Turtle Breeds: 33 pet turtles for beginners

Turtles are a joy to be around.

They’re cute tiny and be found in the water as well as on land.

The aquatic pets are lifetime pets that will give you plenty of entertaining moments.

With over 300 varieties of turtles around the globe, which one should you pick?

Some are cute and simple to maintain, so they are ideal for children. Some breeds grow huge and are hard to maintain.

This list of 33 turtle Breeds comprises only species that are adorable and simple for novices! Continue reading to discover a species that’s right for you.

33. European Pond Turtle

It is believed that the European Pond is among the largest turtles that live in ponds throughout Europe.

These guys are in freshwater ponds, so they require lots of water and the ability to sit.

At home, they can reside in a safe backyard pond or in an indoor 100 gallon water tank.

They enjoy soaking up the water edge ( with temperatures around 95°F)) and searching for food. They love eating frogs, insects, and fish.

This species is typically seven inches long , and it has the appearance of a silky black skin, which is flecked by yellow spots.

What is it that makes this European Pond a great pet turtle is its durability and its ease of handling!

Important Facts
Price between $100 and $300
Tank Size 100-gallon
Size 5 – 15inches in length
Lifespan 40-60 years

32. Bog Turtle

Bog Turtle Bog Turtle is yet another Pond species belonging to similar family to the European Pond

It is common to find this kind of plant in spring-fed bogs, swamps and marshes in the eastern United States.

They are also seen grazing in wet fields with cattle.

If you’re looking for to have a pet turtle that isn’t too big, then this species is ideal.

Little Bogs are only 4 inches, making them one of the most tiny turtles anywhere in the world! The first-timer will love them due to their adorable appearance.

They’re usually brown and have the yellow band around their necks.

The guys are comfortable in a 40-gallon aquarium with water temperatures of 72-80 and a basking space of 85-90.

Important Facts
Price Range: $250-$450
Tank Size 40-gallon
Size: 4 inches long
Lifespan 20-30 years

31. Loggerhead Musk Turtle

Loggerhead Turtles are natives of the southeast United States.

They are usually found in the vicinity of springs, rivers, ponds and even human-made canals.

These tiny creatures usually have brown shells, with dark brown spots. The skin of these guys is gray-brown and often is visible.

Reptiles that love water. They thrive in areas in which they can swim and interact with living plants.

Loggerheads are great for novices due to the fact that they’re small, tough and are fun to be around! They are very friendly and will soon get to become familiar with their owners.

They also do well with other kinds of turtles, making them ideal for those who want multiple pets.

Important Facts
Price is $35-$50
Tank Size 40-gallon
Size between 3 and 5 inches in length
Lifespan 20 years

30. Pink Belly Sideneck Turtle

This beautiful turtle is indigenous to the waters and islands in Australia as well as New Guinea.

They are popular with beginners because of their adorable and distinctive look..

Pink Bellies sport black shells which stand out against their vivid orange-pink subsides. The black heads usually also have yellow eye markings.

Another aspect which makes the species distinct is the method they pull the heads of their head in their shells.

As with most turtles, they love bathing and sunbathing. The majority of the time, they are extremely engaged in the tank.

They are best kept in a 60-gallon tank with temperatures of 75degF and a basking zone of around 85degF.

Vital Information
Price $ 100 to $500
Tank Size 60-gallon
Size 8 to 9 inches long
Lifespan 30- 50 years

29. Ouachita Map Turtle

It is the Ouachita Map. Turtle is usually brown and has white neck marks that are yellow.

They have large, flat webbed feet that are ideal for swimming. They prefer clear, strong river water, and are often located on both the Mississippi or Ouachita Rivers.

This species is found that extends from to the middle of United States to the north east coast.

When they first came to light, they were believed to be subspecies belonging to the False Map Turtle. They are recognized now as a subspecies of Graptemys orachitensis species.

Males are very small when they become adults, and can only get 4 inches in length!

It is surprising that they are less well-known than other kinds of turtles, but they are durable, entertaining and easy to care for. needs.

Important Information
Price is $40-$100
Tank Size 50-gallon
Size 3-10 inches long
Lifespan 30- 50 years

28. Northern Map Turtle

They can be recognized by their distinctive neck stripes in yellow.

Northern Map Turtle Northern Map Turtle is also called Common Map species. Common Map species.

They’re as simple to maintain just like Ouachita Map Breed but are more well-known pets!

Northern Maps have a very extensive range that runs across the eastern part of North America.

They are usually found close to those of the Great Lakes, Susquehanna River system as well as the St. Lawrence River Drainage.

Their skins have a yellow stripe pattern, and their shells are usually solid brown. Males show more vibrant colours than females.

The aquatic animals are tough and can easily be breeding in captivity.

Their needs are well-known , and they’re an excellent turtle to teach beginners!

It is the Northern Map species does well in a 125-gallon tank , with temperatures of 77-80 degrees.

Important Facts
Price is $40-$100
Tank Size Size: The tank is 125-gallon
Size 4 to 11 inches in length
Lifespan Between 15 and 20 Years

27. Chinese Box Turtle

It is the Chinese Box Turtle is known as the Yellow-Margined and Snake-Eating Box Turtle.

Despite the misleading name, they’re not found only in China as well as Japan, Vietnam and Laos.

They’re omnivores, but they prefer eating a diet of leafy greens instead of insects. In captivity, you can provide them with greens, vegetables as well as some protein.

Many breeds of box turtles make excellent turtles for pets.

Chinese Box is no exception. Chinese Box is no exception!

They’re not typical pets, however anyone who is a dedicated beginner can look after one.

They’re more vibrant than the other species in boxes and owners are enthralled by their uniqueness..

Their shells are typically dark brown with occasional patches of red-brown. They sport yellow heads and brown legs and are an eye-catching pet.

Chinese Boxes can be happy in a 50-gallon tank with plenty of space to relax and splash.

Important Facts
Price between $150 and $700
Tank Size 50-gallon
Size: 8 inches long
Lifespan between 25 and 40 years

26. Desert Box Turtle

Desert Box Desert Box is one of two subspecies of Terrapene ornata. The other is the wildly loved Ornate Box Turtle.

They are more yellow as compared to Ornate and thrive in areas of low humidity. This makes them a great option for people who live in dry areas. They don’t require excessive humidity like the majority of turtles.

This breed can be found throughout the central and southwestern United States.

Desert Box Desert Box is cheaper, smaller and less popular as its Chinese counterpart. But, it’s not as bright, and lasts longer.

Vital Information
Price $ $50-$ $400
Tank Size 50-gallon
Size: 5 inches long
Lifespan 30-to-40 years

25. Mata Mata Turtle

At first glance, this animal appears to blend in with the pile of autumn leaves.

Mata Mata Mata Mata kind is to be one of the species with the most unusual of the species on this list.

First-time keepers love them for their unique look.

They’re usually either brown, red or green and their ridges on their shells look like those of an alligator.

For those who are new to keeping, the turtle species is among the largest reptiles for pets and can be as long as 1.5 feet.

It is said that the Mata Mata is not the most skilled swimmer. They are fond of stagnant, muddy waters because it gives them the opportunity to conceal. The majority times, they are at to the surface of lake as they use their tubes-like snouts to breathe.

Contrary to the majority of these they can be found in tropical areas.

This means that tanks need temperatures that go over 90 degrees.

Important Facts
Price 20 to $500
Tank Size 250-gallon
Size 16 to 18 inches long
Lifespan 30 years

24. Chinese Softshell Turtle

It is known as the Chinese Softshell Turtle is found across China, Thailand, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. The name implies that they have an outer shell that is soft than the standard hard shell.

Like that of the Mata Mata breed, the softshell is a distinctive kind of turtle.

Maintenance isn’t easy due to their soft outer shell. Anyone who is new to the hobby will have to be committed to caring for their tanks and keep them well-maintained.

Contrary to Mata Mata Mata Mata it is a softshell that would rather spend the majority part of the time within water.

They have a slim tube-like snout employed to snorkel.

This animal is typically employed to prepare Chinese medicine and food however, you can keep it as an animal.

Vital Information
Price is $40-$50
Tank Size: 250-gallon
Size 11 to 13 inches long
Lifespan 25plus years

23. Florida Softshell Turtle

Florida Softshells are from the eastern United States – primarily the state of Florida.

All turtles that have softshells have the same requirements for care.

What is it that makes what makes Florida Softshell stand out is the huge size variation between females and males

  • Males could be tiny at around six inches, similar to on the Ouachita Map.
  • Females can reach over 1.5 feet!

It is suggested that novices should only buy the male.

The turtles in this picture are adorable, smart and a lot of fun.

Similar to similar to the Chinese Softshell they require lots of water for swimming in, and also a small sun-bathing area.

Important Facts
Price from $15 to $40
Size of Tank Size: The tank is 125-gallon
Size 6 to 20 inches long
Lifespan 30 years

22. Spiny Softshell Turtle

Spiny Softshells can be found everywhere from the central up to the northeastern United States and from southern Ontario to northern Mexico.

This is the last softshell turtle we have on our list.

Softshells are timid and skeptic because they have less security from the soft shells.

This turtle is believed to be endangered by the natural world, however it is fortunate that there are numerous breeding in captivity.

Spiny Softshells are smooth, flat shell as well as a pointed nose. They’re either green or brown and have tiny spines that line the shell.

The spiny reptile likes open waters and sandy places to rest. They can be found basking and searching in search of food.

They consume a variety of aquatic creatures, including Crayfish, insects and tiny fish.

An experienced and responsible puppy can manage this breed, but they have certain needs for care and are considered to be shy.

Vital Information
Price from $10 to $50
Tank Size: The tank is 125-gallon
Size 5 to 30 inches long
Lifespan 50 years

21. Spotted Turtle

Turtle owners are enthralled by these due to the fact that they are small and unique decorated.

Spotted Turtles are found throughout the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada.

Spotted Turtle Spotted Turtle is a tiny, adorable and attractive pet.

The tiny guys are just five inches. They’re usually black or dark brown , with yellow-cream-colored spots on their heads and shell. Some may have orange, yellow or red bellies as well.

They’re even-tempered, which means they can handle more easily than the majority of.

They generally adapt well to captivity, however they aren’t strong swimmers. They are best kept in tanks with shallow water.

Anyone who is new to the field is fortunate to have this kind of experience.

Vital Information
Price ranges from $75 to $100.
Tank Size 75-gallon
Dimension: 3.5 to 5 inches long
Lifespan 25-50 years

20. Yellow Mud Turtle

The yellow Mud turtles make ideal for those who are just starting out..

They’re not as distinctive as the other pet turtle types on this list, however they’re durable and low-maintenance.

The little ones are small too. Adults are smaller than five inches in height.

Yellow Muds generally feature light brown to yellow bellies and shells. Their cheeks and chins are more bright yellow than their shells.

These turtles can be located in freshwater habitats of middlewestern United States.

They love spending time on the land and in the water.

Yellow Muds are tough and adaptable to a wide range of climates. If the water begins to become dry the mud, they will bury themselves under the mud.

What makes this animal so easy to look after is the diet. It can take foods (e.g. shrimp, salmon, snails and many other invertebrates) in and out of the water.

They are a very sociable breed and you can get several.

Important Facts
Price $ 100 to $400
Tank Size 40-gallon
Size 5 to 4 inches long
Lifespan 40 years

19. Striped Mud Turtle

It is yet another species of turtle famous for its cooling by soaking in mud.

appropriately named they sport three light brown to cream-colored stripes that are affixed along throughout their entire shell. They can be difficult to discern on certain species.

Striped Mud turtles can be found in the southern United States ( from Virginia all the way to the point in Florida).

Like that of the similar to the Yellow Mud this small turtle measures only five inches in length and prefers to swim.

In the beginning, when they were found, they were thought to be were only underwater. Later, it was discovered that they are seen on land just often. They need an 20-gallon tank that has plenty of water for swimming around in.

The turtle you see here is extremely low maintenance and is great for those who are just starting out!

Vital Information
Price ranges from $75 to $150.
Tank Size 20-gallon
Size: 4 inches long
Lifespan 50 years

18. Diamondback Terrapin Turtle

Diamondback Terrapins are among the most fascinating patterns and colors that you can find in any turtle that you can keep as a pet.

Their shells are typically dark black or gray and possess a rough appearance. Their skin is generally lighter blue-gray with black spots.

They are usually found in reedy marshes channels and lagoons all along the eastern coast and the United States.

The thing that makes them unique is the fact that they reside in saltwater however they require clean water for drinking.

In the wild, this species is shy but the captive animals are often quite social once they have adjusted to their new surroundings.

They are best kept in tanks of 75-gallon, however their water doesn’t need to be heated, as do many kinds of turtles.

Vital Information
Price ranges from $200 to $450.
Tank Size 75-gallon
Size Between 5 and 7.5 inches long
Lifespan between 25 and 40 years

17. Reeve’s Turtle

Reeve’s turtles can also be referred to by the Chinese Pond Turtle.

They reside in slow-moving, shallow water and are surrounded by vegetation. They typically have brown shells and skin that is brown-green.

The type is available across China, Taiwan and Japan.

Reeve’s Turtles aren’t as vibrant as the other turtles in this listing. Their owners love them because of their cute personalities and tiny size.

They tend to be small when they become adults, although females may get bigger than males.

They are active and thrive in 50-gallon tanks that have depths of water of 1.5 times the size of their bodies.

Important Facts
Price 50 to $80
Tank Size 50-gallon
Size 6 to 9 inches long
Lifespan between 10 and 20 years

16. Ornate Wood Turtle (Painted)

Ornate Wood Turtles have more of a terrestrial habitat than the majority of species of the species listed! They usually live in woodland areas near rivers or ponds.

Ornate species are best in 55-gallon tanks with extremely shallow water and plenty of plants.

They have red lines that line their faces and on their shells in various places. The remainder of their shell is light brown and has a central ridge. Their bellies are typically yellow with red patches.

It is thought as the one of the most stunning.

It is crucial to purchase them from a breeder who is captive. When they are taken from the wild, they can are difficult to adjust and typically die within one year.

Important Facts
Price 100 to $175
Tank Size 55-gallon
Size 5 – 8 in in length
Lifespan 30plus years

15. Razorback Musk Turtle

Razorback Musks are generally green or brown.

They are distinguished by their high shell which creates an indentation across their back.

It is the Razorback Musk is the second of three species of musk turtles in this list.

There isn’t much information about the origins of Razorback Musk other than they were discovered in the southeast United States.

The turtles are popular with beginners since they’re tiny, distinctive and easy to take care of.

They don’t grow any over six inches in size, but are the largest of their kind (i.e. the musk turtles).

They’re not hostile and are not likely to attack, however they are shy, so they shouldn’t be handled often. They’ll be less scared to be observed from a distance.

Vital Information
Price from $25 to $100
Tank Size 30 gal
Size 5-6 inches long
Lifespan 20 years

14. Common Musk Turtle (Stinkpot)

The animal is also known by the name of Stinkpot Turtle.

It is believed that the Common Musk Turtle is one of the most plentiful species of musk within the United States. They are found all across the east coast, including Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

Common Musks weigh less than Razorback Musk and similar in dimensions with the Loggerhead.

Herpetologists are enthralled by this turtle because of their tiny size and easy of taking care of.

The shells of these species are usually black or brown, and they are smooth. They also have barbels on their chins and neck , which is only found in this subspecies.

They prefer small bodies of water in which they can soak , and then occasionally go out to enjoy a bask. This is why they need plenty of fresh water for a thirty gallon tank as well as a basking area.

Common Musks are fascinating and can be very aggressive when they are threatened.

The animal is also known as the Stinkpot due to the smoky scent they emit to ward off predators.

Important Information
Price $ 30 to $100
Tank Size 30 gal
Size 2 – 4.5 inches long
Lifespan 30 years

13. African Sideneck Turtle

African Sideneck turtle lives happily in captivity, and is easy to care for.

They are typically found in freshwater bodies all over Africa in addition to Madagascar.

African Sidenecks Their mouths are curled upwards to create the shape of a “smile” making them a adorable turtle.

Like all species of sidenecks they are distinct in having the capability to turn their heads to the side. They also have the ability to utilize their long necks in order to turn themselves upside down in case they fall on their backs.

The animal is quite amusing to observe as they swim into the sea and rise up to relax.

Important Facts
Price ranges from $50 to $100.
Tank Size 75-gallon
Size 7-12 inches long
Lifespan 50 years

12. Mississippi Map Turtle

Their wide eyes give them surprise and a cute smile.

Mississippi Map Mississippi Map is one of two subspecies of the Graptemys pseudogeographica family.

The other subspecies is called the False Map Turtle.

The name of the game suggests that the little guys spend the majority of their time in their home in the Mississippi River System. The map aspect of their name refers to the contour lines that define their skin.

Beginning crocheters love this stunning design.

Male Mississippi Maps can be wonderful pets because they don’t get much bigger than five inches. They prefer to spend the majority of their time in the sun, but they will be in the water if they are feeling threatened.

Map types can be a bit spooky. They are often anxious and shy, making handling not their forte.

They’re the perfect turtle for a new keeper who is looking but not be touched.

Important Facts
Price is $40-$100
Tank Size 60-gallon
Dimension: 3.5 to 10 inches long
Lifespan 15-25 years

11. False Map Turtle

The False Map Turtle is akin to Mississippi Map. Both are natives to the Mississippi River.

They are, without a doubt, great swimmers, and they love diving into deep waters.

False Maps have a patterned skin that looks like an actual contour map. The eyes of these maps are often lighter in hue, which gives them the same look similar to those of the Mississippi Map.

This breed must be kept in a 60 gallon tank, with plenty of fresh water and an area for basking. They’ll be spending the majority of their time in the sun.

They require regular water purification, but are extremely easy to maintain.

Important Facts
Price between $15 and $50
Tank Size 60-gallon
Size 6- 10 inches long
Lifespan 35 years

10. Midland Painted Turtle

The animal’s eyes are black which make it appear as if they have pupils that are horizontal.

The Painted Turtles are excellent for beginners. turtles!

The species is native of North America and have a spread that extends from the southern part of Canada through northern Mexico. This subspecies is located in and in the Great Lakes region.

Midland Painted species are loved for their bright shades and their ease of maintenance.

This is among the most popular turtles around the world.

They’re typically between olive and dark, and streaked, patched and striped with bright yellow and red.

Midlanders are fantastic for pet owners who are just starting out due to their toughness and easy to handle.

They are very content to be with their owners and usually do not hide after seeing them. They also are friendly with other species of turtles. You can keep more than one.

Midlanders prefer slow-moving waters with plenty of vegetation and sun-bathing spots.

Vital Information
Price: $70
Size of Tank 40-gallon
Size 5-9 inches long
Lifespan 35-40 years

9. Southern Painted Turtle

Southern Painted Turtles vary between dark and black, and feature the bright red dorsal stripe.

They are usually darker that Midlanders though they do have the same head with a yellow stripe.

Southerns are the tiniest of the species that are painted. They are the perfect option for those who want to have a smaller turtle.

They are typically located throughout the middle of United States ( ranging from Illinois up to Louisiana).

Southern Painted Turtles are renowned for being more gentle and less maintenance-intensive than other painted species.

Vital Information
Price $ 75 to $150
Tank Size 40-gallon
Size ranges from between 4 and 6 inches in length
Lifespan between 25 and 45 years

8. Eastern Painted Turtle

The Eastern Painted Turtle is similar in appearance to the Southern Painted. Both have identical shells, however the Eastern is distinguished by a yellow or red border. They may also have a red dorsal stripe similar to the Southern. Southern as well.

The turtle is found throughout New England, southeastern Canada as well as off East Coast of US.

Due to their extensive long-distance range the species is extremely tough.

As with all species that are painted, they can adapt to the environment extremely well and are very extremely friendly.

Important Facts
Price between $70 and $130.
Tank Size 40-gallon
Size 5 – 7 in in length
Lifespan between 25 and 30 years

7. Western Painted Turtle

The Western Painted Turtle is the last Painted species listed on this list.

They appear similar in appearance to Midland Painted and typically have large yellow strips on their head, and their red-orange underbellies. They may display a dorsal stripe however it’s not as vividly color as southern’s stripes.

Their shells range from light to deep green.

Westerns are the most popular kind of painted turtle, and are comparable in size to Sliders.

Their native range extends from the southern part of Canada up to the southern Missouri as well as the eastern part of Colorado as well as northern Oregon.

Like other Painted species, they are tough and are an ideal easy-care pet.

Important Facts
Price between $70 and $130.
Tank Size: The tank is 125-gallon
Size: 10 inches long
Lifespan Between 25 and 30 years

6. Ornate Box Turtle

It is the Ornate Box Turtle is from the same family as Desert Box.

Ornates aren’t as adaptable to the dry climate that is the Desert Box since they originate mostly from Central United States and not the Midwest.

Ornates look a bit more appealing in comparison to Desert Boxes despite having an overall lighter yellow hue

  • They have dark brown shells, with vibrant yellow spots and stripes.
  • Their heads are greenish-yellow in hue.

They share the same health requirements as others box turtles and require the same amenities as other turtles, including water, a sun-bathing area warmer temperatures, and diverse omnivorous food.

Ornaments can last for five years and are great ornamental turtles for those who want an animal that can live for the rest of their lives.

Vital Information
Price between $45 and $300
Tank Size: The tank is 125-gallon
Size 5 – 7 in in length
Lifespan: 25-50 years

5. Gulf Coast Box Turtle

Gulf Coast Box Turtles are one of the four subspecies of Terrapene Carolina. There are two additional species on this listing ( Three-Toed Box the Eastern Box).

The breed is typically brown, and their shells are various designs of red or yellow.

The dark-brown heads are more likely to be seen and occasionally have red eyes.

Some kinds of turtles can be kept in tanks. It isn’t. It requires a huge pen that’s 50% in sun, and the other half in the shade.

Gulf Coast Boxes are difficult to maintain.

This turtle is ideal for novices who wish to understand the complicated care needs of turtles.

They can be found naturally throughout all along North American gulf coast and Texas. However, they are frequently found in areas outside of their area of coverage (e.g. the central United States) as irresponsible owners release them into the wild.

Check that you’re prepared to own the turtle prior to purchasing it.

Vital Information
Price between $100 and $400
Tank Size: outdoor pen
Size: 8 inches long
Lifespan 25-50 years

4. Three-Toed Box Turtle

Three-Toed Box Turtles can bring an entire lifetime of joy.

This species ‘ name comes because of its three toes that are on the hind leg of its species.

Three-Toed Box Turtles are identical in appearance to the Gulf Coast Box siblings. They can be shy, however they can be a warm and welcoming with their owners following regular feeding.

A pet that is loved by a beginner can take help with this pet.

The turtle can be located in on the Mississippi River Valley.

They vary greatly in hue and contain patterns of red and orange.

These turtles are fond of water more than their Box counterparts. It is essential to provide them with small amounts of water in which they can take a bath. They also love digging. It is essential to offer them the opportunity to dig but not provide them with an escape way!

Vital Information
Price $ 40 to $100
Tank Size: outdoor pen
Size 4 to 11 inches in length
Lifespan Between 15 and 20 Years

3. Eastern Box Turtle

It is believed that the Eastern Box is the most well-known subspecies of box turtle. It is due to the fact that they are more adapted to housing in captives and are easy to acquire.

They generally have patterns in the colors of orange, red, and brown and are available in a variety of shades.

Eastern Box Turtles come with 4 toes for their feet – which is not the case with their Three-Toed cousins.

As with all box subspecies, they don’t like the constant handling they receive, but they possess a fun personality.

The most amazing thing is that some Eastern Box Turtles been playing with toys that are small with their guardians.

They are perfect for anyone who is committed to learning about their nutrition requirements.

Important Facts
Price ranges from $50 to $400.
Tank Size:50-gallon
Size between 4 and 6 inches in length
Lifespan between 25 and 50 years

2. Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtle

Both species have bright yellow colors , they often get confused with painted Turtles.

Sliders are among the most sought-after turtles to keep as pets, and they are excellent for children to learn about. They include:

  • Hardy.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Colorful.
  • Entertaining.

Yellow-Bellied Sliders are available in a variety of different shades ranging from green to gray. Some are brown, or black. The bellies of their women are typically yellow, with black spots.

The most striking feature of these animals is those bold stripes, which usually cover their necks, heads, and shell.

They enjoy in the outdoors, snoozing and swimming and have distinctive personality.

Yellow-bellied Sliders are fascinating and vibrant turtles.

Vital Information
Price from $25 to $75
Tank Size 100-gallon
Size 5 to 13 inches long
Lifespan 30-to-40 years

1. Red-Eared Slider Turtle

Red-Eared Sliders have vibrant yellow lines on brown or green bodies.

Red-Eared Slider slider with the red eyes may be much more popular that its yellow-bellied sibling.

The most notable distinction is that the Red-Eared Sliders have red patches on their eyes. This is what gives these animals the “red-eared” appearance. Their requirements for care are similar to those of any slider breed.

They require a huge 120-gallon tank, with ample water and lighting.

While all turtles require effort and dedication sliders fall more robust and low-maintenance side.

Red-Eared Sliders are vibrantly colored and easy to maintain and are a wonderful accessory to any room.

Vital Information
Price 20 to $30
Tank Size: 250-gallon
Size: 12 inches long
Lifespan 30 years

Which is the Best Turtle For You?

Turtles are incredibly unique pets. They can be a great source of entertainment and help pet owners learn about proper care and responsibility for their pet.

Pet turtles need lots of attention, attention and time!

There are many kinds of turtles. Some species might suit your needs more than others.

When selecting the turtle you want to buy ensure you are aware of how large they will get.

Smaller species include Eastern Box, Southern Painted, Diamondback Terrapins, Spotted and Bog Turtles.

Certain species, like such as the European Pond, Midland Painted, Map and Reeve’s Turtles get very large.

You must also study the life span of your turtle. A lot of turtles live for over 50 years!

If you can’t commit to a turtle the entire duration of its existence, you should not buy it.

Some species that have shorter lifespans are those with shorter lifespans include the Loggerhead as well as Razorback Musks, Mata Matas, Florida Softshells and Red-Eared Sliders.

Best of luck on your quest to locate the turtle.

Take a look at the turtle care guidelines and tell us in the comments which is your most loved species.

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