Asian Water Monitor Care and Facts: What You Need To be aware of

Are you a seasoned reptile owner looking for an active, intelligent and original pet?

It is believed that the Asian aquatic monitor a fierce and intelligent reptile. It has a an appearance that is straight from Jurassic Park. It is also among the largest species of lizards that exists. Asian water monitors are extremely large and can exceed eight feet.

Due to their massive size and aquatic habits, they are difficult lizards to manage.

Is it time to plunge into this world of monitors for water?

An adult Asian wather monitor lounging in the grass.

Stay tuned for a comprehensive Care sheet that includes suggestions about how you can feed and manage these little dragons.

Species Overview

Asian aquatic monitors ( Varanus salvator) are lizards belonging to the Varanidae family. The Varanidae family consists comprising 50-60 lizards which include the legendary Komodo dragon. Water monitors are massive reptiles that have been in existence for many thousands of years.

The species was first discovered as early as 1768. It was first described through Josephus Laurenti the Austrian naturalist. The water monitor has changed very little since the days of dinosaurs, and they look like prehistoric creatures!

In addition to appearing straight from Jurassic Park, these lizards are also heavy. They weigh between 44-54 pounds. Adult males can reach eight feet in length. Females are a little smaller, reaching six feet. Despite their dimensions, monitors are agile and are able to climb trees thanks to their long claws, curving claws and sturdy legs.

The large lizards also sport stunning tails. The tails of these lizards are flat and lined with scales, a ridge to help them move across the water. Their slim bodies make them excellent swimmers. Due to this, they prefer living near water bodies, rivers, and lagoons.

Unfortunately, Asian water monitors are hunted within their range to hunt for meat, leather as well as medicinal uses. Despite the hunt their population of wild animals is not declining, and they are not in risk of becoming extinct.

Can You Keep a Water Monitor as A Pet?

Experiential reptile lovers have been keeping these lizards for pets for more than twenty years. However keeping the Asian aquatic monitor an pet reptile isn’t easy due to their size and the water-based lifestyle.

Asian water monitors require an enclosure of the size of a room. This enclosure must include areas for swimming and climbing. They should also have an elevation of temperature, with temperatures ranging from 120 to 150degF to bask while lows as high as 74 degF or less for cooling down.

The process of heating a room to this level can be expensive and laborious.

Ideally , the enclosure should be in operation and set up for a few weeks prior to the time you can bring your monitor home. This will ensure that the temperature is constant.

Asian water monitors also require a balanced diet. They are recommended to feed mostly insects, and mice, raw chicken whole fish, chicks, and eggs. The feeding of pet water monitors is a process that requires a diverse diet and a strict feeding schedule. These huge lizards often consume as much food as they can to the point that they could quickly become overweight.

Water monitors require an enormous amount of work however they provide an exciting and unforgettable experience provided they are properly taken care of. A lot of owners can create a connection with their lizards that will last for a lifetime.


  • Inquisitive, bold and curious personality.
  • The size is large and the appearance prehistoric.


  • Need a huge enclosure, as well as lots of heating.
  • Extremely powerful bite and a very robust tail.

How to Care For An Asian Monitor’s Water Monitor

Asian water monitor enclosure

Asian monitoring of water require lots of attention and concern. They require a complex large enclosure, varied diet , and lots of interaction to avoid aggression. They’re also extremely strong and can cause serious bites. This is why they should be left to pet owners who have the expertise and the money to take care of them.


Asian monitoring of water are known as hypercarnivores. Their diet is completely meat and is largely comprised of other animals as well as their eggs. There have even been stories of monitors in water uncovered as well as taking human carcasses.

These predators that are opportunistic eat in both rural and urban areas. This creates a diverse diet which includes rodents and domestic pets snakes, birds, crabs as well as lizards, young and adult turtles, eggs, and crocodiles.

In the wild in captivity, the Asian water monitor requires plenty of food, particularly during the time of growth.

Young children under the age of one must be fed an omnivore diet of gut-loaded mealworms, crickets, cockroaches small fish, and shrimp daily. Feed them using tongs or in an individual bowl or tray. It is important to avoid creating an impression of your hands and the food.

Adults are only fed twice a week.

As they get older As they age, you can include pre-killed mice, chicks scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs and organ meat.

The way they eat is crucial to provide your lizard with all the nutrition it requires. Diverse prey sources also provide enrichment and can make feeding time enjoyable. For a healthy diet, they can dust their feeder insects with vitamin D3/calcium powder every other meal.

Asian water monitors are very unlikely to have a hunger pang and easily gain weight. It is recommended to alter the amount you feed them based upon their weight and. When you’ve finished eating your pet, it will be slightly rounded in the belly, but not overly full.


Monitors are tough, durable and robust reptiles. With proper care, Asian water monitors can remain healthy for between 15 and 20 years old. However, their life span when in nature is shorter. The majority of health issues can be prevented by keeping their enclosures in good condition and in the proper temperature and humidity levels.

Burns, respiratory infections and digestive problems are just a few of the most frequent health problems.

Burns occur when heat lamps can be placed close to basking zone or the area of basking can be too warm. The lizards require a hot tank, but temperatures of more than 150 degrees F could cause deathly tissue burns.

As opposed to mammals reptiles are the only reptiles that do not possess the heat response reflex. They do not move away from an area that has reached a temperature that is hot. Reptiles with burns look like gray or brown skin patches. The worst burns may even tear the skin.

Respiratory illnesses are typically caused by a mix of low temperatures and stress. They can include fungal, bacterial, or viral. Asian water monitors suffering from an infection are more likely to sneeze, cough, and breath with their mouths open.

Temperatures that are low can result in digestive issues like constipation, and decreased appetite. Monitors require lots in heat for digestion since they expend so much energy. It is possible to use an infrared thermometer to ensure that the temperature of the basking spots are in line without the risk of burning.

Cage Setup

They live in tropical areas of southeast Asia that have plenty of water. They are fond of marshes, rivers lagoons, lakes along with floodwoods. They love swimming, but they also excel at climbing. It’s not uncommon to see them on trees, particularly when trying to escape from predators.

Asian water monitors require an enclosure with the space to move in all directions.

Their cage must be large enough to allow them to climbup, walk and bathe.

A hatchling is kept in a tiny smaller 36″ x 30″ x 24″ enclosure ( about 100 gallons) for the initial six months. But, as it grows it will be required move your lizard into an additional enclosure. The ideal situation is an adult is best kept in a room that has been converted or a custom-designed cage at the minimum of 4 eight inches. Large males may need even more room.

Asian water monitors prefer an environment that is warm and humid. The tank must include a spot for basking between 120 and 150 degrees F. It is necessary to use several basking lamps that span all the length of your lizard’s body to accomplish this.

The ambient temperature should be in the lower 80s. To achieve a pleasing temperature gradient, keep a cool side between 72 and 74 degrees F. The humidity should be around 70%. optimal. It should be simple to maintain due to the vast bathing area they require.

Water monitors must also contain a lot of clean water within their tanks. The pool should be large and deep enough to allow your lizard to be submerged in its entire body. A large enough pool to allow some swimming can be a huge benefit to your monitor’s physical and mental well-being.

The decor of your enclosure for lizards is crucial. Put in sturdy branches or pipes as well as live plants and wooden platforms. This is not just a way to increase the visual appeal of your cage, but also creates an stimulating and enjoyable space.

Asian monitoring of water are intelligent as well-trained reptiles. They require ample chances to dig, climb and explore. The tank should be filled by two feet of moist soil will allow the animals plenty of room to dig. Topsoil, leaf litter, and sand is a good choice.


Asian water monitors could become used to handling when they are introduced to them at the age of. The process of building confidence with your monitoring company can be a long time-consuming process and this lengthy process is rewarding as well as extremely useful. A monitor that is calm is much simpler to deal with in the event in an emergency than a untrustworthy one!

Begin by maintaining the enclosure your lizard is housed in.

When he is confident with the hands of your inside his enclosure , he’ll slowly come closer to you. If he does so and you are able to handle him, then only try handling. Begin by holding him for several seconds inside his cage. Once he is more comfortable, you will be able to gradually move him to outside his enclosure over longer durations of time.

Make sure to pay attention to the body language of your monitor while you are handling it. A stressed monitor could cause harm to the monitor as well as you.

Handling should be enjoyable and fun.

Asian Water Monitoring Size

Asian monitoring of water are among the largest creatures in the world second only to that of the Komodo dragon. They are bigger than other water dragons..

Males tend to grow bigger and faster than females, with some even reaching more than eight feet long however, 5 feet are the norm. Females stop growing between four and six feet.

Asian water monitors start off small , but then grow in size. They typically weigh between 44 and 54 pounds. However, there are reports of males that weigh up to 100 pounds.

Asian Water monitors share many characteristics with reptiles of the land and water.

Similar to similar to the Eye-Red Skink the species is similar to a crocodile. Monitors sport a long, strong tail with short legs and a body that is low. Their strong tails can be used to assist swimmers and also as weapons.

In contrast to crocodiles these lizards sport a slim head and a supple neck. They are able to observe their surroundings for animals of prey, or even predators.

Additionally, they have dry and wrinkled skin, which is covered by a variety of small, interlocking scales. The scales provide protection as they climb over logs and rocks.

Asian water monitors are stunning creatures with an olive-gray rear and a light yellow belly. Juveniles sport a number of vertical columns with the white “bullseye” spots that typically disappear as they grow older. Adults may fade to near black or dark green.

Every adult has a dark stripe that runs across their eyes as well as down the neck. Additionally, there is a white and black stripe that has ridges over the top.

Asian Water Monitor Facts

Table of Facts
Common NameCommon Water Monitor
Scientific NameVaranus salvator
Family NameVaranidae
RangeIndonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand
Weight4-8 feet (males are slightly larger)
SizeBetween 44 and 54 pounds (males tend to be slightly larger)
Lifespan15 to 20 years old
DietInsects, mice, raw chicken whole chicks, fish eggs, and raw chicken.
Popular AlternativesGreen Iguana, Ackie Monitor, Savannah Monitor and Nile Monitor


Asian water monitors can be found in lakes, rivers and ponds. They are extremely adept swimmers and are able to dive into the water for up to 30 minutes. They can dive in for fish and crustaceans.

These lizards may not be as comfortable like Savannah Monitors. Savannah Monitor but they can still be a good choice for pets. The monitors are curious and calm. They are known to wag their tongues when they see an interesting object. They can become aggressive if they encounter a predator in the wild or fast.

Asian Water monitors can be courageous reptiles. They are large and strong. have to be acknowledged.

If they are scared, they may hiss or inflate their body and then stand in a squat position on the back of their legs. They might also attempt to snap or put their heads in the air at the attacker however, they prefer to get away first.

Male monitors are extremely territorial and will chase outsiders from their territory.

In the time of mating males are more aggressive. They might smell mark trees and other objects with the help of glands located in their necks.

In areas of large prey populations and high levels of water the presence of water monitors is seen in small groups, with a hierarchy of dominance. The large monitors can be intimidating to smaller groups by chasing on them by kicking their heads.

Monitors are occasionally involved in a ritual fight. Two males can reared to their backs and engage against each other. The fights are mostly for show , and monitors rarely get injured in the process.

Asian water monitor climbing

Price and buying guide

They can be bought for anything from $300 to $15,000. The age of the animal, its morph and tameness are all factors in the cost. The pre-socialized Asian monitoring of water are extremely sought-after. They cost more than animals that aren’t familiar with humans, as they are more manageable to keep.

Monitors who are healthy must be alert, active and inquisitive.

The purchase of this lizard is only the beginning.

Since they get so large and large, a suitable enclosure or room that is lizard-proofed will cost thousands of dollars. They are also capable of eating 200 dollars a month of food on their own. People with enough experience to have the Asian water monitor should be prepared to shell out a lot of cash.

The majority of Asian water monitors for purchase within the United States are captive-bred by private breeders. The seller must be transparent regarding their pet’s health and the needs for housing. Their huge size and rapid growth means they are not likely to be sold in pet shops.

Wild-caught animals should not be bought. They’re typically unhealthy and more agresive.


Asian Water monitors make up the second-largest reptile on earth. Some males can reach over eight feet.

Their size and appearance has been a major reason for them to be among the most sought-after pet monitors. But their size makes them a formidable reptile. They are able to cause severe damage even to handlers with experience and are to be handled with care.

This species requires a big enclosure ( room-sized) as well as a varied diet. They must receive a varied diet consisting of shrimp, chicks and fish as well as mice, insects and other rodents.

Asian water monitors are extraordinary pets for people who has a lot of experience, time and cash. With proper care the giant lizards could last for more than 15 years. Some species are even friendly and are attracted to humans for contact.

Are you prepared to take home this mini Komodo dragon? Tell us by leaving a comment.

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