Russian Tortoise Care Sheet: Habitat, Diet and Enclosure

Russian Tortoises are located throughout Russia and in across the Middle East, and Western Asia. They are fond of digging or climb up and eat leafy greens.

The species is sometimes referred to as Horsfield’s tortoise, named in honor of naturalist Thomas Horsfield, who also named the species after him. designation, Agrionemys horsfieldii.

Other names that you could discover for this tortoise include Afghan Tortoise, Central Asian Tortoise, Four-clawed Tortoise, and Steppe Tortoise. Also, the classification used previously for Russian Tortoise was Testudo horsfieldii.

Russian Tortoises are one of the most sought-after tortoise breeds for pets because of their diminutive size, distinct personality, and easy caring in the wild.

When you purchase a new car, it is essential to be aware that they are able to last for more than 40 years. The purchase of a car is an ongoing commitment.

If you’re interested in your commitment to this one of the loved reptiles to keep as a pet, then read our comprehensive guide to care for your pet to find out how to install the enclosure for your Russian Tortoise and what food to feed them, and the behaviors you can expect… The tortoises listed here arecheap (costing between $100 to $200) when compared with other reptiles that are popular.

Russian Tortoise Overview

Russian Tortoises are one of the most well-known species found in the United States.

They are however brand new in the animal industry , and were first discovered through Khozatsky as well as Mlynarski.

They can be located in the deserts along with the the grasslands in Russia as well as in the Middle East and Asia. This harsh climate makes them extremely tough because they can thrive in the harshest climates on this globe.

A Russian tortoise’s dark brown and olive-colored shell and dark marks makes them distinctive.

They’re heavy-built and round but they’re extremely agile and love being active and exploring. They are equipped with claws that aid in climbing. They are known as avid diggers as well. They are famous for digging up themselves to prevent extreme heat as well as cold temps.

Social and friendly, they are perfect for people who are new to reptile keeping insofar they understand the tortoise’s lengthy life span. They are excellent pets for those who have young children since they are very peaceful and calm temperament.

Russian Tortoises are simple to maintain and do not have the complex care requirements of turtles, snakes, and lizards.

Their diet is fairly basic and focuses on herbivores.

In the wild they graze on a assortment of grasses and plants. In captivity, their diet could include a variety of leafy greens and other vegetables.

What We Love About Russian Tortoises


  • Long life span (over forty years) due to their tough and long-lasting nature.
  • Small size, easy-of-care and low requirements for husbandry in captivity.
  • Healthful living in both the indoor and outdoor environment.


  • They require a hot basking place that is 90 degrees or higher.
  • Due to the size of their enclosure, they will require an outdoor space that is large (5 sq. feet).

Species Appearance

A quick way to identify this species is by their toes – they only have four toes on their front legs.

Its Russian tortoise’s carapace or shell, ranges from tan to olive-colored and has dark brown and black flecks. The bottom of the shell is typically darker, and it can be completely black.

There is a variant called”the “Black Russian Tortoise” that features black scutes and their usual olive to tan hue that outlines each scute.

Russian tortoise’s skin is a uniform tannish color

A well-built species It is a hefty species and females are bigger than males. It is easy to identify a male by the pointed tails they sport.

There are five different species of tortoises belonging to within the same tree of family ( Testudo genus) that can look like:

  1. Horsefield Tortoise
  2. Hermann’s Tortoise
  3. Greek Tortoise
  4. Marginated Tortoise
  5. Egyptian Tortoise

However, you can tell the Russian tortoises as they have only four claws on each foot.

How Big Can Russian Tortoises Get?

The size of them is smaller other tortoises species for pets.

Adult Russian Tortoises vary from six and 10 inches in size. Males can grow up to six inches while females increase in size by about 8 inches. Ten inches is considered to be a large size for this breed.

Russian Tortoise Care

Russian Tortoise Diet

Russian Tortoises are very savage eaters and will consume food continuously during the months prior to the summer season to get ready for winter hibernation.

In the wild, they are herbivores, and consume greens, leafy vegetables broadleaf weeds, edible flowers and plants. Thus, in captivity, they must be fed a high-fiber diet, primarily consisting of greens:

  • Collards (type of cabbage)
  • Dandelion greens
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens

If they don’t finish their food within a couple of hours, it must be taken out of their enclosures to ensure that it doesn’t get spoiled.

It is also recommended that their diet be filled by vegetables like squash, peppers as well as carrots, corn as well as sweet potato. Every once or twice per week, you can also feed them a small portion of berries or apples for a treat.

Pelleted diets such as rabbit pellets are available however they should be avoided since they contain high amounts of grains that are deficient in nutrients. Iceberg lettuce is also to be avoided since it is deficient in essential nutrients.

Russian Tortoises are not fed any kind of meat or insect as They are herbivores. Instead, consider an calcium supplement to make sure they are getting enough calcium. Include calcium powder in their meals twice per week. If they live in an outdoor environment then calcium powder is not needed.

They must have access to fresh, clean water. Their water bowls should be sufficient in size that they can soak since they soak to regulate their body temperature.

The water should be clear since tortoises aren’t able to swim.

Russian Tortoise Lifespan

They can be lifelong pets – they often live for over 40 years.

Russian Tortoises are robust reptiles, and can typically last for more than 40 years in captivity.

They are able to have a long and healthy life provided that you maintain the same routine of husbandry ,proper treatment and provide them with an appropriate enclosure.

Russian tortoises are prone to several of the same health problems like other reptiles that are kept in captive that result from inadequate enclosures and habitats that are not clean, or an absence of nutrients.

  • Respiratory diseases are common in tortoises kept in captivity, particularly those in enclosures indoors, that has poor ventilation or in the wrong temperatures. These infections could be caused by a wide variety of organisms like fungi, bacteria parasites, and viruses.
  • Gastrointestinal parasitic diseases are also common among Russian Tortoises. These conditions are typically caused by poor living conditions, food that has expired or exposure to a sick pet. Antiparasitic is a medication recommended by your vet to treat these conditions.
  • Metabolic bone diseases are another problem that can develop if in tortoises that don’t have adequate nutrition or exposure to certain light waves. Calcium as well as phosphorous and vitamin D are essential to many different body systems for daily functions and are crucial to the strength of bones and shells.

If you are concerned about any of these health issues, contact your doctor since many of the illnesses developed can be zoonotic, and spread to other people.

Health Signs

  • A uniform and smooth upper shell that is free of any irregularities.
  • Present and active, displaying normal behaviors like soaking and basking.
  • A healthy and constant appetite that is consistent and healthy.
  • Urates which are semi-liquid and white in nature.

Sickness Signs

  • Skin anomalies, such as bleeding from their skin.
  • Loss of weight, irritability and lethargy. impossibility to move.
  • The mouth discharges fluids or noses.
  • Trouble breathing or wheezing.

Russian Tortoise Habitat

Russian Tortoises are natives to more countries than Russia.

They flourish in a variety of mid-east states such as Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and even the western provinces of China.

Their habitat is their desert and barren areas of these countries. They’ve been observed to survive the most extreme of conditions.

Russian Tortoise Enclosure

There are plenty of possibilities when it comes to the Russian turtle’s cage.

It is important to decide whether you want to house them inside or outside.

A outside enclosure will be ideal when your climate is suitable as it mimics the natural surroundings of your pet and give them space to roam freely and graze.

  • To make indoor containers, a glass bathtub, glass aquarium or a wooden terrarium are suitable alternatives. Indoor enclosures should have at five square feet, but bigger tanks are always better.
  • For enclosures that are outdoors, they should be at least three feet by three foot pen, with walls one foot high and six inches in depth. It is vital to make sure that a certain portion of the enclosure is shaded to ensure that they can be able to effectively regulate the body temperature.

In the indoors or out, their enclosures must be secured since they’ve been often spotted escaping.

  • Tank type Glass.
  • Tank Size 5 square feet, with 12-inch walls.
  • Light: UVB lighting for at least 12 hours every day.
  • Bedding Mix of hay, soil, pebbles and sandy.

If they’re kept indoors, they’ll need an unheated cooler and warmer side of their tank. The cool side is recommended to be in the range of 70-72 degrees and the warmer side must not exceed 90 degrees.

They also require UVB radiation in order to break down calcium. Use an UV light or basking light or a mercury-vapor bulb could be used to both.

At night, all lighting and heaters must be shut off if the enclosure is kept at or above 60°C.

Tortoises require at least 12 hours of sunlight every day.

There isn’t a single best material to use for Russian Tortoises but instead a mix of various substrates must be used. Sand and soil mixed together the coconut fibre, mulch made of cypress peat mossand wood chippings, pebbles, and hay can be all included in their enclosures.

The substrate must be dry and not compact so that they can perform their natural burying behavior.

Pre-packaged substrates can be purchased at a local retailer. If you are scavenging substrates from the wild, ensure it’s not contaminated by fertilizers, parasites or animal waste.

Russian tortoises need plenty of logs and stones to climb up. Large rocks may prevent tortoises from digging in the borders and offer shade. Also, flat rocks provide a great surface for them to feast on.

Tank Cleaning
The need to clean their enclosures is crucial to their health.

The water they drink should be changed at least twice per daysince they are prone to vomit while they soak. The substrate must be cleaned weekly and the whole enclosure should be scrubbed using water and soap every month.

If your home is outdoors, it is essential to remove regularly logs and stones and clean them clean.

If they clean their feces examine the feces for any signs of contamination. It should contain semi-liquid white urate as well as darker components. If it’s firm or watery or has blood, then you should consult your vet.

Common Behaviour

Russian Tortoises are extremely friendly and are a great pet. Many reptile owners like to compare their behaviour with that of dogs since they identify their owners and enjoy being with them.

They interact with one another and with humans via a range of behaviours.

Panting, head banging hissing and squeaking are all typical:

  • Head banging is typically the way they display dominance and also when they begin mating. Females with eggs may also use head banging to deter threats.
  • Squeaking is usually thought of with an obnoxious sound However, some employ squeaking to convey a message in general communications.
  • Hissing and panting are often typical of tortoises in the process of eating.

Tortoises that are kept in captivity spend the majority of the day in a secluded area in the sand, basking or bathing in order to regulate thermoregulation. But, other behaviors that are expected could include climbing or eating.

While they are able to be social with humans, they shouldn’t be grouped with other tortoises due to the nature of their territory. Males shouldn’t be kept in a single enclosure. If two males and one female live together, the male could become excessively sexually aggressive and even berate the female.

Russian Tortoise Hibernation

Their behaviour within the wild can be extremely fundamental.

They spend the milder seasons of spring hunting for food as well as mating. remain dormant (i.e. they aestivate) during the hot , hospitable seasons, before seeking food in autumn to prepare to rest for winter.

The cycle repeats each year.

Do Wild Russian Tortoises Hibernate?

True, in the wild they hibernate, however it is not recommended. Hibernation is not healthy for tortoises living in captive. Therefore, their enclosure temperature and lighting must be constant all year round.

Handling Tips and Advice

Russian tortoises are gentle in captivity and can be kept for long periods of time for as long as it’s done in a manner that is appropriate.

Tortoises being predators the handling of them should be introduced gradually into their daily routine.

It is recommended to support them by putting them in their shells and lower them in relation to the earth. Do not grab its tail, legs, or neck. If they exhibit indications of fear or hesitation when they try to handle them, then they must be put in their enclosures to rest for a couple of hours.

Each person is unique and some have better handling than others.

Always clean your hands prior to as well after you handle them in order to keep yourself and them safe from infection. They could transmit salmonella bacteria, which is safe for them, however the salmonella bacteria can be harmful to humans.

Baby Russian Tortoises

As hatchlings this species measures just one inch in length.

Russian tortoises lay their eggs, which later hatch into a tortoise baby within 60-75 days.

The babies are only an inch wide and will expand slow over their lives. They will not reach their adult size of 6-8 inches until about 20-30 years old.

Russian Tortoises are sexually mature at around 15 to 20 months old, at a time when they measure about 4.5 inches long.

Males begin mating by circling around the female and bobbing their heads. The mating phase lasts between 10 to 20 minutes. females can lay up to five eggs.

Temperatures of incubation that are lower are related to males. In contrast, higher temperatures are connected to females.

What is the Cost of a Russian Tortoise Set You Back?

They typically cost between $100-$200. If you’d like to save a bit of money, consider searching the local groups for rescue. There’s a chance that they will be available due to their popularity and the length of time they’ve been in existence.

The species with distinctive patterns like “Black Russian Tortoises” will be more expensive than normal colors.

Breeding Captive Russian Tortoises make better pets than wild-caught. Tortoises that are captive-bred are generally more gentle and sociable. If you purchase one from a breeder who is captive You should inquire as to the breeding process and cared for to ensure they’re healthy and content.

Ideal Russian Tortoise is:

  • Keep your eyes open and focused.
  • There is no discharge emanating from the eyes, ears or mouth.
  • Have a smooth skin and a skin free of any blemishes, or other irregularities.
  • Don’t show indications of aggression when handling.

All of these requirements must be met before purchasing the Russian Tortoise.

Russian Tortoise Facts
Common NameRussian Tortoise, Horsfield’s Tortoise, or Afghan Tortoise
Scientific NameAgrionemys horsfieldii
Size6 to 10-inches (females are slightly larger)
Lifespan40or more years
DietVegetables, leafy greens and sometimes fruits
Tank SizeFive square feet
Humidity and TemperatureTemperature at which the temperature of the basin is 90degF
Cool side: 70-72 degF
Popular AlternativesRed-Footed Tortoise
Indian Star Tortoise
Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise


Russian Tortoises make great pets for all kinds of people from new reptile owners all the way to experienced pet owners.

This breed can be considered to be one of the most sought-after breeds because of its robust nature, personality, small size and minimal requirements for husbandry.

If you are considering purchasing this breed, it is important to consider their lengthy life span and anticipate them to remain healthy for more than forty years. If you think this is too long, you should look into another breed, such as the Indian Star Tortoise. They’re comparable in size and make excellent pets.

If you’re looking to find an eternal companion, you should consider Russian Tortoise could be the perfect pet that you need.

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