What do Bearded Dragons Eat? The Best Food List & Feeding Guide

At first glance, a Bearded Dragon’s diet could appear complex.

In the wild, these Lizards are omnivores, and consume an assortment of fruits, insects, and vegetables.

The pet Beardie must get a range to ensure that they’re well-fed.

In addition to eating various types of food, juveniles and infants should also be fed various diets. It is crucial to alter the Bearded Dragon’s eating habits when they develop.

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat ?

Their diet may seem complex however, even new reptile owners are able to learn their diet.

This article will provide all you should be aware of when eating bearded dragons. We have even prepared ready-to-go feeding chart to follow, so continue going…

What are the things Bearded Dragons Eat?

Pet Beardies are omnivores in their diet. They consume small vertebrates, insects, vegetables, greens, and even fruit.

There are numerous varieties of bugs, fruits and vegetables safe to feed, however the following foods are healthier in terms of nutrition:

  • Beetles and Ants.
  • Dubia roaches, earthworms superworms and crickets.
  • Collard the greens and dandelion dandelion and Kale.
  • Apples, bananas and grapes as well as strawberries, watermelon and blueberries.

They’re not the most particular about their food choices.

The bearded dragons can be agile, and can hunt for live prey. They crush mealworms and crickets with their jaws that are powerful and feed on a daily basis.

In captivity, adults are fed daily, however they need different food in different stages of their lives.

The young animals require more protein as they are growing quickly. Children are required to get fed 3 times each daily. They should also be fed an insect-based diet as opposed to adults who eat smaller amounts of insects and eat more vegetables and fruits.

The hatchlings must be fed crickets frequently.

It is essential that for hatchlings, adults and juveniles to get the right food and nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.

Bearded dragons also require the addition of calcium powder to their meals twice per week. Calcium is required for bone growth as well as neurological processes and many different bodily processes.

Making a meal plan can be difficult and overwhelming.

The most efficient way to alter their diet is to utilize a weekly food chart.

Bearded Dragon Diet

The ideal eating plan of a dragon with bears must consist of protein, greens fruits and vegetables. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for their health. Consume a mix of 25% vertebrates and insects and 75% vegetables, greens and fruits:

  • Dubia roaches and earthworms superworms and crickets.
  • Collard Greens and Dandelion and dandelion greens and grapes. blueberries, watermelon, and bananas.

Bearded dragons are only loved by many for the past two decades, and retain a lot of their wild behaviours and eating habits.

When we bring wild reptiles to captive it is essential that their diet replicates what they eat naturally.

This will not just help keep them happy , but healthy as well.

The Baby Bearded Dragon’s Feeding Timeline

Young Bearded Dragons are very fast growing and require plenty of protein. This is why young and hatchlings are on an entirely different diet plan than mature adults.

The ratio of protein to vegetables, greens and fruits should be 75/25.

They are supposed to receive 75 percent insects and 25 percent plants.

In the initial two months, bearded dragons must be fed crickets every day.

Begin by feeding two crickets every 10-15 minutes during the stage of hatching. As they mature, gradually decrease the amount of food they are fed until they’re fed three times daily when they reach two months old.

ProteinGreens and VegetablesFruit
Day 1. (am)10x crickets.2 small kale leaves
1x small piece of pumpkin.
1x blueberry.
Day 1. (noon)10x dubia roaches.2 small green collars,
1 small piece of squash.
1x peach slices.
Day 1. (pm)10x crickets.2 pieces of small dandelion green,
1x slice of pepper bell.
1x blackberry.
Day 2 (am)10x dubia roaches.2 small leaves of kale,
1 small piece of pumpkin.
1x blueberry.
Day 2 (noon)10x crickets.2 small collared green pieces,
1 small piece of squash.
1x peach slices.
Day 2 (pm)10x dubia roaches.2 pieces of small dandelion green,
1x slice of pepper bell.
1x strawberry.

It is crucial to chop up all vegetables, greens, or fruits into bite-sized pieces prior to feeding. Pieces shouldn’t be any larger that the space between you and your dragon’s eyes.

Food that is fed in large pieces could lead to digestive issues.

If your Bearded Dragon grows , their diet will alter.

Bears reach adult size around 18 months. They then become less active and don’t require the high protein food that they feed to hatchlings and juveniles.

Around this time, they are able to gradually transition into a more adult-like diet.

The Adult Bearded Dragon’s Feeding Calendar

Adults are required to eat at least once per daily. Try feeding a portion of 75% vegetables, greens and fruits. The remaining 25% vertebrates and insects.

It is essential to diversify the kinds of food items you offer. This serves as a method of stimulation and keeps them attracted to the food they eat.

A typical feeding schedule is shown below:

ProteinGreens and VegetablesFruit
Day 15x crickets, 5x dubia roaches.Kale, collard greens, 2x sweet potato pieces, 2x bell pepper slices.3x blueberries, 1x strawberry.
Day 25x superworms, 3x earthworms.Dandelion greens Bok Choy 2x baby carrots 2 pieces of pumpkin.2x peach slices.
Day 35x crickets, 5x dubia roaches.Kale, collard greens, 2x sweet potato pieces, 2x bell pepper slices.3x blueberries, 1x strawberry.
Day 45x superworms, 3x earthworms.Dandelion greens Bok Choy 2 baby carrots, 2 pieces of pumpkin.2x peach slices.

When serving fruit or vegetable, cut them into bite-sized pieces. This makes it easier to consume them.

Some homeowners prefer to chop fruit and vegetables regularly and freeze them. Then, they thaw the mix in the microwave prior to feeding. Greens must always be served fresh.

When your dragon doesn’t eat their food, you must remove the food within their enclosure within the hour. This will stop the animal from eating food that has been spoiled and getting sick.

Adults generally eat well.

If they are beginning to refuse eating food, or consume less than usual, talk to your vet because it could be the first warning sign of injury or illness.

Bearded Dragon Food

This list of bugs, fruits and vegetables are great choices to include in the diet of your bearded dragon:

  • Dubia roaches and earthworms crickets, and superworms.
  • Blueberries, apples, peaches, strawberries , and watermelon.
  • Cabbage, carrotsand collard greens and kale, sweet potato, and pumpkin.

Dubia roaches are extremely protein-rich and easily digestible, which is why they are a great supplement to bearded dragons’ diet. Superworms and crickets may also be fed as a variety of food, however they aren’t as easy to digest.

You should eat plenty of leafy greens like collard greens and dandelion-colored greens and Kale. They are high in calcium, and they are rich in nutrients.

Small amounts of fruit can be added to one’s consumption, but it is vital not to over-feed them since they are rich in sugars.

Bearded Dragons Food List
Apples Bananas Blueberries Grapes Peaches Raspberries Strawberries WatermelonBroccoli Cabbage Carrots Collard Greens Dandelion greens Kale Pepper Pumpkin Squash Sweet Potato Tomatoes ZucchiniCrickets Dubia Roaches Earthworms Mealworms (only adults)

What fruit can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Fruits are a vital component of the diets of bearded dragons. They supply a variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that aren’t easily available in other food sources. These are some of the best choices to feed your dragon bear:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

It is recommended to only give your bearded dragon fruit frequently and treat them as treats.

Do Bearded dragons eat:

Grapes: Yes. Grapes must be cut into quarters in order to avoid from choking.

Bananas: Yes. It is best to only feed bananas frequently since they possess the highest phosphorous-to-calcium ratio, which is unhealthy.

Apples Are the perfect fruit for feeding your dragon with a bear. It is recommended to peel the apples and chop them into bite-sized pieces prior to serving.

Strawberries Yes, strawberries are a great dessert because they are high in levels of many important nutrients like manganese, vitamin C folate and potassium. Don’t eat strawberries often since they’re rich in the oxalates.

Watermelon: Yes. However , unlike the other fruits on this list, it’s not high in nutrients and isn’t the most nutritious food for feeding.

Blueberries You can sometimes feed blueberries. They are rich in vitamin C as well as vitamin K. Do not feed too many because they’re high in oxalates which could prevent your bearded dragon’s diet from receiving sufficient calcium.

Oranges: No. It is not recommended to feed citrus fruits, such as limes and lemons. These are acidic fruits to bearded dragons. Acidity can upset their stomachs and cause a range of digestive problems.

Raspberries Yes, bearded dragons may eat raspberries at times. Raspberries contain a variety of important nutrients such as Vitamin C and potassium as well as antioxidants.

What vegetables can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Vegetables and leafy greens form an essential part of the diet of bearded dragons. They should comprise 75percent of the daily intake. The following vegetables are excellent selections to feed your children:

  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Collard Greens
  • Kale
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet Potato
  • Tomatoes

Vegetables can provide your dragon bear with plenty of energy and nutrients.

When you feed your bearded dragons with vegetables, be sure to wash them before serving them. You should also serve them in raw form.

Do Bearded dragons eat:

Spinach: No. It is not recommended feeding your dragon bear with spinach since it binds calcium and may cause an insufficient calcium level if consumed frequently.

Kale Yes Kale is a great food option and is rich in calcium Vitamin C, vitamin Vitamin A, K and folate. Kale is a good choice for feeding regularly and is a good staple food item.

Carrots: Sometimes. Carrots should be eaten only frequently as too much can result in toxicity due to excessive vitamin A. Include the green top of carrots since they’re also healthy.

Zucchini Yes, it’s suitable for feeding, however it’s not loaded with nutrients.

Broccoli Yes, broccoli is rich in vitamin A and thiamine vitamin C and vitamin K.

Celery It is not like Iceberg lettuce, it’s mostly water and has very little nutrients.

Tomatoes Yes, tomato’s are low in oxalates as well as are high in vitamin A Vitamin C, vitamin folate, and vitamin K.

Cabbage: Yes. Cabbage should be fed regularly to dragons with bears since it will give them lots Vitamin C.

Common Feeding Errors

The following are the three common mistakes that are made when feeding the bearded dragon. These errors can cause numerous health problems and weight gain.

The first mistake is overfeeding
Obesity among adult bearded dragons is extremely normal.

As with most reptiles, They have healthy appetite, and are susceptible to obesity when fed large numbers of insects.

Adults should not receive more than twenty insects per day!

It is simple to overfeed since they eat more insects than you feed.

Obesity is a significant health problem since it could cause your bearded dragon to heart disease and joint problems.

Mistake Two: Feeding Juveniles Mealworms
Feeding the juveniles mealworms may impede their growth and block them from getting the nutrition they require.

Mealworms are covered with an outer shell composed of chitin, which youngsters aren’t able to digest. It is recommended to avoid feeding dragons with bearded faces mealworms and instead, choose superworms once they are 18 months old.

Error Three not allowing Gut Loading
When you feed to your dragon bear live bugs, it is crucial to gut-load with them at least a full day prior to feeding.

Gut loading involves feeding insects with fruits and vegetables which are rich in nutrients prior to feeding them to your dragon. This procedure greatly increases the quantity of nutrients that your dragon gets.

What can Bearded Dragons Eat?

There are several food items that should avoid when eating the bearded dragon. The food items on the list below can trigger a wide range of health issues and poisons:

  • Avocado
  • Beef
  • Bread
  • Chicken
  • Eggplant
  • Fireflies
  • Fish
  • Garlic/Onion
  • Iceberg lettuce/Celery
  • Spiders/ticks

Bearded Dragons don’t eat food in nature, which is why they should not be fed in captive. Fish and meats are high in phosphorous and fat.

Avocado as well as garlic, eggplant, and onion must be avoided because they can be harmful even in small quantities.

Foods that are not nutrient-rich and have high water content are also not recommended for consumption. This includes iceberg lettuce as well as celery.

In the end, fireflies, spiders as well as ticks could be harmful on bearded dragons. Even just half of the size of a firefly can kill a mature bearded dragon, due to cardiotoxins.


Bearded dragons are among the most popular reptiles for pets..

A young person requires a diet consisting of mostly insects, and also plants. It is recommended to feed them three times per day. When a bearded dragon is 18 months old, they can transition to a diet for adults.

Adults require food that consists mostly of leafy greens, insects as well as some vegetables. is recommended to eat at least once a daily.

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat ?

The variety of food you feed your pet, and feeding them occasional fruits and gut-loading insects prior to eating can help ensure that your bearded dragon receives the nutrition it requires.

A healthy diet is crucial to a healthy routine that keeps your pet healthy and happy.

What do you prefer feeding your dog? Let The Reptile Bay know in the comments below.

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