Pastel Ball Python Care sheet: Complete Husbandry Guide

Pastel Ball Pythons come in a variety of vibrant colors, making them ideal for both beginners and more experienced keepers.

They are a color mutation of the Ball Python, a species that is known for its calm, friendly temperament as well as their vibrant colors.

They are beautiful because of their vivid color and the pale eyes.

In 1997 , the first captive-caught clutch was recorded. Pastels have been a very popular morph ever since.

Are you attracted to the Pastel’s charming colors and wonderful temperament? Continue reading to find out how to care for this beautiful constrictor.

What is a Pastel Ball Python Morph and How Does It Work?

Ball Pythons are simple creatures who spend their time following a consistent routine.

Pastel Ball Pythons can be described as genetic variants (i.e. morphs) from the wild-type Ball Python. This morph is codominant with genes that produces a brightly colored snake.

They are brighter than regular ball pythons, and easily identifiable by their pale green eyes. Some Pastels also have white lips. This is a rare trait, so they cost more than $50 for common Pastel Ball Pythons.

Ball Pythons have been imported to the United States since the 1980s as pets.

Every year, thousands of Africans export their products to the rest of the world. However, wild populations continue to thrive despite all this.

Pastel Ball Pythons, medium-sized snakes that are indigenous to western Africa, are called Pastel Ball Pythons. This area of Africa is covered in grasslands, wooded forest and savannas.

They are nocturnal and will hide in underground stump holes or found burrows. They emerge at night to hunt rodents and birds. They are able to adapt easily to being held in captivity because of their basic behavior.

They are very docile in captivity and can live up to 25 years.

What we like about Pastel Ball Pythons


  • Vibrant coloration.
  • Be calm and docile
  • Medium sized.


  • With age, color contrast may fade.
  • Nocturnal.
  • Stress-induced anorexia:

Pastel Snake Appearance

Pastel Spotnose Sugar Ball Python

Pastel ball Python morphs are bred using codominant wild genetics.

They can be used in many selective breeding programs. Pastels can be added to a breeding couple to enhance the vibrancy and patterns of offspring. Their interaction of codominant genetic traits is what causes this effect.

Color variations and markings

Normal ball pythons are rich in dark brown blotches, which is overlaid with a black base colour. There are some spinal spots in some pythons, but they have a concentrated pattern along their sides. They also have dark eyes and heads.

Pastel pythons are known for their vibrancy.

Pastel Ball Pythons are identical to the regular species, but has a more prominent color contrast.

They blush more towards their white bellies, and have bright orange-yellow blotches rather than brown. Some have white lips and pale green eyes!

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Many babies are born with very light, faded heads that darken as they age.

They are almost identical to regular ball pythons, except for their coloration.

Pastel Ball Python Size

Males can reach 2 to 3 feet in length . Females tend to be larger and can usually reach three to five feet in length. After three years, males reach full maturity. Males reach adult size after three years, but females grow faster than their male counterparts.

While males tend to have longer tails, females tend have shorter tails. However, both sexes have strong bodies and short stubby tails.

Hatchlings can be 10 to 17 inches in length, regardless of their sex.

Care Sheet for Pastel Ball Python

The Pastel snake requires the same care as any other Ball Python.

Pastel Ball Python Diet

Pastel Ball Pythons can be carnivorous snakes. They leave their burrows at night to search for rodents and birds. Research has shown that:

  • Males tend to climb higher and eat more birds 70% of their time.
  • Females eat rodents 60% more often than males, and they stay close to the ground.

They are a constrictors species, so they kill their prey by coiling around it.

In captivity , their prey should be as thick as their largest part of their bodies. Although they may be able to eat more prey, it is not recommended that you put too much strain on your body.

Pastel Ball Pythons might prefer mice to rats, so it is a good idea to give both during their juvenile years.

These are the general feeding guidelines:

HatchlingEvery five days, one fuzzy mouse or rat pup.
JuvenileMost rats, with the occasional mouse once in seven days.
AdultEvery 10 days, one rat.

To avoid injury, it is best to feed frozen-thawed prey.

Mental enrichment can be achieved by wriggling the feeding tongs immediately after a snake strikes. This will encourage their natural constricting behavior.

For enrichment, you can offer a chick in captivity.

Pastel Ball Python chicks can be very picky and will reject rats if fed to them.

Ball Python Health & Lifespan

These snakes can live over 30 years in captivity if they are treated with respect and given a healthy environment.

Snakes can hide sickness until it becomes severe. It is important to observe their behavior, fecal habits, and overall health in order to detect a problem before it becomes serious.

Poor husbandry is a major factor in many of the health problems listed below. You can reduce the chances of your snake getting sick by providing consistent and appropriate care.

Common captive snake diseases are cancer, prolapse, and mouth or scale rot. Because of their care and behavior, Pastel Ball Pythons are susceptible to certain health issues.

  • Anorexia
  • Poor sheds
  • Impaction
  • Obesity

This species is prone to anorexia as they are often stressed by the environment and may not eat for several months.

The snake needs moderate to high humidity. If the humidity is not consistent, it will shed poorly. Low humidity can also lead to respiratory diseases .

Pastels, which are constrictors, will drag their prey over substrate and cause impaction. This can be avoided by drying rodents in an empty container.

Pastel Ball Pythons tend to be sedentary, and they avoid exercising for the majority of their day. To prevent obesity, it is important to monitor their weight and body condition.

They Are Healthy

  • Regular eating.
  • Full sheds
  • A healthy body.

Sickness Symptoms

  • Refuse to be prey
  • Eye caps or shed.
  • Open-mouth breathing or wheezing.

Pastel Ball Python Enclosure

Ball Python in an enclosure

Ball Pythons can be found in sub-Saharan Africa’s grasslands and savanna ecosystems.

To avoid heat, they spend their time hiding in burrows. This species is shy, just like all Ball Pythons. Their enclosure should be filled with fake foliage, sticks, rocks, and other materials to cover them.

What size tank should I get for a Pastel Ball Python?

Age affects the size of their enclosures:

  • A 10-gallon tank should be available for hatchlings younger than one year.
  • Juveniles over 1.5 feet should be kept in a 20-gallon container.
  • A 40-gallon enclosure should be available for adults.

They are master escape artists, so make sure they have a cover!

Pastel Ball Pythons will happily be housed in any kind of enclosure. Ventilated PVC or plastic enclosures work best because they retain humidity better and offer more security for your snake. Glass tanks with clear sides can cause stress to your snake.

To ensure that the humidity in glass tanks doesn’t drop to low levels, it is important to monitor it closely.

  • Tank Type – ventilated PVC
  • Tank Size : 40-gallons
  • Lighting: basking light.
  • Substrate cypress mulch, coconut fiber.

To simulate a night-time routine, a basking lamp will be required for approximately 12 hours during the day. The lamp should be placed on a large branch or rock. The basking surface should be kept at 88-92 degrees F.

The ideal temperature for the cool side should be between 76 and 80 degrees F with an ambient temperature of 82 to 83 degrees.

Pastel ball Pythons are not able to use UVB bulbs.

To maintain the temperature at 70 degrees F during the night, you can use a ceramic heat emitter. This will decrease the chances of your pet getting sick or stressed. Heat pads should not be used as they don’t penetrate the substrate well and may cause injury.

Coconut fiber, cypress mulch and fertilizer-free topsoil make the best substrate options. They are safe, cheap and retain humidity well. You can use dry or dusty substrates such as cedar shavings, cedar mulch, and coconut fiber. Dry or dusty substrates (e.g., pine shavings, cedar, or aspen) can lead to respiratory problems and don’t retain moisture well.

Provide your snake with plenty of water.

Pythons love to soak and will drink straight from the bowl. They should be changed at least once every two days because they often soak in the water and then drink directly from it.

Cleaning & Misting

Ball Pythons thrive when there is plenty of decor and humidity. These conditions are also home to mold and bacteria.

You should clean the enclosure every four weeks.

Substrates should be replaced and decor should be cleaned with soap and water.

  • Bake any wooden decor at 350°F for 15 minutes.
  • You can dip plastic decor or plants in a 10% bleach solution, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Spot-cleaning your snake’s enclosure should be done daily to get rid of feces.

The Normal Behavior

Ball Pythons are simple snakes and spend most of their time in a routine.

Pastel Ball Pythons are night-shifters so they hide in rodent burrows and stump holes during the day. This allows them to avoid heat or predation.

They will hunt prey at night.

To hunt their prey in darkness, they use heat sensing holes on their faces, strong scent recognition and UV detecting vision.

They have defensive behavior because of their sedentary lifestyles and nocturnal activities. They will hide their heads and ball up if they feel threatened.

They behave the same way in captivity.

They hide during daylight hours, then emerge at night. Ball up if they are spooked.

They are not able to withstand the cold winters in the wild. They stay underground for up to four months, then come out of the warmth in spring.

They won’t brumate in captivity, unless the enclosure is subject to seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Are Ball Pythons accustomed to being handled?

Pastel Ball Pythons are beloved for their calm, gentle nature and willingness to please.

Because they are slow and have few defensive behavior, they make a great pet snake because they can be relaxed enough to stop balling up.

You should prepare them for handling according to the following schedule:

  • Week 1: Don’t handle. Permit them to adapt to their new environment.
  • Week 2: Take 10 to 15 minutes each day to manage stress.
  • Week 3: Handle each day for 15-30 minutes, and then change the time of the day.
  • Week 4: Each day, handle for between 15 and 30 minutes. Then, change your method.

You can build trust with your snake by using scent.

This can be done by placing a pillow case or worn shirt in the enclosure. This will allow your snake to get used to the smell of your body and make it more comfortable when being handled.

If your snake is stressed or refuses to release its ball after five minutes, then you can put it back into its enclosure.

Baby Pastel Ball Python

Ball Pythons hatch out of eggs at 10 to 15 inches in length and are brightly colored with faded head.

Their heads will darken over time. Their bodies can also darken as they age.

Normally, babies are born between September and November.

The babies are capable of defending and feeding themselves after hatching.

Buyer’s Guide

Common morphs include Pastel Ball Pythons.

There are many breeders who produce Pastels and designer Pastels. It is important to find one that has experience and good reputation. Reputable breeders will have extensive knowledge about the species and can answer all your questions regarding husbandry.

After you have selected a breeder, it is time to choose the snake.

While many people look at the snake’s appearance when selecting it, its behavior is much more important.

You should look for the snake that is alert. Pastel Ball Pythons will be alert if they are trying to escape from their enclosure.

What is a Pastel Ball Python Worth?

Pastels Prices range from $30 to $75.

The average price is $50, but the color contrast can cause prices to go up or down.

Pastels with less color are more affordable, and yellow snakes that are 75 or more dollars are available.

Pastel Ball Python Facts
Common NamePastel Snake
Scientific NamePython Regius
Price$30 – $75
Size2 – 5 feet long
Lifespan25-30 years
DietRats and mice
Tank Size40-gallon tank
Humidity and TemperatureBasking: 88 – 92degF
Humidity: 50 – 60%
Popular AlternativesOther morphs include Corn Snakes & Brazilian Rainbow Boas.


Pastel Ball Pythons are beloved for their calm demeanors, tolerance to handling and positive temperament.

They are tough snakes and can live up to 25 years if they are properly cared for. Ball Pythons are active at night and require a 40-gallon tank that has plenty of decor and hides.

You can find the hundreds of Ball Python morphs if you’re not sure what to make of their bright orange-yellow blotches, and their pale green eyes.

Comment below to let us know your thoughts about this morph.

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