active during the night and can be found spending the majority of their daytime in their hide boxes.

You can see more about Pied Ball Python, Brazilian Rainbow Boa

Handling Advice

Handling is great for stimulating as well as encouraging pet calmness Therefore, ensure not to let your pet to be left alone for prolonged periods.

It is important to wash your hands prior to and after handling, as it prevents the spread of illness between you and your dog, and the reverse.

When you are first introduced to your albino snake it is crucial to let them adjust prior to any major interactions or handling. Your snake will be living in an entirely new environment, with new sights and scents. They could have never had contact with humans before.

Let your pet adapt to its surroundings for around two weeks. When they’re comfortable with moving around and eating at their new habitat You can begin tiny, gradual steps of handling.

Snakes that shed have a blue-ish tinge over their eyes. They should not handle them while in this condition. They are shed of the skin that covers their eyes and vision is diminished, increasing the likelihood that your snake will be scared.

When you first begin handing the pet at the side rather than from above. Then, support its weight, without limiting the head or grasping the tail. Albino snakes tend to be gentle and are a joy to play with when handled.

Begin with brief five-minute handling sessions Then move on to 10 minutes and then 30 minutes. Snakes shouldn’t be handled more than one hour, and they should be returned to their enclosures after having completed. Take care to handle your corn snake two or three times per week and not more than once a day This should keep your snake in check and comfortable with human interaction.

Albino corn snakes aren’t poisonous. The albino corn snake will not bite when it is being handled and handled appropriately. The young and the hatchlings are more agitated and easily agitated. They could bite first but they aren’t likely to cause major damage.


Instead of being completely in white it has white, pale red or pale orange coloring instead of the usual black markings for wild corn snakes. Red saddles are found on the dorsal sides of the albino corn snake , with orange bands in between and an underbelly that is white.

Owners are enthralled by the fact that corn snakes’ markings extend over their heads (creating the appearance of a triangular pattern directly above) and they have red eyes! While the albino-colored corn snake can be described as a morph in itself however, there are several varieties that have different markings, such as the reverse okeetee and creamsicle the morph.

In the albino morph there are a myriad of markings that produce various-looking snakes such as the okeetee motley, tessera, and striped variety.

However, they are frequently confused as copperheads (a poisonous snake that lives throughout North America). For a skilled eye it is easy to spot a discernible difference in the coloration and markings of both species.

There isn’t any visible indication to distinguish that a male is a female. The only method to sexually engage Albino Corn Snakes is by pop them that is by exposed hemipenis or absence thereof, through the Cloaca. Hemipenes are a sign that your snake is male females will have tiny red dots that are present.

How Big Can Corn Snakes Grow?

Little hatchlings begin tiny and are under 15 inches! They begin their growth in the first year of life , but slow down until they are around 2 years of age. After two years you will be able to tell if your Albino Corn Snake should measurement between three and five feet long. The longest corn snake ever recorded had a length of 72 inches!

Some can grow up at the age of two however, it is steady and slow, is not particularly noticeable.

They are medium-sized slim-bodied snakes. The weight ranges considerably and there isn’t a breed standard. Therefore, you should try to achieve between 250 and 800 grams.

Choosing An Albino Corn Snake

It is crucial to ensure your snake is healthy prior to taking them home. Make sure they’re well-moving, active and are free of any discomfort. Ask the breeder about what they feed them and also if they’ve been handled previously. Be sure to look for eyes that are clear and normal behavior like tongue moving.

Depending on the place you purchase your pet, the cost may vary, but you can anticipate an average cost of approximately $40 to $60 USD.

The various colors and markings of albino corn snake morphs could affect the cost of purchase. Things like size, sex, and age can influence the pricing. Prices can be higher or lower.

Shopping at a reptile expo is highly recommended since you can speak to the breeder face-toface and will be able to see the snake prior you buy.


Albino Corn Snakes are Oviparous which means they lay eggs which the offspring grows before hatching later which they hatch like the majority of Geckos (Crested Gecko, Gargoyle Gecko …).

After the eggs are laid There is no parental supervision provided by either the mother or father snake. The hatchlings can appear duller when they hatch but as they grow and they grow, their colors become brighter.

Breeding can be best performed following a time of Brumation.

This is accomplished by lowering the temperature of the vivarium slowly and stop feeding your snakes approximately November through February. You can then slowly increase temperature and begin feeding them every day for a couple of hours to increase strength and energy. Males shed their hair and around 2 weeks later , females sheds. This is when mating occurs.

Males respond to pheromones released by the female, so raising the humidity in the enclosure could help attract both. The snakes that mat will be in contact for between 20 and 30 minutes. The male will be returned to its enclosure after every mating ceremony.

Females can be gravid for up to 4-6 weeks. On average, females can lay up to 12 eggs per clutch, but up to 32 eggs were reported!

The eggs should be incubated at temperatures between 78 and 80 degF. Eggs can take 6-8 months to develop. It is suggested to mat only once per year to ensure the well-being of your snakes as well as the eggs that hatch.

Care Guide Summary

Why We Our HeartsWhat is it that makes them difficult?
Docile natureEach unit must be kept separately
Experiential and curiousTakes time to get used to a brand new environment
Simple dietMoving a lot when handling

Albino corn snakes are great for those who are new to reptiles and beginners. Their playful yet calm nature makes them perfect for families willing to give them the attention and affection they need. If you’re looking for an animal that can glide over you the snake you’re looking for is the one for you!

Other similar breeds include Kingsnake, Milk Snake, and Garter Snake. They all have distinct care requirements kept in captivity (e.g. tank sizes, feeding requirements, etc.) So, make sure you compare all of them to determine which one best suits your requirements and needs.

The albino corn snake be happy being part of the family but its stunning colors and distinctive markings will make it a captivating talking topic for your guests! Their distinctive coloring is sure to draw attention of others.

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