Yellow-Bellied Slider Care Guide: Diet, Size & Tank Set Up

Yellow-bellied sliders are among the most frequent species of turtles in the east United States. If you’ve seen turtles relaxing on a tree close to the coast of the east There is an excellent chance that you’ve had the pleasure of seeing one!

Common turtles are also wonderful pets. Their striking black and yellow colors, their high levels of activity and distinctive aquatic habits make them an outstanding pet.

However , this distinctive lifestyle makes them difficult for novices to manage. They require a huge enclosure that is flooded with fresh water. They also require the majority of fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you’re interested in having a slider in your home, continue reading to learn about their maintenance food, setup, tank and much more…

Species Introduction

Yellow-bellied sliders ( Trachemys scripta scripta) are part of the Emydidae family. This family includes more than 50 species of turtles including marsh and terrapin turtles.

Initially called Testudo scripta in 1792 , the species was changed in 1792 to Trachemys scripta scripta, in the year 1857, in 1857 by American biochemist Louis Agassiz.

Yellow-bellied sliders can be located in the south-eastern United States near bodies of water such as lakes, estuaries as well as marshes and swamps. The name “slider” comes from their habit of sliding off muddy banks and logs to the sea when they sense danger.

Read more: 350+ Top Pet Turtle Names For Your Choice

The turtles are colorful black and yellow with striped legs head, and neck. The bottom of the shell (i.e. the plastron) has a bright, yellow color and has dark spots or smudges. The top usually is dark green or black.

The hatchlings are about one quarter of an inch. They increase to one foot long after 8 years. However, they continue to increase in size slowly throughout their lives , and could be weighed as high as seven pounds. As they age they change their diet from being primarily protein-based to a plant-based diet. Animals should consume a lot of leafy greens, augmented by insects’ protein. The food of a turtle that is pelleted is an excellent option.

Yellow-bellied sliders are considered to be a semi-aquatic turtle. They spend the majority of their time swimming but they also come to land and enjoy the sunshine. In order to accommodate their lifestyles and lifestyle, their tank configuration must be primarily enough deep enough to completely submerge.

Are Yellow-Bellied Sliders a Good Pet?

They’re wonderful pets. They are adorable and lively. Slider turtles were beloved pet throughout the 1950s because hundreds of hatchling turtles were sold across all of the United States.

Sliders make excellent pets for people who aren’t afraid of having a long-term commitment. Prepare yourself to eat lots of fresh veggies and don’t think you’ll be a pet that is cuddly. They aren’t the best choice for those who wish to take care of their pets. They are easily stressed when handled and are often found for carrying salmonella.

Fortunately, they can be equally entertaining when they are kept in their tanks and tend to be bold and curious.

Sliders are entertaining reptiles and have plenty of personality. They are ideal for intermediate reptile owner! They are very active throughout the day and are well-known for their ability to swim, dive as well as bask and dig.

Yellow-Bellied Slider Care

Baby Yellow-Bellied Sliders

The most challenging aspect of taking care of the turtle is to keep their enclosures neat and clean. Many first-time owners keep their pets in poor health, that can lead to cases of salmonella. However, this should be an issue for intermediate and skilled herpetologists.

They are fantastic pets when they are given the right amount of space and given the proper food.

What are Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtles Consume?

Yellow-bellied sliders are opportunistic eaters that consume food whenever and wherever they can. This shouldn’t be surprising since similar species, like snapping turtles snapping turtle are also predators that are opportunistic.

The thing that is most surprising is the fact that their diets change as they get older.

Young turtles are carnivores who eat bugs, worms and tiny fish. When they turn to become adults their food habits change to one comprised nearly entirely from plants!

Good Foods

  • Carrot Tops
  • Parsley
  • Kale
  • Turnip Greens
  • Collard Greens
  • Apples (As A Treat)
  • Green Beans
  • Lilies and Water Lilies
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Duckweed
  • Waterweed (Elodea)

Bad Foods

  • Iceberg Lettuce
  • Feeder Fish
  • Raw Meat
  • Spinach
  • Beets
  • Rhubarb Greens
  • Potato Greens

There are a variety of high-quality aqua turtle diets which come made of pellets. However, it is important to remember that the majority of these diets are intended for adult turtles, not hatchlings. They may not have the protein that juvenile turtles require.

Turtles that are babies are most successful when they are fed small crickets mealworms, and cockroaches 4 times per week. Also, you can feed them portions of Romaine lettuce, dandelion leaves and other greens to ensure they get 1/3 their food based on plants.

Growing turtles are able to receive two meals a throughout the day. Gradually introduce more fruits and veggies to your turtle’s diet together with food pellets specially designed for adults.

Fully grown turtles need to be fed pellets, mostly leafy greens, in addition to other aquatic plants, such as duckweed.

Adults may also be fed mealworms, crickets and shrimp and earthworms, if you’re not feeding pellets. As opposed to juveniles, adults require one meal every other day, and only 50 percent the diet comprised of protein. For proper nutrition you should dust your turtle’s food by taking a multivitamin every week.

Tank Setup

Yellow-bellied sliders live in the water and reside in brackish as well as freshwater lakes, freshwater marshes lakes, and ponds across the south-eastern United States.

The maintenance of sliders in a tank is simple provided that you have the correct installation and equipment. They require a tank with the depth of water enough to let them submerge into many plants at the bottom.

Size of the enclosure

If you are the first to get a turtle hatchling, you’ll need 30 gallons of water. However, it should be upgraded to a larger tank after 4 years. Adult sliders require at minimum a 100-gallon enclosure for them to be healthy. A few owners choose to use a conventional glass aquarium to house their sliders, while others utilize plastic pond liners for an organic-looking setup.


The tank’s water must be kept between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit using an underwater heater and should be cleaned regularly with a an aquarium filter that is powerful. Sliders are thriving in freshwater, however brackish water is also utilized. Brackish waters for turtles may be a simple mix of salt and fresh water ( around 1.01 SG).

The water should be treated using a safe dechlorinator for turtles and be free of heavy metals and other harmful substances. If you are using brackish water be sure to check the salinity often, as the levels of salt will rise when the water evaporates.

Heating and Lighting

Turtles require warming up before becoming active. The Yellow-Bellied slider needs an area to bask on which is 90-100 degrees and an area with a cooler temperature of between 72 and 76 degrees. The two UVA and UVB lighting are crucial to help sliders to metabolize calcium. A 5percent UVB bulb, commonly marketed as”tropical UVB” bulb, is a popular choice “tropical UVB” bulb, is perfect for sliders.


Yellow-bellied sliders require a lot of water in their tanks. The water is the ideal substrate for sliders is not a surface and fine sand. Turtles may accidentally inhale pebbles or gravel, which can result in gastrointestinal obstruction.

A portion of the land must also be made available to allow the possibility of basking. A wooden or plastic platform on the side that is affixed to the tank’s side are crucial. It should be wide enough for the slider to be comfortable on.

Decor and plants

Yellow-bellied sliders are fond of having plenty of hiding spots. On the land living plants, flower pots and plastic containers leaf litter, and wood logs are excellent alternatives for decoration.

Live plants such as waterweed, anubias, and mosses could be utilized in the water section of your tank. However, keep in mind that these plants can be eaten.

Health and Lifespan

Yellow-bellied sliders can live an extremely long duration. Some last for over 40 years! in the wild. Their lengthy life span is due to their hard shell which protects them from other species.

However this protection comes with an unintended consequence. Since their shells are their primary protection, turtles with sliders invest little energy into the immune system. They are therefore more susceptible to bacterial infections like mycoplasmosis or shell rot.

  1. Mycoplasmosis It is a bacterial infection that can cause irritation to the respiratory system. The affected turtles exhibit a runny discharge from their noses and mouth, as well as bubbles around the mouth, and the sound of breathing.

The disease is highly infectious and can be passed from turtle to turtle via mucus. If you think your turtle is infected ensure that you isolate it and bring the animal to a veterinarian.

  1. The rot of the shell is also an infection caused by bacteria that affects turtles.

Also known as ulcerative disease of the shell or ‘rust’ this is the result of bacteria found in dirty water. The signs of rotting appear as white, gray, or red slimy spots that appear on the sides and the bottom inside the shell. If left untreated, the decay can lead to open sores and subsequent infections. The best method to avoid shell decay is to maintain your turtle’s tank in a clean state and watch it for injuries.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your tank is the best way to maintain your turtle in good health.

The Signs That They Are Healthy

  • A uniformly colored shell that is free of abrasions.
  • A strong, active swimmer.
  • Consuming a lot of food.

Sickness symptoms

  • White and red patches in the shell.
  • At the top of the water, inability dive.
  • Eyes that are puffy or closed.


Yellow-bellied sliders are stunning turtles with the yellow and black markings.

They’re named after the yellow shell they have. The sides and bottom of their shells are bright yellow, with three to four black spots per side. Their top shells is dark brownish green, with black and orange waves.

As they get older, their shell typically changes shade, particularly on top. Males, in particular, are prone to becoming almost black!

Sliders’ shells are smooth and flat. This helps them be more aerodynamic when swimming, and also provides a bigger surface area for soaking up the sun while basking.

In order to help them swim, yellow-bellied sliders are strong equipped with toes webbed. They also have sharp, long claws which help them construct nests and climb over rocks, logs and banks that are muddy.

Yellow-bellies can be identified by the V-shaped yellow mustache that is visible on their beaks as well an enticing yellow spot on the side of the eye. This spot is noticeable when females are young and juveniles.

The species isn’t breeding for color morphs However, you might locate albinos for auction. Albinos do not have pigment on their skins, and consequently are pink and yellow instead of the usual color morphs of black and yellow.

What is the largest Yellow-Bellied Turtle Get?

Sliders are huge turtles, with an average length of the shell of 5 to 9 inches. However, they are sexually dimorphic which means there’s a huge variation in size between the males as well as females. Males are typically seven inches long while females can reach 10 inches.

Due to their lengthy lifespan The species is slowly. Males are mature within five years, while females need eight years to mature. Females grow slower to gain enough energy to lay eggs.


Yellow-bellied sliders live in the day, as are humans. They are active throughout the daytime. When they are in the wild they’re usually located in groups that are grouped around the best spots for basking. However, they are more territorial and prefer living on their own as pets.

As pet, this animal is extremely active and spends the majority times at sea, diving, and taking a bath.

In the event of being scared, sliders rapidly “slide” into the water to escape. Although they are more suited for swimming, these turtles can be quite agile on land, and can even sprint for short distances.

If the temperature of your tank is adequate, you’ll usually encounter your Yellow-bellied Turtle in the ocean rather than on the land. Sliders are fantastic swimmers and typically doze in the water however they require access to land in order for survival.

Yellow-bellied sliders love to lay down on banks and logs all through the day to soak and increase their body temperature.

Your turtle is likely to move into as well as out in order to maintain their internal temperatures at the same level.

The cooler your turtle’s temperature is the more sluggish its movement and activities will be. In the wild, sliders go into hibernation in the winter months when temperatures are cold In captivity however where temperatures remain constant the turtles are in full swing all year long.


Yellow-bellied sliders aren’t the most affectionate pets. They can be a source of stress and stress. A stressed turtle is not afraid to bite anyone they can reach. Their necks are long and flexible. allow them to have a surprising long reach.

If they are held yellow-bellied sliders usually draw their arms and heads into their shells.

When you are able to handle it with a gentle and regular manner, your slider will become comfortable, but they are best when left to themselves. If you have to pick up your turtle, grab it with your hands, as if you were holding the size of a hamburger.

Always wash your hands prior to or after touching turtles and do not let small children handle the turtles. Pet turtles are a major cause of salmonella outbreaks within the United States, which can be fatal to children as well as those who have compromised immune systems.

Guide to Buying

Turtles having shorter shells than 4 inches is prohibited within the U.S.

Yellow-bellied juvenile sliders are often offered through reptile shows and online. Based on the seller, they could cost anywhere from between $30 and $80.

It is also possible to find adult turtles to sell due to their long-lasting lives. It’s not uncommon for people to offer 20-year-old turtles. The purchase of an adult turtle is not just more responsible and secure, but it also offers the best chance of having an animal that is healthy.

The most costly aspect to own a slider the tank and the set-up. A 100-gallon tank along with its accessories can run over $300.

If you’re looking to buy the yellow-bellied slider, be sure that you purchase an animal that is captive-bred from an established breeder. Healthy turtles must be aware and attempt to flee when approached by someone.


Quick Summary Table
Common Name (s)Yellow-bellied Slider, Pond Slider, Yellow-bellied Terrapin
Scientific NameTrachemys scripta scripta
Family NameEmydidae
Genus NameTrachemys
RangeNorth as well as South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, northern Florida
Adult Size5-12 inches in length
1.5 up to 7 pounds
Lifespan20-40 years
Similar Species/Popular AlternativesRed-Eared Slider, Painted Turtle, Box Turtle


Yellow-bellied sliders are great companions. They are energetic attractive to look at and exhibit a variety of interesting behavior. They also love swimming and are active throughout the day.

If you’re interested in buying a yellow-bellied slider you can expect to get an energetic, lively pet that will be active for more than 20 years.

But, don’t take any of them without thinking.

To satisfy their requirements they require plenty of room and clear water. This is why they require a lot of equipment, including an aquarium filter heater, pump, and a 100-gallon tank. The attractive turtles also enjoy diversification in their diets they thrive off a mixture of fresh and rotten vegetables, insects and pellets of food.

Do you have a yellow-bellied slider? Share your story by leaving a comment!

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