Draco Lizard: Care Guide & Species Profile

The draco is a lizard with wing-like extensions on its wings that allow it to glide between trees. The lizard’s mottled brown color serves as camouflage against bark trees. The draco is an endemic species in Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines and Borneo.

They are common in their natural habitat. Although they are not readily available in pet shops and can be expensive, some people keep them as pets. It is hard to keep draco lizards in your home as pets. They are difficult to breed and feed, and need special arboreal enclosures.

Draco Lizard Overview*

Common nameFlying lizards
Scientific nameDraco volans
Natural habitatThe tropical rainforests of Southern Asia, Borneo and the southern part of India are home to tropical rainforests.
Size for adults8 inches
Average life expectancyEight years
HousingGlass aquariums and PVC enclosures
Experience levelExpert


Draco volans (or Draco lizards) is an endemic species that can be found in the Philippines, Borneo, South Asia and the Southern part India. The habitat of Draco lizards is tropical rainforests, densely wooded areas and places that offer excellent perching and basking spots. Arboreal lizards live in trees and are therefore arboreal.

They are common in their natural habitats, and are not considered endangered or protected. They are unique in their ability to fly, which makes them fun and different from other lizards.

Appearance & Behavior

Draco lizards have flat bodies and extended ribs which retract and extend while gliding. The membrane that holds their ribs in position extends from their front legs to their rear legs. Some draco species have red, blue and yellow variations.

The wings of male draco lizards are blueish-brown on the dorsal end. The bright yellow pointed dewlaps projecting from the throats of male draco lizards are also a feature. Females are characterized by bluish-gray dewlaps with yellow coloration on the ventral side.

Diurnal species are Draco Lizards. They are active during daytime and rest at night. When they have to move, lizards will glide from one tree to the next. To escape danger, draco lizards will climb up tree trunks to get out of danger. These lizards will not glide in the rain or strong winds.


On average, Draco lizards measure eight inches in length. Their tails, which measure over four inches in length, make up more of half of their length. Males are smaller than females. Draco Lizards can weigh anywhere from 0.73 to 4 ounces. Males are heavier than females.

Average lifespan for male and female dracos is eight years. Living in well-kept captivity can make it up to 10 years for lizards. The lizards will live longer if they have perching spots and stimulation.


Draco lizards are territorial. Males will fight for their territory. As they chase other males, they will glide from one tree to the next. To intimidate their rivals, males will flash their dewlaps and use this as an intimidation display. One male draco-lizard can dominate up to three females, occupying as many trees as three trees.

Multiple draco lizards living in the same area can lead to fights and often result in serious injuries. Keep the lizards separate and allow only interaction during breeding.

Draco lizards can be skittish so it is difficult for beginners to handle them. As part of their defense mechanism, lizards bite. Therefore, it is important to wear gloves and protective clothing when handling them. They bites can be painful, but they are not dangerous. Take care when handling a lizard. Your hands should be used to support the lizard’s back. One should be under the forearm and the other one under the hind limbs. If handled incorrectly, the draco lizard can easily break bones.

Housing Draco Lizards

The best way to help draco lizards develop is to mimic their natural environment. This will give them more opportunities to exhibit their natural behaviors and allow them to grow faster. For draco lizards, glass aquariums and PVC enclosures are great housing options.

A screen top can be added to your enclosure for ventilation and protection against lizards escaping. An enclosure high enough will give draco lizards enough space to fly.

Draco lizards are found in low-altitude rainforests and tropical rainforests. Arboreal lizards prefer to live in trees and can thrive at temperatures around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Enclosure Size

Draco lizard enclosures must be 30 inches high, 16 inch long and 16 inch wide. This species prefers large tanks as they allow for ample gliding.


For draco lizard enclosures, intense UV lights are a great choice. The Reptisun 10.0 T5 high output bulbs emit consistent UV rays through the enclosure. This helps the lizard develop its bones, muscles and teeth. Additional fluorescent bulbs can be placed above the enclosure to promote plant growth.

Humidity and Temperature

Draco lizards can only be found in tropical areas. This means that their development is affected by temperature. These lizards need to be kept at 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Different parts of an enclosure should have different temperatures.

Allow draco to bask at temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, let the enclosure cool to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. An enclosure can be heated by a heating bulb to create a thermal gradient. Additional heat may be provided by hand warmers.

The enclosure should have a humidity of 75% to 85 percent. A misting system can be used to acclimate humidity levels and provide lizards with the necessary hydration. To monitor humidity levels, use a hygrometer and a thermometer inside the enclosure.

Extreme temperatures can lead to premature skin shedding, and other health issues. To keep the draco-lizard healthy, temperature regulation is essential.

Substrate and Decoration

Draco lizards rarely spend time on the ground so an enclosure substrate that is easy-to-clean is essential. For draco lizards, eco earth and coco fiber moss are good substrates. Mold prevention is made easier by a drainage layer at the base of the enclosure.

The enclosure can be enhanced by adding plants or vines. This will also provide additional climbing space. Perching spots can be found in hollowed logs and tree branches. The draco lizard will thrive if there are many textures and surfaces available.

Special basking areas are required for Draco Lizards to reach high temperatures. Basking spots can be constructed from large rocks, flat stones, or any other type of rock formation.


To ensure the well-being of the draco, it is important to clean and maintain the enclosure. Daily, remove any feces or uneaten food from the enclosure. To remove any dirt or debris, wipe the enclosure’s interior with a damp cloth. To check for parasites in the enclosure and the draco-lizard, use ultraviolet light.

Draco Lizard Care

It is not easy to care for dracos. It can be difficult for new hobbyists to keep dracos. These lizards require careful attention in order to survive. Experienced professionals and experts can help dracos lizards. The most important aspect of their care is keeping them hydrated. Misting the enclosure daily is a good way to hydrate them.

Food and Water

Draco lizards are insectivorous. They eat adult crickets, bean beetles and fruit flies. Draco Lizards are small-headed and will eat smaller insects. To provide extra nutrients, dust the insects with vitamin powder and calcium.

At least twice a day, feed draco lizards 3-4 times per week. Avoid feeding draco-lizards ticks, millipedes and scorpions. Fireflies and other insects can contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to reptiles, which can be used as self-defense.


Draco lizards can be fragile and delicate. They are not happy to be handled and may bite or attempt to escape. Predator animals can create stress which can inhibit development. Do not keep draco-lizards in close proximity to other reptiles. This can cause stress. Stress can also be caused by loud or shrill sounds, high traffic areas and other animals.

When stressed, draco lizards may lose their appetite and hide. Stress can also be indicated by prolonged soaking or gradual behavioral changes.

Common Health Issues

Because of their delicate nature, Draco Lizards can be difficult to care for. Poxvirus, metabolic bone disorders and fungal infections are all common health problems.

Poxvirus, which affects the liver, kidneys, and spleen of draco lizards, is a very common problem. It causes skin lesions, brown bumps around their eyes and mouths, and can cause severe illness. Poxvirus can be fatal so it is best to prevent it. It is important to avoid close contact with reptiles, and to ensure optimal conditions.

MBD (metabolic bone disorder) is caused by deficiencies in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3. Proper lighting can also be a factor. MBD causes bone weakness and stunted growth. MBD is more common in newborn draco lizards, which eat soft-bodied insects such as ants without an exoskeleton.

If MBD is detected early, adequate UV-A or UV-B lighting can reverse its effects. MBD can be prevented by proper calcium and phosphorus supplementation.

Fungal infections can appear as white, cottony bumps on the skin or body. Fungal infections can cause weight loss, itching, swelling, blisters and a lack of appetite. Fungal infections can be treated with antifungal medications such as ketoconazole or itraconazole.


It is difficult to breed draco lizards. High mortality rates are common in hatchlings of draco lizards. It is important to make sure that draco lizards are well adjusted to their surroundings before breeding them.

Provide draco lizards a safe, warm place to hide and court in order to start the breeding process. For two weeks, keep the temperature in your enclosure at 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Introduce the male draco to the female enclosure, or vice versa. For four days, keep the male and female together. During mating, the male will climb onto the female’s back and it will take between 3-18 minutes.

After four days, remove the male draco lizard from the enclosure to allow the eggs to develop. The female draco-lizard should be fed calcium-rich insects like crickets and mealworms. As the eggs begin to develop in her body, the female will begin to balloon.

To ensure eggs develop properly, keep the temperature at 78°F. From conception until hatching, keep the temperature at this level. Maintain humidity between 60-70%

After mating, the female will lay her eggs within four to six weeks. The female will build a nest in the tank’s bottom and cover it with soil, plant material and peatmoss. The eggs should be incubated for between 77 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 45 days.

Within 45 days, the eggs will hatch. The eggs of hatchling draco-dragons require very low humidity and high temperatures in order to survive. To ensure the best results, keep hatchling draco-dragons in a box with holes and feed them soft-bodied insects like termites and flies.

Choosing and buying a Draco Lizard

For hatchlings, dracos cost between $39.99 and $49.99, while adult dracos are $60.99 to $200. Because they are difficult to breed in captivity, these lizards cannot be readily obtained. Online sales are possible from reputable pet shops and breeders.

Although it is tempting to keep dracos, 99% of them will die within the first few days of being in captivity. These delicate lizards can easily dehydrate. Importing draco lizards is possible without restrictions. Before purchasing draco lizards, hobbyists should ensure that they have the correct equipment.

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