The Full Uromastyx care sheet (Ornate, Moroccan & Egyptian)

The Uromastyx is one of the lizard genera which includes 13 species.

The origins of this reptile are Africa, India, and the Middle East, this reptile thrives in the harsh environment in the Sahara Desert.

The Uromastyx is also known by the name of Spiny Tailed Lizard, makes the perfect option for those who are new to the sport due to their distinctive appearance, their intelligence and their temperament in the wild. While they are extremely energetic, they’re also known to be calm and have good temperaments.

Between $100 and $200 They are medium-sized lizards with the majority of species reaching adult sizes between 25cm and 90cm in length.

There is a popular misconception that all lizards benefit from the diet of insects. The lizard species is largely herbivore, and thrives on a diet rich in fresh greens and other vegetables.

If you’re interested in knowing how to take care of this lizard as well as their needs in the husbandry department, keep reading this information.

What is A Uromastyx?

The Uromastyx is an Spiny Tailed Lizard which is found in the desert and rocky conditions that are found in Asia as well as Africa. They love relaxing in the sun in the day, and then returning to the protection of rock formations at night.

Their distinctive tail, medium size and diversity of species are reasons why people are so excited to add this reptile to their collection.

While there are 13 species of animals in the world, six species are accessible as pets within the United State, the Uromastyx:

  1. Ornatus (Ornate Spiny Tailed Lizard)
  2. Aegypticus (Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard)
  3. Acanthinurus (Bell’s Dabb Lizard)
  4. Ocellatus (Ocellated Dabb Lizard)
  5. Hardwicki (Hardwicke’s Spiny Tailed Lizard)
  6. Benti (Bent’s Spiny Tailed Lizard)

The lizards are famous for their distinctive spiny tail, which is composed of between 10 and 30 scales that they make use of for tools to fight predators in the wild.

In the wild, reptiles can live without water bodies directly getting their water from cactuses as well as other desert plants.

Quick Summary
Common NameSpiny Tailed Lizard
Scientific NameUromastyx Spp (many subspecies)
SizeFrom 10 to 36 inches
Vent length from snout to chin of 5cm when born.
Lifespan15 years old
DietA majority of leafy greens and other vegetables are
Tank Size40 gallon
Temperature and HumidityDaytime temperature: 85 degrees
Night-time temperature: 75 degrees
Basking zone Temperature: 100-115 deg
Humidity: 35%
Popular AlternativesBearded Dragons

Uromastyx Care Sheet

As a species that is desert They enjoy extremely high temperatures in the day , and moderate temperatures at night.

As with other reptiles, they spend a lot of time soaking in hot temperatures. Uromastyx are cold blooded animals who regulate the temperature of their bodies through their surroundings.

In addition to the extreme conditions, the Uromastyx also requires an extremely low level of humidity to simulate desert-like conditions they developed for in the wild. Additionally, UVB light supplementation is crucial to their body’s ability process calcium. With a proper enclosure, the Uromastyx is easy to care for.

Housing and Set-Up

glass terrariums have been favored by this species because of their ability to be cleaned and disinfect. But a plexiglass enclosure can keep heat longer, and could be an ideal choice for this hot-loving animal.

  • Begin with a 20-gallon terrarium for a baby.
  • When they reach the size of their adult (3 to five years) A 100-gallon terrarium is needed.

A variety of hiding places are essential to Spiny Tailed Lizards. The best way to do this is to put the formations of rocks and branches inside the tank in order to recreate their natural habitat. They will naturally want to hide in a burrow when they are scared and therefore ensuring that they have a safe place for them to hide is vital to their well-being.


In the case of an Uromastyx enclosure UVB light is essential for 10 and 12 hours a day. UVB is essential to process calcium, and without it, people can suffer from many health issues such as metabolic bone disease.

The lighting can be placed directly to an aluminum mesh tank cover. Alternately you can use a UVB lightbulb can be fitted inside a hood that houses an outlet for light bulbs.


Ceramic heaters, under tank heaters or direct heaters are all suitable provided that ideal temperatures for the cage are achieved. At day, the, the temperature of the tank must be maintained in a range between 80 and 100degF. The use of multiple digital temperatures is essential to ensure that the correct temperatures are kept within the enclosure.

Heating systems are to be turned off by evening to allow for the room to attain a nighttime temperature of around 75degF.

A specific rock that is suitable for basking is required to be placed in the housing as well. The temperature of the rock should be between 110 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit. This is crucial to their health since their blood is cold..

The Uromastyx of your body should not be misted directly. However, plants and greenery could be misted to ensure the humidity is kept at a low level and doesn’t over 35%..


Many owners say they find sand to be the perfect substrate for this kind of Lizard. It permits their usual behavior of burying, especially when they’re scared. If you opt against using sand ensure that you include an sand box inside their enclosure to allow burrowing.

For young children, it’s suggested to utilize newspapers or paper towels (instead instead of sand) to prevent digestive problems.

Tank Cleaning and Misting

Substrates should be changed every week. At least once per month, everything must be removed from the tank and thoroughly scrubbed using hot water and non-toxic, unscented soap.

Commercial terrarium cleaners may also be used, provided that the entire area is thoroughly cleaned afterward.

Tank Tips
Tank Type40-gallon
LightingUVB bulb
The Best SubstrateAspen bedding that is shredded

Uromastyx Diet

Commercial reptile feed should be avoided for this species.

Wild, the lizard mostly is a fan of tough desert plants such as flowers, grasses and Cacti. In the wild, these desert plants and flowers are replaced with a diet that consists of mostly green leafy vegetables, accompanied by vegetables.

Seeds are also the majority of the diet they consume in nature, and are essential for their protein needs because Uromastyx are mostly herbivores.

Contrary to many reptiles They consume food throughout the day. Daily feeds is vital. Ideally:

  • Leafy greens must be fed throughout the week
  • Seeds are available 6 days per week
  • Vegetables are served 4 days a week.
  • Calcium supplements are taken 3 times each week

The best vegetables to feed your children include butternut squash as well as prickly pear leaves bell peppers, hibiscus flowering plants and Okra. If the owner decides to occasionally offer fruits, they can choose to make use of figs, berries, or Kiwis.

It is important to remember that the addition of fruits and insects is used to enrich the food supply, not nutritional purposes.

There is a myth that juveniles in the midst of growth need to be fed a high-protein diet that is full of insects. The diets could cause numerous health hazards. If insects are part of food, then they must only make less than 5percent. The best insects to feed on occasionally include roaches, crickets, hookworms and soldier fly larvae.

A small water dish could be supplied by your Uromastyx. But, as long as the owners are providing sufficient nutrition every day their water needs will be met and they’ll most likely not drink.

Diet Summary
FruitsThe diet is 0%.
Leafy Greens70% of the diet
Vegetables10% of the food
Seeds20% of the diet
InsectsThe diet is 0 percent.
Supplements are requiredCalcium carbonate

Healthy and Keeping Them Fit

The Uromastyx in the wild generally last for around 30 years. In captivity the majority live between 15 and 20 years..

Poor management can lead to various health problems. The most common health concerns are osteoporosis (from lack in UVB light) impaction (from inadequate nutrition or substrate) and dehydration (from poor diet) as well as tail rot and dermatological concerns.

Your Uromastyx should be able to defecate between 1 and four times a every day The stool should be firm and well-formed.

Feces must be taken away from tanks every day. If your lizard feces less frequently, or the urine is watery and not formed properly It is likely that a dietary problem might be present.

Bathing is not advised for this lizard since the lizards are desert animals and it’s not an instinctual behaviour of theirs. Additionally, there is a the possibility that they could get pneumonia after bathing.

As with all lizard species like the Uromastyx sheds the skin on a patch. Youngsters shed their skin on a regular basis, with adults only shedding their skin once or twice a year.

The Signs of HealthThe symptoms of sickness
Nose and vents clearWeight loss
Defecate 1 to 4 times dailyNo defecating
Bright, active and alertDarker colors
Skin that is smooth and uniformSunken eyes

The Typical behavior

Tank behavior should include mostly basking during the day and burrowing at night.

In the wild in the wild, the Uromastyx will have a specific burrow.

In the daytime when they go outside to bask on the rocky structures. At night they will return into the burrow in order to stay away from predators.

In winter when temperatures drop they are reported to be hibernating for 2 to five months. When summer is over, and resources are limited they may adopt the hibernation behavior to conserve energy until resources are available.

Uromastyx are known to be hostile with other species of their own.

Furthermore, adult males make use of various glands to identify their territory, make use of their tails to defend themselves and can be prone to bite their adversaries. They must be kept separately, or have a single male with at least three females, as long as they are watched carefully.

If females are kept together they’ll establish an order. When they are in the wilderness, they lead as a single, solitary existence and will only leave their burrows if food sources are in short supply.


Males draw females by engaging in specific mating behavior like head-swinging and push-ups. Males are also known to pursue females in courtship.

Courtship is typically comprised of just a few waves per season and can last only a couple of minutes.

It takes between 60 and 80 days to allow Uromastyx eggs to develop based according to the specific species as well as the tank’s specifics and Uromastyx can have anything from four -20 eggs.


They are generally gentle and do not attack humans.

Handling must be gradually integrated. It may take several weeks of handling until an Uromastyx is at ease with handling.

While handling, all movements must be controlled and slow so as not to wake or make your lizard nervous. You can hold it by putting their hands on their lower limbs. All Lizards are able to bite. ability to bite however, if properly handled and often they are calm and docile.


Males tend to be bigger than females. They also have the femoral pores in their legs. The pores release a waxy fluid. Males are also more likely to have larger heads than females.

Certain kinds that belong to Uromastyx have sexually different species and males can be easily identified from females because of evident differences in coloration. For instance, the Ornate Spiny Tailed Lizard is one of the best examples. Males with ornate features have the bright blue green, red or green color while females have more muted brown.


Adults weigh anything from 100 grams to 900 grams. Males are generally slightly bigger than females.

Hatchlings are two to four inches and eventually reach the adult size of between 10 and 36 inches (depending on the species of Uromastyx).

It can take anywhere from 3- 5 years to allow an Uromastyx to attain their adult-size.


The color of this lizard is largely species and temperature dependent. The Uromastyx can be found in a variety of gray coloration in colder temperatures, and brown/tan colors in warmer temperatures.

  • The Egyptian Spiny Tailed Lizard and Hardwicke’s Spiny Tailed Lizard are dull in color , consisting mostly of grays, tans and whites.
  • Its Ornate Spiny Tailed Lizard has much more vibrant and brighter coloring.

Certain of the brighter-colored species come with different morphologies.

The white form of Ornate Spiny Tailed Lizard is well-known because it doesn’t have the usual black coloration.

Baby Uromastyx

At birth, hatchlings weigh just a few grams.

The hatchlings must be placed in their own tanks with a paper towel or newspaper substrate.

They’ll begin eating about a day or two after hatching. They are fed the same food that adults (leafy greens and less seeds) but cut in smaller chunks.

What Does A Uromastyx Cost?

It is recommended to pay $100-$200 to purchase this lizard. It could cost anywhere from $250-$500 to get a proper enclosure complete with all the decorations needed and lighting equipment.

Since they’ve recently grown in popularity, purchasing them is now much more simple. They are available through breeders online or at several pet shops.

When you purchase, make sure to conduct a thorough inspection on the lizard. Make sure your Uromastyx appears well-lit and clear and does not show any obvious health issues, such as skin cysts or blocked/crusty vent.

It is also advisable to talk to the seller regarding the way in which the lizard was reared and the food it was fed.

Care Guide Summary

Simple and reasonably inexpensive to feed your family, and not necessitating large amounts of insect.It is necessary to have a large aquarium (40 Gallons to adults).
Are extremely friendly and an extremely intelligent species.Need fairly extreme temperatures (85degF with an area of basking that is 100degF or more).
They are incredibly resilient and can remain in captivity for as long as fifteen years.They might be cautious initially and it may take several days to become familiar with their handling.

With more than 13 species, there’s plenty of varieties of colors of Uromastyx to pick from! The search for the right one for your family will certainly be a challenge.

The Uromastyx is a wonderful beginning lizard and is now an increasingly sought-after addition to the collection of herpetologists.

They require specific care (high temperature tanks, huge tanksand lush plant-based diet) however, they fit for virtually all owners so long as attention is paid to establishing and keeping their enclosure.

Bearded dragons are an octopus-like desert lizard of medium size that is an excellent replacement for Uromastyx.

One of the most smart and charming lizards on the planet We’d love to let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

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