Indian Star Tortoise Care Guide: The Species Profile

It is the Indian star tortoise a species that is endangered that is native in India as well as Pakistan. It is a tiny reptile easily identifiable by its distinctive star-shaped shell and distinctive patterns.

The tortoises need moderate treatment. They can be relatively easy to take care of, however their care is time-consuming. These animals require strict preparation of food. They also have particular tank needs. Indian star tortoises could get sick if they are in poor tank conditions.

See more: Top 10 Best Pet Tortoise Breeds for Beginners

Indian Star Tortoise Overview

Common Name(s)Indian star tortoise also known as the star tortoise
Scientific NameGeochelone elegans
Natural HabitatDry woodlands of South Asia
Adult Size7-12 inches
Average LifespanBetween 80 and 80 years old
Housing50-gallon Terrarium
Experience levelIntermediate


It is believed that the Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is native to South Asia, predominantly India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In India the tortoise can be located in the western regions such as Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. The tortoise can also be found within Southeast Asia, in places such as Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu.

The tortoise is located throughout Southeast Pakistan in the Thar desert. The tortoise’s habitat may differ from dry grasslands and forests, to semi-arid low-land forest and deserts. They are able to adapt to areas with prolonged dry or wet season, which includes climates that are prone to monsoons.

The Indian star tortoise is listed as endangered. The species was included on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Species at Risk in 2016. It was because of the destruction of habitat as well as poaching for wildlife.

Tortoises are traded throughout the globe. They are extremely popular throughout South Asia because they are believed to be medicinal and can bring good luck.

Appearance & Behavior

It is believed that the Indian star tortoise is an attractive design in its shell. The pattern resembles stars. The color of the tortoise is determined by the place of origin.

Tortoises that come from India do not have lots of striking patterns of color in their bodies. The tortoises have darker and subdued colors. They that come from Sri Lanka have bright yellow patterns.

They have a rounded body and a medium-sized head , with sharp beak. They have short , strong legs as well as the tail. Males have longer tails than females.

It is believed that the Indian star tortoise is a species with an intriguing body shape. The shell of the tortoise has a tall dome with horn-like scutes that are different dimensions. The scutes create layers and permits the animal to stay hidden from predators in its natural habitat.

Size & Lifespan

Indian star tortoises are usually 7-12 inches in length (17.5 to 30 centimeters). Their weight ranges from 1.5 up to 2.5 kg. Females who are mature grow bigger than males.

They range in size according to their origin country. Sri Lankan Indian star tortoises will get bigger than tortoises that come from Southwest India.

They can live between 30 to eighty years when they are in their natural habitat. Tortoises that are captives can only last for 25 years due to the absence of natural conditions that they can thrive, including the sun, rain and high humidity.


Indian star tortoises are timid and not aggressive compared to the other species of tortoise. They do not have territorial issues however they do not be a good companion for other animals. Be sure they are housed in a group with the other Indian star tortoises.

It is possible to house many Indian star tortoises within one tank with no issues. The animals will coexist comfortably without attempting to protect their territory.

Remember that pets are not a fan of being handled or touched. Touching them often causes stress and could cause illnesses. They are peaceful and don’t bite.

Housing Indian Star Tortoises

Indian star tortoises can be adapted to various weather conditions within the natural environment. They are able to survive in areas where extreme weather conditions prevail and monsoon season. Indian star tortoises reside in many different habitats throughout South Asia, including arid forests and lands and deserts as well as lowlands and deserts.

They are a result of dry and hot regions of South Asia. The conditions they require correspond to the natural environment they live in. This means high temperatures , as in addition to high humidity levels to recreate the rainfall season, abundant vegetation and natural sunlight.

Size of the enclosure

Indian star tortoises will require an aquarium, or an enclosure that is at least 50-55-gallons. They do not climb or dig, which means that your enclosure doesn’t have to be large or deep. It is possible to house the Indian star tortoise in a enclosure that is outdoors in a climate that is warm. Outdoor enclosures must be 6 feet long and six feet wide.

Multiple tortoises may be housed in the same enclosure. But, the enclosure must be bigger than the one tortoise enclosure. Three females can be happy inside enclosures that measure eight feet by 8 feet.


Indian star tortoises prefer natural light. They should be kept outdoors whenever it is feasible. Tortoises that live inside should be near a window , which receives lots of sunlight.

Indoor enclosures should be outfitted with UVB lamps. This will ensure that the tortoise can make vitamin D3. The enclosure should be equipped with 10 percent UVB bulb which covers the entire enclosure. You should be following a natural daytime to night cycle of light.

Temperature and Humidity

Indian star tortoises are derived from climates that are dry. They require the same conditions for their enclosures. Reptiles need areas of both cold and hot temperatures to be able to enjoy relaxing and shaded areas.

The temperature of the spot where the basking takes place must be maintained at 95 degrees throughout the day. Install a basking light to ensure the proper temperature in enclosures for indoor use. Shaded areas should be kept between 80 and 85 degrees F.

It is important that the enclosure’s outdoor temperature remains the same. Indian star tortoises require an environment that is constantly warm and can only endure a 10 degree drop in a single day. Set up a heater in order to ensure that the temperature in the enclosure does not fall below 70 degrees.

Utilize a hygrometer for checking the levels of humidity in the aquarium. Indian star tortoises flourish in humid levels. You should ensure that the terrarium is an 80% humidity and mist the terrarium regularly to give it an extra humidity boost.

You can regulate the levels of humidity in the tank by altering the vents or installing an automated humidifier. Cover the terrarium with moss or even soil to ensure that humidity levels are maintained.

Substrate and Decoration

The terrarium should be lined with peat moss, soil grass, or hay. They require a smooth substrate to help to increase the humidity within the tank. Make sure there is a good layer of substrate within the tank.

Put a large bowl of water in the terrarium to allow tortoises to soak in. The tortoise can also drink water from the bowl. Make sure that the bowl is large enough to allow it to be large enough for them, to climb into the bowl and then out.

Indian star tortoises can be shy and can be found hiding in an enclosure. They also use plants as hiding places and offer shade and peace. Tortoises are fond of nibbling at the leaves, so be sure the plants that are in the tank are non-toxic and safe for tortoises. The spider plants Boston the fern and various grasses are ideal to be used in Indian Star tortoise tank.

The rocks make the setting more natural. They aren’t necessary but they do help create the tortoise’s natural habitat.


Indian star tortoises must be kept to high hygiene standards. It is recommended to change their water on a regular basis and provide them with fresh, pure water.

Insufficient hygiene within the tank could lead to illnesses. The tank should be cleaned thoroughly at least every month. It is recommended to remove and clean the decorations and any accessories you have regularly.

Indian Star Tortoise Care

It is believed that the Indian star tortoise requires moderate levels of care. The tortoise needs a varied plant-based diet , and 15 to 30 minutes of food every day. This species is prone to common tortoise ailments because of poor sanitation standards or improper levels of humidity and temperature in the tank.

Food & Water

Indian tortoises that are star-shaped are herbivores. Give them a wide variety of leafy greens fruit and vegetables to ensure they get the vitamins they require to remain healthy.

Set a schedule for feeding to ensure that the timing of feeding stays regular throughout the day. Indian star tortoises require a breakfast every day. Their meals should last between 15 and 30 minutes to avoid overfeeding. They can be described as considered natural foreigners, and they spread their food throughout tanks to stimulate foraging behaviour.

Feed Indian star tortoises Bermuda grass, Romaine lettuce, Timothy Ryegrass, and hay. Kale, parsley and dandelions are other calcium-rich foods.

Small pieces of fruit are excellent treats for tortoises. Avoid feeding tortoises animal products or fish-based products. Sprinkle calcium powder onto their food to increase mineral and vitamin intake.

Give Indian star tortoises with a big water bowl. The bowl must be large enough for tortoises bathe in. Replace the water every day by filtering it to avoid diseases and infections.


They tend to be timid and want to be handled. When handled, they can cause extreme stress and can lead to an illness. Be sure to keep children far from Indian Star tortoises.

Common Health Issues

It is believed that the Indian star tortoise can be susceptible to health problems that are common among tortoises. Health problems usually arise when the terrarium’s conditions aren’t within the appropriate conditions. The presence of respiratory conditions is common among Indian star tortoises. Low humidity and low temperatures levels can cause respiratory problems. The first signs of respiratory issues include a loss of appetite as well as noticeable mucus discharge around their noses and beaks.

A lack of calcium or phosphorus can result in metabolic bone disease. Insufficient calcium can stop their shells from growing at the required rate which can affect their mobility and overall wellbeing. You can prevent this from happening by providing tortoises with enough UVB light and providing them with calcium rich diet and supplements. It is recommended to bring the Indian star tortoise for examination at a exotic vet in the event that the tortoise displays symptoms of disease.


Indian star tortoises reproduce in the wild. The breeding activity of the tortoises increases during the summer months if they’re kept in the open air. Indian star tortoises can lay eggs in autumn or during winter. Tortoises in enclosures that are indoor can breed at any time of the year when their terrarium conditions are suitable.

Females will lay eggs between 60 up to 90 days following mating. Females will choose the right location where they can lay eggs. They’ll make into the substrate and then fill in the hole with eggs. They will lay between 3 to 10 eggs.

Eggs will remain incubated within the substrate for up until 180 days. Keep the temperature in the tank between 89 and 80degF to ensure the success.

Incubate hatchlings inside to protect them from predators. They should also closely check their diet and health conditions. Feed the hatchlings the same food like adult tortoises. Indian star tortoises attain maturity in three to five years.

Indian star tortoises are not able to look after their baby tortoises. Adult tortoises don’t look after their young after the eggs hatch.

Choosing & Buying an Indian Star Tortoise

They can be found in a limited amount and are difficult to find in retail stores. They are priced between $900 and $6000. They are sold at less that adult tortoises.

Purchase Indian star tortoises from reliable breeders to minimize health hazards. Join forums and groups to find the top breeders.

Check tortoises for indications of infection and disease prior to buying. Tortoises with uneven and inconsistent shells may be suffering from fungal infections. Healthy tortoises have smooth, clear skin, and gorgeous shells with vivid designs. The healthy tortoises will be active, and have a plethora of food and are a great way to get a glimpse of Indian star tortoises prior to purchasing.

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