Earless Monitor Lizard Guide: Everything You Need to Know

The Earless Monitor Lizard is a semi-aquatic reptile (able to survive on both water and on land) however their preferred spot is in the vicinity of rough marshes and streams.

Earless Monitor Lizards are commonly located in wetlands and in rainforests However, they can also be found in streams that run through agriculturally degraded habitats like mature fruit tree gardens and palm oil plantations and even on rice farms.

The Earless Monitor Lizard is originally from the island of Borneo and Brunei (Southeast Asia) and Sarawak (East Malaysia), West and North Kalimantan (Indonesia).

The Earless Monitor, scientifically identified as Lanthanotus Borneensis, is part of the Lanthanotidae family, which translates to “hidden ear” (Lanthanotus). It is believed that the Earless Monitor is the only living animal in the family of Lanthanotidae.

They have a dark brown and reddish and have a scaly appearance and a cylindrical body. Their body shape of Earless Monitor Lizard is not too long, but their bodies are more imposing in comparison to other Lizards.

While some Monitor Lizard species, like the Timor Tree Monitor, are smaller, a lot of other species can grow up to a couple of feet in length on average.

They Earless Monitor Lizards have long necks, limbs that are short, long sharp claws and tiny, round blue eyes that look like beads. Eyelids that are semi-transparent on the lower part, as well as six long rows of sharply peeled scales on their bodies.

They do not have obvious ear openings, or externally evident signs of ear canals (hence they are called that). They lack the tympanum, which is a typical characteristic of ear protuberances in reptiles. However they do have a tympanum. Earless Monitor Lizard can indeed hear.

The difference in gender between male and female is evident from three years old. Earless Monitor males have a characteristically larger head and base as compared to females.

The Earless Monitor Lizard has a forked tongue as well as a lengthy tail. However, if the tail gets damaged or injured it can’t be repaired or grow back.

Care Guide

The Earless Monitor Lizard was initially thought to be a rare species however, its breeding numbers have been increasing in recent years.

Earless Monitor Lizards are native to tropical climates and are typically located in wetlands.

In a study conducted with locals living in Malaysia 95% have been confirmed to be aware of of them and consider them commonplace. However certain other residents in fishing and washing areas have been reported to not know about their existence.

The Earless Monitor Lizard isn’t extinct as of yet, but it is classified as endangered or vulnerable as per the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

The removal of the Earless Monitor lizard from the wild is illegal and certain measures have been implemented to limit the population of trading of pets and wildlife which includes the zoos.

Even though the cost of trading Earless Monitor Lizards have decreased by over 90% because of the increased availability, the product is still highly valuable.

The Earless Monitor Lizard species make great pets. The guidelines for their care are the same like any different Monitor Lizard.

The majority of Monitor Lizard species need light and a source of heat. It is essential to adhere to the guidelines of the person who cares for or breeder that you acquire your Earless Lizard from. It is equally important to be careful and never let your animal like an Earless Monitor lizard into the wild.

Serve water and food bowls as well as keep the bowls clean using soapy water.

Clean and clear paddling pools every day and every day based on whether the paddling is contaminated by waste from the Earless Monitoring Lizard’s waste.

Make sure you clean the branches and ramps, as well as other ornaments. The soiled substrate must be cleaned daily.


The specific diet you will get depends on the Earless the Monitor Lizard. The majority of Monitor Lizards are carnivores, they consume meat exclusively.

Some of the Monitor Lizard species are omnivorous that eats both meat as well as plants. A majority of Monitor Lizard omnivorous species eat fruit as the primary food source for their food.

It is the Earless Monitor Lizard is a carnivore Monitor Lizard, and its delicious meals include crickets, mealworms and grasshoppers, cockroaches, and fish.

The Earless Monitor Lizard in captivity was known to eat fish and squid, earthworms as well as crustaceous mussels like shrimps, tadpoles, ocean turtle eggs (they were not interested in eating the eggs of birds) bits of chicken liver and pig and even baby mice.

Most of the time typically, an Earless Monitor Lizard adult feeds every week, either once or twice However, they may will have longer times when they are not eating. They can swallow prey when underwater.

The length of the snout (nose mouth, nose, and jaw) to the vent of the Earless Monitor adult lizard is approximately 20 cm.

Food to the Earless Monitor Lizard with mice in the proper size. Give your pet mice that have been killed. Raw food is available in a supermarket and all food items must be chopped or crushed into bite-sized pieces.

There are commercial foods to feed caged Earless Monitor Lizards designed to give the correct amount of nutrients and vitamins. You can adjust your Earless Monitor diet with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements, as well as reptile multivitamin.

Make sure to provide your Earless Monitor Lizard large, heavy bowls or ones that can be placed on the sides of the cage to prevent spills. Bowls that have water in them are required regardless of whether you have paddling pools too.

A fascinating fact about this bigger Monitor Lizard has to do with the fact that they hunt bigger prey.

Monitor Lizards consume everything from tiny insects to the biggest deer , and even buffalo. Monitor Lizards typically feed on eggs, birds and worms, spiders, crabs, insects small mammals, and large mammals.

Lifespan & Health Concerns

It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizards mating season occurs in February, which is when they’re in the natural natural habitat of tropical wild. Male adults are extremely territorial and when they are kept in groups, you will be aware that at least one male is causing problems. Earless Monitors mate underwater.

Earless Monitor Lizards are oviparous. They place their eggs onto the ground and, after three months, the eggs have laid, ensuring a high temperature for incubation.

When they hatch, infant Earless Monitor Lizards are completely self-sufficient, and are able to demonstrate their hunting abilities independently.

There isn’t any certainty about the exact life span of Earless Monitor Lizard. However, some data collected from the lizards that were captivated by Earless Monitors revealed a life span of 7.5 years. Additionally, some were able to live for one decade in existence.

The majority of commercial terrariums will not be able to accommodate a huge Monitor since they can be in length up to six feet. In accordance with your preferences you could build a habitat that you can build yourself to house Earless Monitor Lizard using some wood and wire mesh.

A three-side box wall, along with a front mesh door make the perfect. A home built of solid walls will keep the temperature in optimum levels, keeping the exotic Earless monitor Lizard cozy even when the temperature drops.

Another way to provide an Earless the Monitor Lizard new home is to put it in a small space or a big closet. Change one of the doors with a closed one to make sure you have plenty of air circulation.

It is equally vital as airflow in establishing the environment for the Earless’s Monitor Lizard. Avoid extreme cold or heat. The environment should be free from radiators, heaters windows, air conditioners or draughty areas for an extended and healthy life for the Earless Monitor pets.

Even though all the necessary steps were taken to provide the proper care to you and your Earless Monitor pet, such as bed, food and a suitable habitat However, there are instances where injuries or illnesses occur.

A consultation with a professional is highly advised. Bring along all the pertinent information regarding the Earless Monitor Lizard that your vet might require. Below are some of the more frequently asked situations that arise in the care of your Earless Monitor Lizard

It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizard pet can suffer burns if placed in close proximity to light source or the source of heat.

Minor burns can be treated on the Earless Monitor Lizard by rinsing it with cool soapy water . Then, apply the antiseptic lotion. To avoid the danger of burning, put all sources of heat or light away from your Earless Monitor pet.

Sometimes it is the case that you may find that Earless Monitor Lizard suffers from metabolic bone disease triggered due to a diet that is deficient in calcium, vitamin D3 or excessive phosphorus.

It is possible that the Earless Monitor Lizard might experience the symptoms of lethargy, weight loss or having swollen jaws or limbs and bone softening or constipation. All of these signs are due to an unhealthy diet. Make adjustments to your Earless Monitor Lizard diet with the nutrients and vitamins required to ensure the health of your pet.

The deficiency of vitamins and minerals can be just as harmful as having excessive amounts of them. Yet, Earless Monitor Lizard pets require adequate amounts of vitamin D3 and calcium in order to be healthy.

An excessive supply can lead your Earless Monitor Lizard to hypercalcemia. This is when there is too many calcium levels in the blood. This causes weak bones, kidney stones, and can affect the functioning of the heart as well as the brain. It could end up being fatal for the Earless Monitor Lizard pet.

Avoid excessive doses of calcium and vitamins. A small amount a few times per week is typically adequate even for an older adult Monitor.

Another issue is a problem that the Earless Monitor Lizard faces, due to inadequate diet and temperatures as well as constipation. They do not have bowels open at regular intervals when the temperature in their habitat isn’t constant and warm. The ears are not there. Monitor Lizard that is kept in cold conditions won’t pass on waste, which can cause the appetite to be slowed.

Be aware of the things that are reachable to the Earless monitor Lizard. Impaction could also be the reason for constipation. A lack of water in your Earless Monitor Lizard’s digestive tract can cause constipation as well.

Be sure that the Earless Monitor Lizard pet is always hydratedand has water bowls clean and easily accessible. They are hardy reptiles, but in extreme situations, may be vulnerable to illnesses.

Beware of the Earless Monitor Lizard becoming stressed from living in a soiled environment which increases the Monitor chance of contracting illnesses.

Find out about the health of your Earless Monitor pet, be aware of any visible signs of infection like abscesses, swelling, discoloration and decreased appetite. Maintaining your Earless Monitor Lizard’s environment clean will improve their overall health.

The Earless Monitor Lizard is susceptible to injuries, such as scratches or cuts. So, treat the injury using cold soapy water and an antiseptic cream. Get advice from a professional in the event that the injury does not heal or becomes infected.

In the event that you Earless Monitor Lizard is injured in an accident, such as or improper handling, which results in fractured bones or another serious injury. Getting expert assistance is highly recommended.

Certain they may exhibit respiratory symptoms whenever they tend to sneeze when they appear tired and also have fast and shallow breathing.

As previously mentioned an illness of the respiratory tract can result from the habitat of the Earless Monitor Lizard, which is always damp and cold. But, it’s not just the environment in which the Earless Monitor lives are the sole causes of respiratory illnesses.

Respiratory infections in Your Earless Monitor Lizard could result from parasites such as roundworms (commonly found on wild caught Earless Monitors) and various parasites that weaken the Earless Monitor’s immunity, making it more susceptible to diseases. Expert assistance and a healthy environment of the Earless Monitor Lizard will help reduce parasites.

Maintaining the habitat of the Earless Monitor Lizard tidy, with a regular temperature, consistent, and warm temperature ensures the wellbeing of your animal.

Earless Monitors naturally shed their skin as they grow. It is typical to find areas where they shed, then fall off on their own, however, there are times when some skin cells remain in their toes or the tail.

Encourage the shed process of the Earless monitor lizards by giving it a little of mist using water or by giving it warm bath.

Another issue the Earless Monitor Lizard could confront is the possibility of breaking or injury to its tail. A minor injury or damaged tail can heal quickly however, a more serious injury or infection could cause the end or removal of its tail. The tail of the Earless Monitor is not a defence mechanism, and it isn’t likely to grow again in the event that it is broken off.

Earless Monitor Lizards develop long nails in their claws, which can snap when they are struck by their toes when they are engaged in normal activities. Cut off your Earless Monitors sharp claws to avoid injuries. The Earless Monitor’s nails may be cut with a normal nail clipper.


Earless Monitor Lizards can be described as mammals that are nocturnal, though very rarely, activity is observed during the daytime.

They usually spend all day at the water’s edge in burrows or beneath logs, rocks or even in some plantations. The Monitor Lizards generally remain slow and inactive, but they can be able to make astonishingly fast movements when they are scared.

It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizard sometimes swings its neck (like Frogs do) and flicks its tongue in a similar way to snakes. It communicates through soft vocalizations.

The low-frequency sounds emanating directly from ground sources are far more significant than those heard in the air by those who are watching the Earless Monitor Lizard.

Earless Monitor Lizards can be individual species, rarely forming in groups.

They can be aggressively territorial and are attracted to large areas that have food security as well as the possibility of mating.

Monitor Lizards alternate between sunbathing and hunting for prey. Certain species are night-time (active during the night) however some are diurnal (active throughout the daytime).

It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizard makes a excellent pet as it can be very agile in water and keeps its semi-transparent eyes closed when swimming. They make fantastic swimmers, as they are able to keep their breath in the water for long periods of period of time.

Earless Monitor Earless Monitor seems to prefer certain people over other people. They also love being massaged.

The Earless Monitor Lizard is a species that is part of the Monitor group. There are various varieties that belong to the Monitor Lizards, each of has distinct traits that merit being mentioned.

Nile Monitor

Nile Monitor Nile Monitor is much larger than the Earless Monitor. It is also much larger than the Earless Monitor. Nile Monitor and the Nile Crocodile are both bold animals with an aggressive attitude towards one another taking nests hostage or eating eggs, as well as the stealing of eggs and hatchlings.


It is the biggest lizard species found in Australia and can reach a size of eight feet in length.

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon is the largest of the dragon species . It can reach over 10 feet in length.

Asian Water Monitor

The Monitor Lizards can easily surpass seven feet long. Male Monitor lizards reproduce once they’re about one foot long, while females reproduce when they are more than one feet tall.

How to Keep Your Earless Monitor Lizard Safe

If you’ve decided to adopt the Earless Monitor Lizard to be your pet, you’ll make everything to give the Earless Monitor a new home.

The Earless Monitor lizard needs provisions to ensure a balanced and healthy diet.

They require an appropriate home. You must ensure they have an area that is secure and comfortable based on the size of.

Get a tall and spacious cage. The size of the cage will be determined by the size your Monitor Lizard develops into an adult. Always choose the largest cage that you can.

Include strong branches, ledges, ramps, shelves, and other decorations to give you and your Earless Monitor explore, climb and unwind. Add a space in which you and your Earless Monitor Lizard will be able to be hidden and feel secure and safe.

Monitor Lizards who like to swim require the warmth of a paddling pool, with ramps that allow for easy access and exit. The length of UVB fluorescent bulbs that are able to take over vast areas.

Install light fixtures to give you light and a warm home. This will help to prevent you and your Earless Monitor Lizard coming too close to heating and light sources that can result in burns.

Maintain a thermometer for monitoring the temperature of your habitat.

Put a substrate at the inside of your cage. A mix of sand and dirt can be a good substrate.

Other alternatives are a suitable substrates typically available in pet stores. It’s natural-looking but is also easier to clean to eliminate it Earless of Monitor’s organic waste.

Be sure to keep your environment clean. It protects you and your Earless Monitor from contracting illnesses and infections.

Does Earless Monitor Lizard Pose a Threat to People?

Earless Monitor Lizards identify their owners and some prefer some of the humans. They are not known to bite people unless they feel threatened. they bite.

The good news is that Earless Monitor Lizard’s bites aren’t fatal and heal quickly when treated properly, except for Komodo dragons which may injure humans, or even kill them, when provoked. Earless Monitor Lizards are harmless animals to humans, which is why they’re popular for keeping as pet.

Certain Monitor Lizards are very sociable and can be found in areas that have many human beings, however some don’t enjoy interaction with humans.

The greatest threat facing Earless Monitor Lizards is the destruction of their habitats. For instance, the affluent construction of oil plantations in Malaysia that threaten the species.

Earless Monitoring Lizards are animals that roam freely and you’ll have to provide them with special treatment food, diet, as well as medical requirements.

Average Cost & Where to buy them

It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizard is a very mysterious, subterranean and exotic species that is sought-after by collectors due to its distinctive attributes like blue eyes with beaded beads and the absence of visible ears. The traders have noticed an increase in the retail value due to an increasing supply, however the price remains significant.

Facts and Useful Information

Species Facts
Common NameEarless Monitor Lizard, Borneo Earless Monitor
Species NameLanthanotus Borneensis
Family NameLanthanotidae
PriceVery expensive price
Size15 to 22 centimeters (6 -9 inches ) approx.)
Lifespan7.5 years old
DietCarnivore. Earthworms, crustaceans, as well as fish.
Tank SizeBased on Monitor size according to the size of the monitor, 8 3 6′.
Humidity and TemperatureTropical weather between 22 and 29C (72-84F roughly.)
Popular AlternativesAsian Water, Ackie, Savannah, Pygmy Mulga & Timor Monitor


It is believed that the Earless Monitor Lizard is a wonderful reptile for an animal companion; it is human-friendly and safe in addition to their beauty. Earless Monitors can be exotic reptiles that are easy to take after, ensuring that the requirements of warmth, shelter water, light and food. Take the Earless Monitor lizard as a pet legally and be sure that you take care of it.


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