8 Tips For Baby Red-Eared Slider: Feeding & Caring

A red-eared slider can be an exciting, unique, and intriguing pet. They are among the most beloved pet turtles all over the world.

Red-eared sliders for babies are among the most adorable reptiles. It is tempting to acquire one for your pet. But before you decide think about the feeding and care requirements of the tiny turtles. The hatchlings are no larger than the size of a quarter!

8 Tips For Baby Red-Eared Slider before buy them

You can purchase this species of turtle from the United States. However, selling or buying turtles smaller than 4 inches is illegal.

If you’ve got your eyes set on a tiny red-eared slider then keep reading. We go over the top methods of feeding and keeping a happy, healthy turtle. We also discuss how to recognize a good breeder, and where to locate an animal…

1. Guide For Buyer

Many owners who aren’t responsible have allowed their pets to roam in the wild. This is considered to be an invasive practice in some states.

Baby Red Eared Sliders can be purchased at many reptile shows or via private breeders on the internet.

We don’t recommend the use of a baby slider in the wild, particularly when they’re not an issue in your neighborhood. The wild red-eared sliders typically don’t last as long as species that are pet friendly. They also are more likely to have diseases and parasites.

When you’re looking for breeder, you’ll need to choose one that has a good reputation and a high level of knowledge and husbandry. Find a breeder that is honest and willing to answer queries. Do not be afraid to reach out to multiple prospective sellers to compare their responses.

Beware of any breeder that offers to sell an infant less than four inches long. Breeders who are responsible will not offer youngsters or juveniles older than.

The sale of turtles less than four inches is illegal across the United States, and was since 1975..

A healthy baby turtle will improve the likelihood of it developing into a healthy adult.

Also, you will need to determine the type of slider you’d like to use.

The most well-known red eared slider is the wild type. The majority of wild-type sliders are sold for between $30 and $60. Private breeders offer specialized types of morphs such as hypo pastel ghost, albino, leucistic and even piebald. Rarer morphs , like charcoal and caramel are available for $1000.

Why are baby red-eared sliders Illegal?

It was in the Food and Drug Administration outlawed the sale of all turtles less than 4 inches long. This is due to the higher chance of contracting salmonella by eating these tiny reptiles.

A small hatchling turtle’s size makes it more likely for children to touch it or even handle it, without taking care to wash their hands. This can lead to them contracting salmonella.

Although baby turtles are the most susceptible to causing salmonella outbreaks however, all turtles are susceptible to carrying this kind of bacteria. It is impossible to determine if one particular turtle could make you sick. It is important to clean the hands you have touched after touching the turtle or any other tank decoration.

2. The Baby Red-Eared Slider Habitat

Little red-eared sliders require an appropriate and secure environment to remain healthy and content. Before you purchase a turtle, make sure that you give them everything from the following list:

  • controlled temperature Red eared baby sliders may be vulnerable to rapid fluctuations in temperature. Changes in temperature could cause pneumonia. Before introducing your turtle into the tank, ensure that the temperature remains within your normal zone.
  • The Omnivorous Diet Baby sliders consume the earthworms, moths, vegetation crustaceans, tadpoles snails, and every other small animal that they might capture out in nature. Their diet isn’t limited to one specific food item, which is why you shouldn’t give them only one food item. A diverse diet is mentally and nutritionally enriching. It also assists them to take advantage of a variety of vitamins.
  • Clear Water The young red-eared sliders require very pure water to swim and drinking. Make use of the aquarium pumps to move the water and filter it. It is also recommended to examine the water at least once a week to determine ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.
  • stress-free tank Although their tank’s setup is flawless and your little red ear could still get stressed if the surrounding environment surrounding the tank is busy or noisy. Place your turtle’s tank in a peaceful, quiet area that is safe from the reach of pets or cats, as well as young children. Your turtle will spend less time in hiding and spend more time swimming, basking and exploring if the turtle is secure within its environment.
  • Tank buddies Sliders may share tanks with fish, however this can pose additional problems for the cleanliness of the tank and turtle health. Baby turtles should not be kept in tanks with any fish bigger than Guppies. For first-time keepers, we recommend against keeping tank friends.

3. Tank Setup

For each centimeter of the turtle’s length, you must give them at least 10 gallons. For adults this could mean purchasing an aquarium that is with a capacity of up to 120-gallons.

As turtles grow rapidly and quickly, you might want to think about purchasing a larger tank to cut costs. Although it might seem odd to place a tiny turtle inside an aquarium that is 100+ gallons however, the turtle will increase its size to fill it.

Sliders are water-based and require safe, chemical-free waters to swim in.

The tank should be filled with water that is at least as deep as the baby’s shell. Even as young Red-eared sliders can be fantastic swimmers. You aren’t worried about them drowning.

Although they are fond of water, sliders need space to relax and dry out.

The land area should comprise not more than 1/3 of the tank’s total surface. It should be wide enough to allow your turtle to walk about over.


Baby red-eared sliders soak under direct sun in their natural habitat. When they are pets, this generally not possible since aquariums made of plastic or glass should not be kept directly in sunlight. Instead, light and heat bulbs are used to simulate sunlight.

Turtles require the benefit of both UVB as well as UVA lighting in order to keep active and healthy..

Make use of an ultraviolet fluorescent light to supply to your little slider ample UV light. The light source must be securely suspended for 24 inches above the turtle’s basking surface. It shouldn’t be hindered by glass or plastic since this would block the ultraviolet rays.

Baby sliders will also require an energy source. It can come either ceramic heaters or a heat lamp as long as it is able to warm the air and the basking the spot.

They thrive in water and temperatures in the air that are between 75-85degF. The basking temperature at the top of the Basking area are 90-95degF.

Check surface, water and air temperatures by using thermometers to keep your red-eared slider in good health.

Why is My Baby’s Red-Eared Sliders Why isn’t My Baby’s Slider Basking?

Baby sliders won’t be able to bask due to two reasons:

  • They aren’t able to reach their basking platforms.
  • The temperature of air and water aren’t accurate.

The basking area must be easy to access as well as stable and dry. Utilize a gentle slope from the water towards the spot where you can bask to assist your turtle to reach the platform.

Although they may be able to get to the spot where they can bask the turtles won’t bask in the event that the temperatures of the water are too high or the temperatures of the air and temperature at which they bask are not high enough.

4. How To Care For Your Baby The Red-Eared Slider Turtles

Albino red-eared slider baby turtles

Babies are more likely contract illness due to their immune system that is developing.

The care of a newborn red-eared slider can be different from caring for the adult slider.

Adult sliders are tough However, infants are more prone to illness.

Older and younger species require the space of a aquarium ( with land and water) and an Omnivorous food source ( plant and meat) and warmer temperatures. But their immune systems in newborn sliders is still in their embryonic stages. This means that they are more sensitive to their surroundings.

Baby sliders require lower temperature ranges, less frequent feedings and a tidy tank.

Regular clean-up of the tank, constant temperature monitoring as well as a balanced food plan are the best way to keep a turtle healthy. A care plan is a good idea for anyone who is new to turtle ownership.

MondayFeed, spot cleaned
TuesdayFeed, spot clean , and be sure to check the temperature
WednesdayFeed, clean the spot and then handle the turtle to verify the health of the turtle.
ThursdayFeed, spot cleaning
FridayFeed, spot clean , and make sure you are checking temperatures
SaturdayFeed, spot cleaning
SundayFeed, water change in part Verify the quality of water.

Scheduling is helpful in keeping on top of feeding, cleaning as well as checking temperature and the quality of water. A strict schedule helps reduce stress and makes taking care of your young slider much more manageable. It also helps provide stability to your turtle.

The most important thing to consider when taking care of your slider is the cleanliness.

Sliders generate a lot garbage most of it in their swimming areas. If they are not properly cleaned the water that is dirty increases the likelihood of contracting illness or infections and could lead to sudden death. Even water that appears clear could remain high in harmful ammonia and nitrites that are produced by the decay of food waste and food.

To ensure their tank is kept clean, remove any food items that are not used or visible waste each day. Every week , use the gravel vacuum to get rid of 25 percent of the tank’s water. This water needs to be replaced with clean water that has been treated. Examine the water each week to determine the levels of nitrates and nitrites as well as ammonia. The levels of ammonia and nitrites must be zero, while the nitrates must be 40 % or less.

Baby red-eared sliders have been often found to be sickly. The more susceptible they are to contract infections.

It’s helpful to recognize any unusual behavior or injuries in the beginning. Their small size makes it difficult to recognize injuries, but the most usual signs include:

Also, be aware of the behavior of your slider. Be aware of the signs that your turtle may be doing something different will allow you to detect health or husbandry issues before they turn into serious.

When you are bringing home your little slider, ensure that you are equipped with the correct set-up and tools.

It is recommended that you get your slider’s tank set operating for at least 4 weeks prior to taking it home. This allows you to run the tank on a cycle and manage the temperature and filtration effectively.

5. Diet for Baby Red Eared Slider

Babies and adults eat the same foods however the proportion of plant to meat and the frequency of feeding differs.

Babies with red eyes are very savoury eaters and should be fed daily.

One of the major differences between the adult and baby red-eared sliders is their diets:

  • Adults typically eat the plant-based diet, which is 50/50 in comparison to meat.
  • Children and babies require 30/70 of meat to plants.

A quarter of the protein content of your baby slider is best sourced in the form of commercially available turtle pellets. The remainder should be comprised from pre-killed or live animals that are prey. Plants should avoid aquatic vegetables that are low in nutrients (e.g. celery, cucumbers, or the iceberg lettuce).

Here’s a great list of protein-rich, nutritious foods that are safe for baby slider.

Meat / ProteinVegetables
Snails that live in water Crickets Earthworms Dry shrimp and freeze them. Krill Grasshoppers Guppies Mealworms Tadpoles Wax wormsCarrot tops Clover Collard greens Dandelion greens Green beans Kale Red bell pepper Romaine lettuce Squash

The most important aspect of a healthy diet is diversity.

Switch the food you eat through the day to ensure the full spectrum of vitamins. It will also give you a boost and stop your slider from becoming bored.

Baby red-eared sliders develop rapidly and must eat more often than adults.

Feed them the food portion as big as their head. It should be about one tablespoon for a 4 inch turtle. Feed them daily until they are six months old. age. You could then change to feeding on a daily basis.

To prevent the risk of choking, make sure the food you eat can be cut in bite-sized chunks. One good guideline is to ensure that the food pieces are not greater than the distance between their eyes.

The preferring species consume their food by the sea instead of on ground.

It’s easy to feed them, simply drop their food and pellets into their tank.

If you’re feeding through the main tank, take out any food that is not eaten within 10 minutes.

Some keepers decide to feed their sliders through an additional tank. This will prevent your main tank’s water dirty.

6. Why is Your Baby Red-Eared Slider not Eating?

It is quite normal for a young red-eared slider to avoid food for the first three days. This is because of the pressure of being introduced to a new setting.

After 4 days, most babies sliders will eat again.

If your dog is still not eating even after a week, or abruptly stopped eating, the first thing you need to look at is:

  1. Does the water have a good quality?
  2. Have the lights been on on a constant timetable?
  3. Is the tank situated in an area that is safe and quiet?
  4. Are the temperatures within the right range?

If the tank’s setup is correct , you are now able to examine your turtle’s diet.

It could be that your pet just doesn’t like the food you’re serving. It is possible to give it the cooked heart of a beef or chicken to increase its appetite.

7. Is Your Turtle Female or Male?

When turtles are young, it is often difficult to pinpoint their gender.

The gender of a red-eared slider is typically important for breeders. However, anyone who owns a turtle might be interested in knowing what the gender of their new pet is. If you’re interested in knowing the gender of your turtle is male or female There are some tips that you can follow.

  • Female the plastrons have flat sides (i.e. the top inside the shell).
  • Male the plastrons tend to be concave (i.e. it curves toward to the spinal column).
  • The female vent is nearer to the edges inside the shell.
  • The male vent is further down the tail which is located away from body.
  • Males have a longer, thicker and longer tail than females.
  • Males’ front claws on sliders get larger than female sliders’ claws. When they are in courtship, males move their claws on the female’s face to draw her interest.

The distinctions between females and males will become more apparent as they grow older.

Once your red-eared slider is the age of two, and if male then it is fully mature and possess all the typical male characteristics. Females will not mature until they’re five years old. This is also true for sliders with yellow bellies as well.

It can be difficult to seduce a red-eared slider based upon physical traits.

The most precise and reliable method of determining which turtle’s gender is to ask the breeder at what temperature the eggs were incubated. The gender of hatchlings is determined by their incubation temperature. Eggs that are incubated at 79 degrees F will hatch as males, while eggs that are who are incubated at 88degF all develop as female eggs. If they are incubated between the two temperatures there will be male eggs and certain females.

8. Handling

A baby red-eared slider is best handled when absolutely necessary. The turtle is not usually able to adjust to being held. This could cause stress.

The most efficient method to hold the baby red-eared slider would be to place your thumb and the first finger on each hand, in an asymmetrical pinching manner. One hand should be on each one of the sides, and your thumbs rest on the lower part on the turtle’s shell. Do not squeeze your turtle, or apply more force than you need to.

Limit the amount of time you can hold a red-eared baby slider to five minutes.


There aren’t many animals that are cuter than a newborn red eared slider.

Make sure that, prior to buying the species you are interested in, it must exceed four inches long. The purchase or sale of turtles smaller than 4 inches in size is against law.

If you decide to take care of a baby red-eared slider, bear in mind that they’re sensitive to the quality of water and temperature. Make sure to clean your baby’s tank regularly to ensure that it is kept in pristine water.

They thrive in water and temperatures in the air that range between 75degF to 85degF. Temperatures for the basking area should be 90-95degF.

The turtles also require an extensive diet that is mostly protein in order to remain healthy. Feed them food portions that is the size of their heads every day and rotate their food items.

If you take care of it, the Baby Red Eared Slider can provide you with entertainment for a long time.

Please share your most helpful care tips in the comments below.

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