Tortoise breeds are calm, enjoyable and captivating pets. They are calm, fun and entertaining.
It is believed that more than 350,000 households have different species of tortoise in the U.S.
The reptile is a land dweller , and is frequently mistaken for turtles due to the similarity of their appearance. But turtles are mostly in water, while all tortoise species live on the land.
Choosing to welcome this animal into your home is a major commitment.
Different tortoises require different levels of attention and some are more accessible for novices than others!
In this article, we discuss the top tortoise breeds suitable for beginners , and how to pick the one that is best for you…
10. Egyptian Tortoise
This species of tortoise is also known as the Kleinmann’s Tortoise.
The Egyptian Tortoise roams the deserts of Egypt, Libya, and portions of Israel.
One of the tiniest tortoise breeds ever discovered with a size of approximately 5 inches in length, they are extremely threatened within the wild. To ensure the survival of the endangered wild population, they must only be purchased from authorized breeders.
The Egyptian Tortoise makes a ideal pet for someone who has less space to accommodate larger tortoises.
Like similar to Pancake ( featured below) This tiny tortoise requires only an area of 4 square feet for their tortoise table to house them.
Contrary to other species, this tortoise is better indoors , where there is more control over the temperature and humidity. They are accustomed to the dry and hot climate in the Egyptian deserts.
They should be equipped with UVB light as well as the UVA basking light with an average tank temperature between 75 and 85 degrees, and 20%-30 percentage of humidity.
With the proper care with proper care, they could live to 70 to 100 years. But, due to their limited availability , they tend to be more costly than the other tortoises listed in this list. They cost at minimum $1000.
Important Facts |
Price: >$1,000 |
Size: 5 inches long |
Lifespan 70-100 years |
9. Marginated Tortoise
Marginated Tortoise Marginated Tortoise comes from Greece which is nicknamed for their distinctive flared rear marginal scutes.
The largest European breed that measures 12-14 inches in length.
Marginated Tortoises prefer digging and spending a lot of time outside when they can especially when it’s hot and sunny. It is ideal to keep them outdoors when you have space.
The enclosure must be at minimum 16 square feet. It must be maintained at a temperature approximately 80. The enclosure should be equipped with an UVB light and a 90-95 basking point and a humidity range of 50-70 percent.
They are more successful when they’re well hydrated and consume a diverse diet of leaves, weeds, and flowers.
Similar to many tortoises are able to live between 35 and 50 years old.
When properly taken care of, They are extremely docile and friendly and generally cost between $200 and $500.
Important Facts |
Price: $200-$500 |
Size: 12-14 inches long |
Lifespan 35-50 years |
8. Pancake Tortoise
It is believed that the Pancake Tortoise is found in sub-Saharan Africa . It is known for its flat and marine turtle shell (most tortoises sport high-rounded Shells).
Their flat shells don’t offer much protection against predators, which is why they dodge their prey with speed and agility. Their speed makes them a great to pet!
A tiny species, typically reaching 7 inches in length They don’t require a lot of space.
They’re thrilled to live in an aquarium of 40 gallons (or 4 square foot turtle table) as long as it includes a place to bask, UVB light, 70-75 temperature gradient, and 60%-75 percent humidity.
Their enclosure should be equipped with an enclosure with a screen or walls that are high as they are able to climb quite well for tortoises.
As with the other breeds on the list below, Pancake Tortoises eat leafy grasses and greens, and they are relatively easy to care for.
They’re not as popular than the others on this list due to the fact that their export is monitored closely and they don’t always breed easily in captivity.
Due to their export restrictions, they could cost between $400 and $600.
Vital Information |
Price: $400-$600 |
Size: 7 inches long |
Lifespan 30 years |
7. Leopard Tortoise
The Leopard Tortoise is the second-largest species of tortoise native to Africa and is the fourth-largest tortoise found anywhere in the world. They measure 17 inches in length and weigh as much as 40 pounds.
Due to their huge size and size, they need to be enclosed outdoors that is at least the size of 80 square feet. If they’re kept indoors, they could be a large part of a space.
They require an average temperature for enclosures of between 80-90degF. They are not tolerant of moist environments.
Their enclosures are often high-maintenance to put up at first but the maintenance is easy once you have mastered the process.
The tortoise is usually found in yellow, black, and brown. They also have a unique pattern of blotchy-patch on their shells.
Leopard Tortoises are herbivorous, however, their diet is different from other tortoises because they consume forbs (e.g. seeds grains, nuts, and seeds) instead of grasses and greens. Wild, the seeds spread throughout their own areas, which assists in develop plants.
A Leopard Tortoise’s behavior is very basic since they’re slow, gentle and do not dig. They are able to live up to 50 years of age and cost between $200 and $300.
Important Facts |
Price: $200-$300 |
Size: 17 inches long |
Lifespan 50plus years |
6. Red-Footed Tortoise
It is the Red-Footed Tortoise is the first species that’s on this list to be that is native in South America and several Caribbean islands. Like their name implies, they usually have red legs. However, their tails and head may be red as well, which is why they are known as “cherry head”.
This is an average-sized tortoise ( red-footed tortoise) which is not more than 14 inches in length.
Red-Footed Tortoise Red-Footed Tortoise is relatively inexpensive and also has an interesting nature, making it ideal for novices..
They should be able to have at least 50 square feet of enclosed area with temperatures that are 80 degrees all year round. Additionally, they should be equipped with UVB light and the humidity should be maintained between 70 and 80percent.
What differentiates them from other tortoise species is that they’re not completely herbivores.
The majority of their diet is comprised of the green leafy fruits that tortoises in general are fond of, however, the Red-Footed also loves small mice or insects.
Their curious personalities and their ease of care make them ideal for young tortoises.
They may live longer than 50 years. They typically cost between $150-$400 based on their age.
Important Facts |
Price: $150-$400 |
Size: 14 inches long |
Lifespan 50 years |
5. Hermann’s Tortoise
This tortoise has a yellow and brown shell with beautiful patterns.
Hermann’s Tortoise Hermann’s Tortoise is from the Mediterranean Basin and is a small tortoise with a size of 8 inches long.
The tortoises are distinctive due to their singleclaw, which resembles horns that is located on the tip of their tails.
They should be kept in a warm outdoor space, and must be at least sixteen square feet room. In order to best replicate the natural Mediterranean setting, the ideal temperatures for enclosures is 70-80degrees, including UVB lighting and a shady place.
Similar to like the Pancake Tortoise, they need enclosures with strong walls because they are active and love to climb! With hideouts, large boulders as well as non-toxic plants and decorations within their enclosures and feeding the area will stimulate them to get active and avoid boredom.
The Hermann’s Tortoise is gentle and gentle , with an excellent personality for a new pet.
Similar to other breeds they like the leafy leaves ( like dandelions and kale) and may consume fruits.
They are active and gentle tortoises that are perfect for beginners.
The Hermann is believed to live over 75 years. They costs between $200 and $850 depending on their age.
Important Facts |
Price: $200-$800 |
Size 8 inches long |
Lifespan > 75 years |
4. Indian Star Tortoise
It is known as the Indian Star Tortoise is found all over India in both Sri Lanka. This breed is renowned because of the star-shaped pattern the breed is named after.
It is illegal now to trade this tortoise since they are under threat in their natural habitat.
Although they are very easy to learn from however, their status as an export breed means they are one of the more expensive species on this list. Expect to pay between $500 and $4000. It is essential to purchase your tortoise from an established breeder who is captive.
Indian Star Tortoises are the same size as the Greek Tortoise, growing to 12 inches.
What makes this tortoise such a excellent pet for newbies is their capacity to adapt with different levels of humidity; this is due to the fact that India is a victim of monsoons as well as dry spells throughout the year.
They require a minimum 36 square foot enclosure . They prefer being outdoors.
Contrary to the tortoises on this list, they’re extremely social If you have enough space you can keep several.
They’re a fantastic first pet due to their ease of care and the possibility of adopting several.
Vital Information |
Price: $500-$4,000 |
Size: 12 inches long |
Lifespan 35 years |
3. Sulcata Tortoise
This tortoise species is also called the African Spurred Tortoise.
It is the Sulcata Tortoise, found in the Sahara Desert, is one of the largest tortoise species found in the world.
This gigantic tortoise can measure the size of 30 inches long and weigh in excess of 100 pounds. Don’t let their massive dimensions scare you. They can still be a great first tortoise, so long as they’re not handled regularly!
Similar to similar to Russian Tortoise, the Sulcata is fond of digging and burrowing. They’re also similar to the other tortoises listed on this list because they are able to devour lettuce, grass and leaves.
This isn’t an ideal reptile for beginners for people who do not have a lot of outdoor space.
They require an enclosure that is 80 sq ft, and this is simpler to construct outside. Also, they require an area and substrate they can dig and burrow into, but they are not able to escape.
On average the Sulcata can live for up to 50 years in captivity.
Despite their huge enclosure requirements and their burrowing habits, they make great pet for beginners because they are smart and love human interaction.
They are priced between $50 and $200, and are available in captive breeding.
Important Facts |
Price: $50-$200 |
Size 30 inches long |
Lifespan 50 years |
2. Russian Tortoise
It is believed that the Russian Tortoise can be found everywhere from the southeast of Russia all the way to in the Middle East.
They are a popular pet tortoise species in the United States.
The tortoises are able to be around for more than 40 years, and prefer warmer outdoor enclosures. If they live in a room, they should be kept at a temperature of room temperature and include a hot area to bask, UVB light, and 30%-45 percent humidity.
This Tortoise is tough and has the ability to adapt to various temperatures, making them easy to care for for newbies.
A space of 8 square feet can be used as long as it is secured. Tortoises are known as burrowers. They might try digging at the edges in their enclosure. They can hibernate and dig in the ground when temperatures are too hot or cold (i.e. outside the 60-90 range).
The beginner should remain aware of temperature in their room.
They’re similar in size to the majority of species listed here, measuring approximately 8-10 inches and costs between $80-$200.
As with all species, Russian Tortoises are not to be handled.
Vital Information |
Price: $80-$200 |
Size between 8 and 10 inches. |
Lifespan 40plus years |
1. Greek Tortoise
The Greek Tortoise is widespread throughout the Mediterranean as well as throughout the Middle East.
As with the Russian tortoises, they like the Russians, they are among the top loved tortoises for pets and are priced at $200.
They are easily identifiable due to their domed shells and golden-black colors.
It is believed that the Greek Tortoise earned its alternate name, the Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise because of its distinctive “spurs” on either side of its tail.
Greek Tortoises aren’t to more than 10 inches in length and, despite their size, can live for up to 50 years!
The species is advised to have as many hours outdoors as is possible since they like relaxing in a large enclosure. The enclosure they’re in must be at least 18 square feet more. This tortoise is terrestrial, meaning it can not climb and will not require walls higher than its body height.
Whether outside or inside the room should be in an ambient temperature of 75-90 with including UVB light source, a hot basking areas and 40-60 60% humidity.
The tortoises are herbivores. They will consume leafy greens carrots, broccoli, as well as other types of vegetables.
When well-cared for If properly cared for, the Greek Tortoise can be a friend and easy to look after!
Vital Information |
Price: $200 |
Size 10 inches long (many stop growing after 5 inches) |
Livespan: More than 125 years |
The decision to adopt an animal as a pet is a significant commitment Many have lived for more than 50 years. If you think that you will not be able to care for the tortoise for that time, think about buying reptile (uromastyx) with a shorter time frame.
Size is one of the primary considerations when selecting the breed of tortoise you want to choose. There are medium, small and large species that all require different enclosure sizes to be free and happy:
Tortoises by Size | |
Small Tortoises | Greek, Indian Star, Russian, Hermann, Egyptian and Pancake |
Medium-sized tortoises | Marginated and Red-Footed |
Large Tortoises | Sulcata and Leopard |
The majority of tortoise species in the beginning are herbivores.
Hatchlings tend to be less expensive than adults. The cost of tortoises that are a beginner range between $100 to $400 , with Indian Star, Egyptian and Pancake Tortoises considerably more expensive.
Have you got a tortoise in your home? Which one from our list is your personal favorite?
Let The Reptile Bay know in the comments below.