Sunbeam Snake Care Guide, Husbandry & Fact Sheet

Sunbeam snakes, also known as sunbeams, are beautiful and well-loved for their dark brown or iridescent black scales. The rainbows that dance across the skin of the Sunbeam snakes will amaze you when it hits them.

If you are looking for a pet snake, these beautiful snakes will be a great choice. Sunbeams are not recommended for beginners. Sunbeams have a high rate of mortality and require strict habitat and husbandry requirements.

These animals are best for experienced keepers who are willing to make the effort to create a safe enclosure.

This article will provide general information on sunbeam snakes as well as where to buy them. Then, we share tips on how to set up the best cage.

Guide to Sunbeam Snake Species

Not many people keep this Sunbeam snake, but they’re a fascinating species.

The family Xenopeltidae includes common sunbeam snakes ( Xenopeltis uicolor). They are just one of two species within the Xenopeltidae Xenopeltis hainanensis family. These two species are both Asian constrictors.

The common sunbeam snake is the focus of this article. It’s often kept as a pet.

Sunbeam snakes, also known as primitive species, are not much different from their Macrostomata ancestors. They are very similar to the Mexican burrowing Python.

This species is found in parts of Indonesia, India, and southeast Asia. They are attracted to a humid climate and lower temperatures. They can thrive in humidity levels of 75% to 100% and temperatures around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one of the many requirements that makes their care challenging.

They are easy to care for if you do your research. They have specific housing needs. This species requires a keeper who is able to understand that it cannot be handled as often as a corn Snake.

Remembering that they love to spend time underground is the most important part of setting up their enclosure. It is important to provide a soil-like substrate for them to burrow into. A tall enclosure is unnecessary as they prefer to spend their time underground.

It is not as difficult as it sounds to care for these snakes. All you need is dedication.

Sunbeam snakes have a more docile temperament than ball pythons. They can be very rewarding species to keep if you’re willing to work hard.

What We Like


  • Gorgeous black and brown colors with iridescent scales.
  • One of these rare items can be kept to make your collection unique.
  • They’re relatively inexpensive & easy to find.


  • They require a high humidity level and strict husbandry requirements.
  • Many are wild-caught, so they are more susceptible to having parasites.
  • High mortality rate in captivity because of stress.

Burrowing Behavior

This species does not like to be handled often.

In captivity and wild, sunbeam snakes can be very shy. They are underground most of the time and are nocturnal which helps them avoid predators and other threats. The Kenyan Sand Boa also exhibits this burrowing behavior.

The sunbeam will likely spend most of its time hiding.

Sunbeam snakes are one of few burrowing species. They are quite different. Their wedge-shaped heads are used for digging up dirt. It is amazing to see them digging a burrow.

They can easily become stressed, which can be dangerous for their health.

They may mimic the rattlesnake sound by ragging their tails when they’re angry, stressed or afraid. Although they don’t make a buzzing sound, the motion is enough to keep predators away from their territory. They also release a foul-smelling liquid out of their vents as a defense mechanism. This is called musking, and it is also common in babies copperheads.

They should not be handled too often as pets. Although they may eventually become accustomed to being held they are still susceptible to stress and death. Sunbeam snakes can also release a foul-smelling, stench-like musk. If you handle one, you’ll likely notice an unpleasant odor.

If they start to act stressed, such as hissing, rattling the tail or striking, you should not attempt to handle them. If they start to hiss, rattling their tails or striking, you should return them to the enclosure.

Appearance and colors

Sunbeam snakes have a very distinctive appearance. Their bodies are slightly flattened and have a wedge-shaped head which aids in digging. Their heads are approximately the same width as their bodies so it is difficult to see where their heads begin.

There are two types of sunbeam snakes, the Hainan and common. However, they have identical appearances.

Sunbeam snakes are characterized by iridescent black or dark brown scales on their upper body. They also have a white, pale, or cream-colored belly. This is why they are often called “iridescent earth snakes”.

A white ring is often seen around the neck of younger species, but it fades after the first year.

They are burrowing species, i.e. They are semi-fossorial and have small eyes. Their bodies can be used to move in underground burrows.

They can reach up to two to three feet in length. However, there have been reports of people as tall as four feet. Juveniles typically measure around 2 feet. Size is not a distinguishing factor between males or females.

The appearance of male and female species is the same.

Probing is the only way to tell the difference between the sexes. Probing refers to when a professional inserts a small metal instrument into the snake’s vent in order to detect the presence or absence of hemipenes. These are male snakes’ sexual organs.

Sunbeam Snake Care sheet

They can be easily housed in a 32-quart plastic tub with one thick enough layer of substrate.

Sunbeam snakes are more difficult to care for than the more common snakes. This species is not for beginners or people who are looking for a snake they can handle often.

These snakes are best for experienced hobbyists looking to add a new species to their collection. These snakes require a lot of care and attention from hobbyists.

Attachment Setup

Sunbeam snakes need a humidity of 75% or more. Many people keep sunbeam snakes in plastic tubs. The best choice is a 32-quart poly tub.

Glass aquariums can make your snake feel less secure. High humidity levels will be more difficult to maintain.

After you have chosen an enclosure, it’s time to think about a substrate.

Coconut coir is a good substrate. It’s loose and soil-like. This will allow your snake’s to burrow as deep as it desires. A layer of about six inches in depth is recommended. Avoid substrates made of pine or cedar as they can contain oils that could be toxic to snakes.

Once you have selected your substrate, think about the type of heating you want to use.

Sunbeam snakes will love an under-tank heater , similar to a heating mat. It will heat the enclosure without drying it out as fast as an overhead heating lamp.

The enclosure’s hot spot should be at 85° with an ambient temperature of around 80°. The enclosure’s cool side should be between 70 and 75 degrees.

Sunbeam snakes are usually found below ground. Therefore, it is not necessary to provide a lot of decoration. However, soft plastic plants or hides may be helpful for them when they move out of their burrow. They do not need UVB because they rarely get much sunlight in the wild.

It is likely that you will want to invest in the following:

  • To maintain high humidity, a fogger or reptile mister is required.
  • The hygrometer measures humidity.
  • There are two thermometers, one for the hot and one for cool.
  • You will need a large water dish for your sunbeam serpent to soak in.

Remember that they require high humidity, access to water dishes large enough for them to soak in, as well as a thick layer of substrate.


In the wild Sunbeam snakes eat frogs, lizards, other snakes, and rodents.

Sunbeam snakes can be carnivores and will eat many species including frogs.

This snake, like many other species, prefers to hunt at night. They will often emerge from their burrows to seek prey and kill them through constriction. They squeeze their prey with their strong muscles.

Keepers believe that sunbeam snakes must be kept in captivity because they have such a diverse diet in nature. Although this snake will eat a frog and lizard if they are offered one, it will be perfectly healthy on a rodent-based diet. They have a strong appetite.

Frozen and thawed rodents offer a better, often cheaper, alternative. Your snake is at risk from live prey.

Sunbeam snakes are wild and usually only feed once per week.

  • Every five days, baby sunbeam snakes need to be fed a pinky mice.
  • A fuzzy mouse can be given to juveniles every week.
  • A hopper mouse can be given to adults every two weeks.
Life StagePreyFeeding Frequency
HatchlingPinky miceEvery 5 to 7 Days
JuvenileFuzzy miceWeekly
AdultHopper miceEvery 2 weeks

This species needs to eat small prey. They can grow to a size about the same as a quarter in diameter even when fully grown. Limit prey to no greater than your snake .

Health issues

Sunbeam snakes can live for about 10 years in captivity. However, it is difficult to estimate their lifespans as many are imported and are therefore hard to age.

These species are susceptible to many of those same diseases and illnesses that you might already know about if you keep a snake. However, there are some things you need to be vigilant for.

First, watch out for parasites. Because of the difficulty in breeding them, most sunbeam snakes can only be caught wild. Because of this, they are more likely to have some type of parasite. Your snake may be thin or losing weight due to an intestinal parasite.

Snake mites or ticks can also be a problem. Make sure to check under your snake’s scales for these parasites.

Scale rot is another thing to watch out for.

Scale rot, a bacterial infection that can cause open sores or blisters on your snake’s skin, is known as scale rot. Common signs include discolored or rotting scales.

The most important thing to look out for is signs that your snake may be becoming stressed. Sunbeam snakes are most likely to die from stress.

These animals have been raised underground and are not used being viewed or handled. Your snake may become fearful if it is not properly housed or handled too often. A sunbeam snake that is stressed may stop eating or drinking.

This can be avoided by making sure that your snake has sufficient substrate to burrow in, and that their enclosure is kept in a quiet area.

How to Find and Pick a Sunbeam Snake

Sunbeam snakes can only be purchased through specialist reptile shops and breeders. Because of their high stress levels, they are notoriously difficult for captive breeding. Wild caught individuals will make up the majority of those you’ll find for sale.

Look for a snake with bright scales and bright eyes.

Avoid babies who are lethargic, overweight, or have poor appetite.

Sunbeam snakes are usually between $70-$100.

A 32-quart tub is ideal for a good enclosure. For the complete enclosure setup (which includes a heating mat, mister and heating mat), budget $200-$350

Fascinating facts

Species Facts
Common NameSunbeam snake, iridescent Earth snake, common sunbeam serpent.
Scientific NameXenopeltis unicolor
Name of the FamilyXenopeltidae
PriceFrom $70 to $100
Size2 – 3 feet long
Lifespan10 Years
Tank SizePlastic tub 32-quart
Humidity and TemperatureTemperature: 80 – 80degF
Humidity: 75 – 100%
Popular AlternativesWhite-lipped Python and Brazilian rainbow Boa.


Sunbeam snakes are beautiful with their beautiful brown or black iridescent skins that shine in the sun to create a rainbow-like pattern . Rarely are there any other pets that are so unique and beautiful. They are not common and few people keep them. Adding one to your collection will make it even more unique.

Because they live underground, this species is unique among pet snakes. This burrowing behavior requires special husbandry.

They are most at home in warm and humid environments. A mister is also necessary to maintain the required humidity of 75% or more.

Sunbeam snakes can be dangerous and are not recommended for beginners. Sunbeam snakes are highly sensitive and can become stressed easily. They should be kept in a dark, calm area and not handled. They are easy to care for if you do your research well and have the right attitude.

Do you think this sounds like something you would be up for? Let us know in the comments.

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